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Everything posted by EmptySoul

  1. thanks. it always strikes me funny how so few guys know what a hymen is lol. EmptySoul
  2. hello. i am perfectly fine with any kind of relationships: I think you only get one life and should be allowed to live it how you want (Provided you're not hurting anyone ) Whatever, it's okay with me, just people have to accept the results of their actions. (i do not really mean any type of relationship in particular) i think no one has the right to judge anyone else, even though we all do because it is our nature. no one is truly better than anyone else. We're all human, right? No matter what you do, or say you're still the same as everyone else in too many ways. -Let live and let be- EmptySoul
  3. hey, you might be bi, you never know. you might try it (something with a girl, and im sure your bf wouldnt care lol) and just see how you like it... EmptySoul
  4. hey everyone...i've been considering sex for a while now, and talking to some guy friends of mine today I heard some things about how much a girl bleeds her first time. Girls and guys, from experience (for the guys i mean with the girl lol) how much does the girl bleed, and is it a lot? I've also heard that some don't bleed at all... EmptySoul
  5. hey everyone. i'm really looking for some opinions here: i want to have sex with my ex boyfriend, we still love each other, but i like a couple other guys and so i didn't think it would be a good idea. maybe i'm reading too much into the emotional part? (afterwards) But i'm worried about it i guess closing off my options with other guys or it making my ex more sensitive about things between me and other guys. any advice appreciated. EmptySoul
  6. IMO you are a virgin unless you have had intercourse with another person. EmptySoul
  7. hey. okay... i've known this guy since i was little and i go to school with him. i got one night with him, then we got back to school and he said some mean things about me, but not directly to me. what he said hurt me, so i was determined to hate him, but he said something about me not talking to him, so that was the end of that. sometimes he'll smile at me or shove me, playing around, but most of the time he just gives me a blank look or doesnt look at me at all. someone said he likes a friend of mine, but who knows if it's true. this is the first time i've ever been interested in someone who i wasn't sure about their interest in me first, so i'm going insane. to make things worse, i've never fallen so hard or fast for someone before. (on top of that his emotions are impossible to read unless he tells you straight out) i can't get him off my mind, and i see him at school every day. any ideas on what to do? i'm really not used to being in this situation... Emptysoul
  8. hey. if a guy called that i knew liked me but i didnt like him as more than a friend, i would still talk to him, but if i missed it i would probably just let him call me back. same thing goes if i like him. EmptySoul
  9. hey! i know exactly how you feel! i'm single now, and staying that way because i'm so tired of all the guys pull! the lying, being two faced, flirting with everything with boobs, etc.! Even this seemingly perfect, blonde, blue eyed awesome guy who everyone told me had the greatest personality and treated girls like QUEENS turned out to be a too. like you said, no offense to that dying species out there (good guys), i just wish some of you would spread your genes or something!!! EmptySoul
  10. thank you for reading my post. my poetry is the only way i can let my frustration and sadness about my life out lately. oh, and thanks for the proverb. EmptySoul
  11. no one, no one but you can listen silently without any judgement when i look him in the eye and tell him it won't work, you're there holding my hand you hold me close as i cry on your shoulder after all the screaming and cursing thrown my way when i feel alone and out of place, i spot you on the other side of the room, smiling at me every time the reflection in the mirror disappoints me you kiss my hair and make me feel beautiful again i look around no one was there holding my hand as i watched him walk away no one held me when i cried alone in my room that night all those times i felt alone, i was and no kisses come to me now you are only the person i pray every day i will find the person without lies and fronts without acting and cruel intentions every day i come home and escape into my dreams, the only place i will ever find you EmptySoul
  12. hey! as someone whos had ingrown nails on both big toes, i suggest going to the doctor, even if you dont want to i really didnt want to either, but after going to camp and having everyone step all over my toes and all that pain i went. i got them worked on, but it wasnt a permanent type thing and they grew back just as bad. so, i finally got surgery on both of them, that kills the nerve so they don't grow out on the side and give me an ingrown nails now! yay . any questions, just ask. EmptySoul
  13. hey! just recently, i went to the doctor and me and my mom have been discussing being put on birth control. She also was reminding me that getting put on birth control isnt her telling me to go out and have sex. I guess, since she always tries to have fun and act my age she remembers what it was like to be my age, so she accepts that it's my choice. i think the best thing to do is just tell your mother whats going on, then she'll have to accept it and get off your back about it. or, if you really would prefer not to tell your mom (because i think it is my business not my moms) then just tell her that it's your life, and she needs to stop worrying about it and trust you to make the right choices. it might be a good idea to remind her of how she felt when she was your age? EmptySoul
  14. thanks everyone. umm... lets see, when i scratched that into my hand it meant a lot of things. "i hate everything about you" is my favorite song (3daysgrace) it alsot went to myself, my father, my friends, and my ex. just about everyone. and also, i'm 14. EmptySoul
  15. hey, i thought it was great. 8) EmptySoul
  16. hello. please don't freak out when you read this, i'm not suicidal. i feel like my life is becoming a big migrane lately. i have 2 relatively close friends, when i had at least 4 last year. my old best friend is saying she actually WISHES AND HOPES i get pregnant and or have to get an abortion and a classmate just made my best guy friends mom think i'm a big slut, so she no longer likes me at all and me and him are not allowed to be alone together. me and my boyfriend broke up, on account of me cheating. i'm glad it's over, but afraid we will get back together and it will be hell all over again. the guy i cheated with, who i thought i was falling in love with, says i'm a "5 finger discount and a slut" and made me sound desperate, and he barely looks at me. everyone says i've become a big bitch lately who screams at everyone. i'm just so tired of everything. when i was at school, i used a mechanical pencil and scratched "I hate everything about you" into the top of my hand. when i got home that day (friday) my dad screamed at me over some stupid thing. i went in my room and screamed and cried. i went over the words on my hand again, pressing harder. now, on sunday night, the words are still there and still hurt. i've started stealing my parents cigerettes and smoking one every few days. i feel like my head is going to explode. i guess i'm just wondering if ANYONE out there feels. like. me. EmptySoul
  17. Yes, this is abuse, and you shouldnt have to put up with it. Also, it wouldn't be wise to sit around and hope for things to get better, they usually get worse. EmptySoul
  18. Wow! If you read my most recent post, it's a lot like that! Me and a guy i've had a crush on kissed on new years eve when i was drunk. i was going to tell my boyfriend and was building up my courage, when he caught me off guard and asked me about it. my automatic reaction was to say "NO! nothing happened" and i did, like 4 times... later he asked me again, and i could tell he didnt believe me now and i told the truth. he broke up with me because i lied he said if i hadnt lied we would still be together. So, my advice is, tell your boyfriend the truth. definitly remind him that you love him a lot during this time. it would make things worse if word got to him before you got to tell him. (p.s. i think my post about my new years eve would be a good thing for you to read ) EmptySoul
  19. Colls, thanks for the advice. Here's the update. (If anyone cares ) First, I've known the guy since I was 5 or before and have had on and off crushes on him for forever. Anyway... I got back to school and he acted normal. My feelings were the same. He told people how I hung all over him and made it sound like I was completely desperate and he'd wanted me to leave him alone. Like, when we kissed, I had been standing in the hallway and he had to piss, so he shoved me into the bedroom out of the way and he ended up kissing me. He told everyone I followed him in there... He's said things about me being loose and everything, and calling me a slut. (I know, I deserve it) His (x-step) sis is also telling everyone that they put mostly juice and water in my drink so I wasn't really drunk. I couldn't even walk! Whatever... I know I deserve this, but it hurts because later I wasn't drunk and I wouldn't have layed with him and everything if I didn't have feelings for him. Plus, the guy told my boyfriend, so we broke up.(I just dont understand why he told when he doesnt like me...) i apologized to my x and we're getting along, but... This is the first guy I've let myself like who I wasn't sure liked me, and look what I get. I guess I'm just venting and wanting to say, NEVER assume anything with a guy, or expect too much, and always remember how someone acts around you may be really different from how they act around everyone else. EmptySoul
  20. hello, um if you've read my most recent posts, don't be too judgemental now. on new years eve i got wasted at a friends.(for the first time!! woo-hoo! ) i hung all over her (x-step) bro the whole time, and he responded and he kissed me once i think. (i was trashed, you know) later, when i was normal again we shared a blanket on the floor, we held hands and talked and he ended up fingering me. he ran his fingers through my hair, and once he put his arms around me and kissed the side of my face. i was more comfortable around him than ive ever been around anyone. anyway, the next day it was about like nothing had happened. he wasn't a jerk or anything, just pretty much how he had always been before at school and everything. he said a couple things i dont think he would have normally said though. i guess i'm just worried, because i think i'm falling in love with him (i really hate to say that, but thats how i feel ) i have a bf who we both have about mutual feelings of dislike against. i'm afraid of going back to school and having him (the guy im falling for) look right through me. i know, i deserve it, it being new years eve and giving him a big advantage. i want to tell him new year's eve was fun, or something, but part of me wants to just wait for him to do something. falling for someone at a party is a pain in the ass, because there is so much going on it's really hard to be sure of how you and everyone else feels, and if it just happened because it was a party. the next day you almost wonder if it really happened at all. any advice is highly appreciated and i'll answer any ?'s that you have. *sigh* EmptySoul (i think this is the longest thing i have ever posted sorry)
  21. hey i can understand why you think what i did was low because it is, but I don't feel bad about it because of what my boyfriend did. (I've confronted him and he lies about it)
  22. thanks everyone, and just in case theres anyone out there freaking cuz i have a bf, i found out today that he told my x bff that he would screw around with her if they got alone, so im glad i went for it and kissed this guy! EmptySoul
  23. hey everyone... the other night this guy i've started to develop feelings for called me and asked me if i wanted to go do something. he is aware of the fact that i have a boyfriend and of who my boyfriend is. i agreed to go; i was sure nothing would happen. we drove around, and just acted like friends. i was loving just being around him. anyway...when i got home he asked for a kiss. i couldn't resist and we frenched real quick then we said bye and he left. i'm wondering if he likes me, because i cant tell. i know the kiss thing seems like duh of course, but the whole 2 hours before, we didn't really flirt we just talked like 2 people who have no sexual attraction to each other and then.....that at the end. EmptySoul
  24. really, i dont think you should be with either right now, because u would still like the other. it wouldn't be fair to the guys. wait and see...eventually you'll be able to tell who u really want. EmptySoul
  25. hey. if you want to be with this girl or something, go for it, but don't do it because the parents (hers or yours) want you to! that's stupid- its your life, not theirs. EmptySoul
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