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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. hey..... wow, i really liked the poem it seems very much powerful and i liked how you related it to the ocean and sea. nice poem. kel
  2. hey, i would like to say welcome to enotalone. i like the post! there may well be a fear of rejection, but what about the fear of missing your chance with a girl that you have liked so long. i dont think it was right to display your feelings over sms, but im guessing it was a split second thing to vent your emotions. personally i feel that you will regret it if you dont speak to her, you have known her so long and visa versus she should understand where you are coming from and i dont believe that she is going to 'reject you as harshley as you assume'. dont miss out on this oppontunity or is there something stopping you? you mentioned distance in what sense did you mean it? is she like a few miles away from you or something? does she have a boyfriend? look ten years and a whole long time to have a secret love so id get yourself out there and let your feeling be known. anyway good look with what you decide. kel dont worry as much, you only live once so take the right paths
  3. hey all, just a question of opinion. not long ago my friend made the decision to have an abortion without consulting the father. unforunatley for me i developed a friendship with both parties meaning i had each sides views to take into hand. i know now that i am no help to him to tell him now as this will guilt rid him of the oppotunity and the absense as he is incapable of doing anything to change this action. what my question is, is that who has the right to know when a woman is pregnant and considering an abortion? both parties or optional to the female? how do people feel about this and what are there opinions. i was unable to change the path of him knowing as i was told the day if this action being made. i feel that everyone has a right to their own knowledge but whats your opinion? thanks and sorry if its a little confusing kel
  4. hey i like your post and yeah i think that everyone has a chance in life and ends up with some good, im glad you found your oppotunity to fit in. and nice! anyway thanks. kel
  5. hey, yeah ive always believed that statement is true, i feel that if you loved them and they loved you then they will come back. it may well be a challange in actually ltting go but is best to do this now and attempt in rekindling it later on instead of getting in too deep and disliking the person thuogh pain caused. i feel that love is very much a precious thing the definition of it variers throughout, if you love her with all intensity and this is returned then she will come back. good luck. kel
  6. hey, good answer white rider i liked it, i guess that kind of sums it up. but i know how you feel im prown to wanting things or people that i cant have and usually i ruin things by going for that or hurting someone else! have you ever noticed that people kind of like you more or seems that way when your already with someone...i think my mates will agree with that . but anyway i dont think i could sum it up better than the others so yeah its annoying really. anyone got a cure? lol kel
  7. hey there, personally i feel that there is a first time for everything and it seems to me that you really like this guy and you can communicate really well so why not make him the first, i completely with tout a doubt think that you should ask him out! he seems like a great person, dont worry about it, dont miss out on your chance. and well go for it, it shows you have confidence and that you always go for goal. good luck kel
  8. hey all, i think im very much the odd one out here because i tend to stay friends with my ex's and in some cases it has even strengthened us (but i dont break up on bad terms too often). i guess people could look at in several ways, some could see it as youve broken up with someone that you gave your all too, and to become friends or even try would be the most difficult thing as you watch them redevlop relations with other people. or you could see it as knowing someone through bad and good, being there for them and remaining there. i dont know theres loads of options. but i tend to stay friends with most of them and on a honest and open level. am i weird for being like this? kel
  9. thanks everyone for the input, im glad of the replies, at least i now know im not the only one who enjoys being 'friends with benefits' wow. anyway i agree with all of the statements made, especially the one of men and women and why they make love or are in love...good point anyway thanks... kel
  10. you go girl im glad that you have decided that he wasnt the one you want, and have let yourself free of the pain. it is hard to become emotionally detatched from the ones you love, and most of the time we still remain with that small feeling of want or desire. im sorry to second your statements made about good and bad, they are very much true. anyway dont hurt him too much emotionally, he could be or want to remain great friends with you. anyway i wish you the best with your future and may you find the right person for you. kel
  11. hey, although that was your ''scream'' i would have liked to help you when you felt like that. although sometimes i feel its good that no ones responded, because then you have vented how you feel, they understand, acknowledge yet allow you to come to terms and make your own opinion on life. she seems like great person, and true there must be two people, the drugs and her. i hope you are alright and wow that was a post good luck in life and the future to come.... kel
  12. hey all... do you believe that it is fair to have such a frienship as friends with benefits? ***(if youve not come accross this term i mean to be just friends but explore sexually with them as if in a relationship?~obviously each cuple within this sets the boundaries)*** dependant upon the answer what are the benefits and let downs to this? thanks for those who can help kel
  13. hey god overstatement of the century! when has it ever been sick to be mates with someone who is younger than you. reacon that he could well be jelous i mean whats it matter when your just mates and talking about phliosophy? im in so the same situation as you, my man sees a threat in this lad whos like a really good mate but hes two years younger than me! why so? i mean hes just a great mate, it seems to me that the younger ones are so becoming more mature than what the lads are today. one its never been sick and two doesnt he think he should give people a chance in life....how much are you betting hes missing out on meeting some great people! go open minded like you are its so much better having a wide range of mates at all ages. so yeah i reacon its an edge of jelousy. kel.
  14. unfortunatley i cannot help with the true understandin of if he can be sent down for life, but i too hope he does. how could a man actually think and then take into action such an event as that. its one of the most dreadful acts that you can do upon anyone. i am ever so sorry for what you and all your family has been through, and i hope that the police catch 'jo' and arrest him. he deserves everything that comes of him...and when he does go down, dont you worry about your brother having to go find him 'and beat him to a pulp so to speak' no one in there will take his sentance lightly and he will get his conupance. how is your cousin is he still ion for tests. its not only now that he can be affected he may contain this till later on if life. good look and all be well for you. kel sorry for you all
  15. i really liked the poem, i feel like that sometimes (usually the emotions are individual to how you put them and then some times i get an overloads, thats when you feel at your worst. so was that poem an ask for help, with you saying 'please help me soon please keep me sane!!' or generally an ending to how you feel. i mean i can listen if you want to talk. im good at that lol. kel anyway great poem, very much heartfelt
  16. just thought id give you the tip that he didnt post ot but jeffery19 did. it might help in your situation. kel
  17. sorry you and which lad do sponatious things? just to get it right. if you have every intent on staying with your boyfriend then maybe you should speak to mark about this and the way he feels for you, i wouldnt say loose his friendship because i believe sometimes friends can be the best thing in the world, but maybe you shoudl display that he isnt a threat, it could help. so it isnt the activities that you do thats a routine just the way he says 'i love you' makes you feel as if he doesnt want to....does he have reason to feel like this? do you feel in any way that there is something missing or he has thoughts about something that is concerning him? have you spoken to him about the way you feel? trust me keep the conversation flowing dont let it gather up. kel
  18. hey, i thought that a key point in your post was the thought that he had become into a routine of saying 'i love you', maybe this coud be part of the problem? is your relationship like a routine or do you work on things being spontanious and first thought or is it just that? a routine. sometimes people can become bored of routines and want to walk away from a good thing. maybe you could do something different with him, but i wouldnt be the one doing all the work in the relationship, i know you say you love him and i see that in what you say but maybe hes finding the relationshipeffortless as he has nothing to do and everythings done for him. do you know how he would feel if you ended it with him? im not sudgesting you should but i think you should be able to establish where you stand also. and with the asking of who looks prettier, maybe he gets annoyed at the fact he has to be asked, if he is with you then he obviously likes you. and being the prettiest thing in the world is special in speach context but make sure the communication and other physical aspects in the relationship are also at that standard. does he see this friend mark as a threat? anyway thats my input for now and i hope you didnt take offence.... kel ---------- love means different things to different people
  19. hey, man im sorry about the situation your in, people today..... i agree with the above posts, i think its awful that he has the sickening mind to even sit down and write something of such content, is he disturbded or something? anyway if you can press charges then id do it now. dont put yourself in danger. did he do this with your girlfriend when he went out with her? he seems a little possesive and under control of the situation! anyway good luck and tell someone about it if you can, keep the letter and save your own back. kel
  20. i suppose that was an ok idea from Nifty_Swifty1, just what happens when they find out? about the playing the innocent or injuried party act....it wouldnt be a pretty site anyway back to the post....in what sense do you mean depressed because some people have different levels to which they say it. i dont think as much so that you can sense in people that they are depressed, unfortunatley my sister was medically confirmed as such and it felt awful not to acknowledge it. so what im saying is no its not that simple to know (in my eyes) i dont think that girls will repel from this if they know you as a person anyhow. and girls dont always go for all smiles on the other hand as sometimes its as if that person is trying to hide something. al things have their advantages and disadvantages. hope this helped kel
  21. hey, thanks for everyone who replied i generally thought the same too. and no need to feel selfish or think i wouldnt appreciate the answer (most important thing in life is yourself)....i can totally relate to that answer, i mean how can you help someone else if you arent stable in its own right (well thats me). i think family and being loved with honestly and trust is also important these are key things in our lives that we grow up with. anyway thanks again kel
  22. hey, i think that is an awful thing to display and at that they do it on tv infront of millions of viewers. anyone at any age deserves dignity and i agree with the before post you should be able to do things at your own will. i hate things such as that it just shows how awful the world is today is there anything we could do about it though? kel
  23. hey generally within a relationship i dont think you take thngs in steps or by what others tell you is the next step i feel that if your comfortable then the 'next stage so to speak' will just come naturally. dont worry about it as long as your comfortable then the world is great. go for it youll find out..... and dont always think theres an order because sometime the other part can feel presurised. good luck kel
  24. hey i wouldnt really go for a lad because of hiscar, and sometimes it can totally put a girl off. i wouldnt act differently even if you did have a sports car. and if you do attract a girl like that then i dont think its the type of person that you actually want to start a relationship with (i mean she liked you only because of your car!) personality is always a great thing to have and someone to relate to. i guess thats just my point of view. kel
  25. hey personally i would go for it also, you cant do that much wrong. i feel that you shouldnt miss out on an oppotunity if she too could possibly like you, if youcve been friends in the first place then sometimes this is better as you already have the trust and know them for who they are. talk to her about it and see how she feels and if you dont want it to be put out their so openly hint slightly ask how would she feel 'hypothetically speaking' good luck kel
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