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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. hey god i started ages ago, if you mean long enough to actually call it a decent relationship then since about 12. but to me i wouldnt say it was all about the age but the maturity of the two people. i wouldnt be phased by others ages as each of us have our own growing up and desion making period. ive got mates now who are 16-19 whos never even wanted to go on a date let alone start dating someone so dont worry about it. how old are you anyway? kel
  2. hey well from what it seems yes she does like you, but i wouldnt do anything to jeapodise the relationship she has now with her boyfriend because she may think its a good idea (if you do so) to play the field, however in the long run if she feels she has made the wrong decision it will be you to come to blames. leave her to do as she wishes, you have let her know how you feel and if she likes you, which she implies by the locking of yes and cheeky smile, she'll know whats the best move to take next. hope this helped. kel
  3. sorry i wasnt implying that she was to be like that (thats why i said some times) but i was just leaving it open to all options. i hope i didnt offend you, its just the answer to which you gave the post. anyhow the hint i meant, was to be something like..... she likes you in a sense that your nice to be around, she gets along with you, respects you for telling her but is with someone right now. and you dont want to break that up lol. so was it a cheaky smile and a quick glance. or. hey i know you smile quick glance? it makes all the differance. kel
  4. hey it could be that shes playing on the fact that you lik her, it seems to me that she is showing you off to her boyfriend and then casually teasing you implying that he could have some competition. it might not be that she wants the attnetion from you but from her boyfriend and how he reacts. shell be playing mind games. a girl likes to play on the fact that you like them they feel as if they are in control, and then to control someone close to them because they have you as a threat to the b/f is even more of a thrill. otherwise she likes you buts with someone and is just trying to make a hint anyway it could be completely different but girls (and guys) can be evil like that some times kel
  5. yeah i tend to agree with swing fox it kinda hits the note correctly. do it as a challange have the fun and then blow them off. its all the challange to either get tham back or play the game with someone else. but i wouldnt say its just women. and yeah men do it. kel
  6. thanks for the help everyone good advice and i like the replies, sorry the thanks is a tad late but only remembered i posted it today. in my dreams idea i generally meant in any way that the viewers read it, it was to your personal opinion. anyway thanks everyone ~kel
  7. cool poem i really like it, i hope they know how much you love them (being if its factual) anyway great work kel
  8. ill check it out if you s say its a good song. ill let ya know what i think thanks for telling of it ~kel
  9. hey i thought that was a really good song, you seem to be really good at poems and songs is it something that you do when you have spare time? i wish i had a talent like that. anyway great work ~kel
  10. hey i think the name of the post is generally what im asking. so i was just wondering what is the most important thing in your lives? sorry if its personal i just need the advice because my prioraties at the min are in the wrong order. so whats the top of your agenda? thanks kel
  11. i would have to agree with Mollyelise. but if i was to also add something it would have to be someone that acts false. i dont like it when people attempt to be something there not. and unfortunatley i also dislike it when people discriminate or stereotype infront of me to look good. be yourself guys and well if the aboce is what you are then good for you i guess. but thats my opinion. kel
  12. hey that was a great poem really heart felt, at times i feel like that when you dont know whats false and who to impress. i miss so many hurdles in life that i want to conquer but just miss them by taking an easy pass. i guess we all want to take a step back for another chance. anyway great poem. kel
  13. hey jonny_has you shouldnt think of girls being such an alienated sex, it seems to me that you worry too much about the situation on hand. you asked on how to become friends with a girl well maybe for starters dont just go for them because their cute. theres girls out there with great personalities that you have yuet to see in true colours. if there new people theres a new start meaning that theyre not going to know your shy pluck up the courage tp start the ocnversation and it will go on from their, trust me were not gonna give you that hard of a time. if its someone that you do know pick a subject that you know their interested in. be yourself, not the shy you but the person inside. remember dont worry about the task at hand like i said just the utcome. hope this helped (and no offence) kel
  14. hey buffalosoldier, i want them to stop teasing me about liking him. Caz is one of my mates, she nows the person who i like and has recentally fallen out with him b/c he did the same to her, i dont understand how she can do it to someone else but hate when someone does it to her. does that help? any advice would be great thanks LJ ---------------- P.S ~ they are real friends but like my name of the post said they dont know when theyve gone too far (we all tease but we should know the limits), especially when the persons says enough is enough! what do you want them to do,stop posting?i dont quite understand what you mean?they dont sound like real friends if they are giving you stick coz you like someone!!! who's the caz you mentioned?was that someone else who was caught out by their friend? _________________
  15. my heart is black my mind is too for every night i think of you for more than once my heart has been broken where a boy takes a piece and keeps it as a token now i come to you with this call to find out once and for all to me love is a word not to be used too frequently but just like sorry its used too lightly ____________________ so my question is to you all can a word be used irrationally and no longer contain as much meaning? thanks listening... kel.
  16. i agree with cOnfUsEdbAbYgUrl, ive never done that to a lad before because i didnt like him, i dont think i would under any circumstances, whats the point in spoiling someones day or being evil. id smile take the number meet up some time have a laugh and gain a new mate. well thats me anyway. theres plenty of other girls out there so i guess my opinion doesnt make a difference but there it is ~kel
  17. i dont think its always because of that sometimes its because you get with the loudest group and you generally become the quietest or dont have anything to say, from then on your labelled and then you live up to it. it can be many things i guess, because your shy it doesnt mean you lack in confidence. me and my twin always say..you are what other people make you as much as you try not to be! (one day someone will beat that saying lol, i did)! miracles do happen ~kel
  18. hey aragorn80, it seems to me that your more active at night you have people and conversations to occupy your mind, and your mates obviously have a better sense than to keep her on your mind and thats why your not thinking about it and thereforeeeee feeling better in my eyes anyway. in the morning well youve got everything to think about and usually in some relationships not judging on yours you may have got used to waking up next to her or having a message on your phone which you dont now. generally after six days if the relationship actually meant something you generally feel like this. do you want to get her out of your mind though? or do you want her back because by deleting all her messages and stuff (well really her number which youve probably got memorised anyway) is not gonna get you anywhere if you still gonna work at it. its your first love, relationship and everything its no doubt that your gonna feel this way. well thats my input hope it helped ~kel
  19. i dont know depends on your personality i guess...but then again it depends on how they feel lol and what they set their limits as. you try and let us know lol kel
  20. hey bzborow, thanks for your input but thats the thing i didnt cheat i was tempted by it but never did because i loved him too much it was what was portrayed and what that other person said to him. i felt like that had hurt him enough and ended it. i wouldnt have cheated on him. but thanks. greatly appreciated. can any1 else help me out?
  21. yeah you both had great advice: sphinx999~can you be subtle in what you say please and maybe find out what hes thinking i know hes really angry and upset with me at the same time, and it seems that he is dealing with it as we were going to meet up and stuff but yeah that would be greatly appreciated, thanks for the advice. man i was stupid wasnt i? charmed~yeah your right i will have to be able to sit back and watch him go out with other people (at the minute he says he doesnt want to, he says too many people have hurt him and then he needs to move away~i guess love can ruin all sometimes) i agree with your advice and thanks for helping me out. lifes never an easy path anyway, we all have to deal with the bad aspects. i would greatly appreciate if anyone else has any advice if not thanks anyway. kel
  22. hey all, ok im not gonna lie so lets get to the situation at hand..... in my eyes i didnt cheat on my now ex boyfriend but to be honest was very much tempted. because i love him i conquered that and moved away from the aspect of even going behind his back. (baring in mind he knew what was going on because i dont lie to him, he knew everything that was happening) so now i decided to end it with him (he didnt trust me) and i didnt want to hurt him in the long run, well the long run came quick when i told him, he wasnt too happy about it at all. i may have considered how hed feel in the future but not at this moment in time. i didnt want that, i didnt want to hurt him (but i didnt want to lie as i thought i was tempted by other people~which id like to state dont want now even though its over) anyhow if i was honest about it which i should have been then i was scared that i had fallen in love with someone and things were just getting too deep~i was scared to be hurt by the ending of it and the future to be of it. i was scared of the depth. how do i remain in a friendship with someone i still love? (he says he wants to try and so do i but is it possible? i know what love is so please dont quote me on it.....with the....'but how could you and why did you' i guess it was one of those split second judgements that you learn to live with and never can change. i just need some advice and would be thankful if you have it......speak freely. thanks kel
  23. i like the poem and if thats not one of your better ones any chance you can show some of them, because i loved that. what are you trying to keep inside (if reality) as it could well help by letting us lot help great stuff anyway ~kel
  24. you havent offended me, infact im glad someone did put it up. i know how you feel were all on here for some reason or another, all seeking advice and yes life does go on. it doesnt mean that we have forgotten just that we are dealing with it. from my own opinion thankyou for the post. we had a two minute silence today (a small group of) and the rest of time we were reminded by the date. we can all deal with it (just all at different speeds) thanks again ~kel
  25. hey, i agree with the above opinion on what should happen and be said and everything. but most of all be yourself, theres nothing more offputting (from a girls point of view here) than person who is flase, who does and say how other people act and then looses something that meant so much to them. so on some counts take your own judgement of the situation, because when your in it then everything will come too you anyway. good luck ~kel
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