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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. nice post and i wonder what the three things would be from the men??? will we ever find yours out? well for me if i was to chose my three aspects i would go for...*drum rolls* 1 he has to have a great personality (meaning really he has to have the ability to make me laugh smile and generally happy) 2 has to have a great set of hands and no how to use them *wink wink* (this is meant in more ways than one, caring and sexual lol) 3 number three hhhhhhm the hard one...tis has to be important....i believe that he has to be himself, i like a man to state his own opinion and be proud of it, id like them to act how they usually act around other people and not come accross false by trying to hard....just be you. (that does roll into one....honest...well i think it does?) how about you then? kel.
  2. soz the comment to nexhial was meant to go to bazookaMike. thanks.
  3. thanks for the advice. i can understand both points of view on what it means and they do fit. it was a guy who said it and like you said he does get too attactched, hes with me every second and then doesnt trust me with any of my male friends. i always seem to find possesive relationships so i'll get over it. but that comment just stunted me and wondered what it meant i thought i knew but just questioned my opinion so i came to you guys. nexhial it was a man and yes he is like that his heart has been broken and through that compares me and doesnt trust me. thanks for the insight. jeremy i thought you hit it in one and i can understand most aspects from your views. thanks for the advice then. kel.
  4. love hurts when u find d rite person, coz every feeling and emotion is amplified, dont crush me, could u imagine d pain id be in? what could be implied by this? confused thanks.
  5. great song loads of emotion and meaning to it, its simple to understand and easy to pick up where the chords etc change. really good.
  6. i know that was posted a while back but whilst browsing i came accross your post and thought you wouldnt mind if i answered it now (despite that i dont think you intended on getting an answer just to let out how you feel, then again i may be wrong). i found that i could relate to that entirely, i also worry of what is to come, im not scared so that i wouldnt face it i just worry if i take the wrong path, i found your post very emotionally touching and warming to hear as you can say you are ready to face all and head into the future, (its not as if we can hold back but that would be a new post for me to start). lol. great stuff anyway and im glad you shared it with us it was lightening of all things and something to learn from thanks. kel
  7. thanks it was something that i would like, glad you took the time to write it up and show us. it was great shame im not reading what you are lol. i posted something not long back on dreams and how they should achieved or if they should and i think that sums it up in one so thanks, by posting that my topic was answered. anything else good to resite? kel
  8. i so agree with that comment you made babes. most are good looking or taken. but within that they have hidden depths like all of us and an inner beauty. there are other fit lads in the world you just have to search real hard. lol
  9. i cannot say that im gay but i dont see why it would be the end of the world, or the possibility of being a reason to end yours. i believe you when your saying your gay also, i dont feel that you would come on hewr to spill your jeart out and lie not that im disreguarding what others have said. and yes there is an issue with telling parents and friends, but if they love you for you then they should accept that. i guess you are still at that stage as you have such high understainding of feeling at the moment. what is it that is that disturbing for you about being gay? is it the reaction in society the reaction of family or like you said the way you feel abnormal to it? you have alot to live for, your young and from what you say are intelligent. you can make something with your llife if you want to work in education then go for your goal. your straight A;s must be a start. and if your already inscouting carry on. keep up all of the things that you are doing and if you could carry on spilling out these problems then do so we will always answer you, or at least i would lol. it would be easier to understand fully other aspects in your life that are relevant to you being suicidal. everyone here are always ready to help. dont ruin your life at this age. it would hurt alot of people, even if you feel it is simple for you think about the people around you. hope this helps. devil_*****_666 AKA: kel
  10. does she get a kick out of knowing that? or does she just nor care? i dont see how you could like to sit on the edge but i guess im not or never have been in your predicoment. meaning ive never had the insight of that feeling. did you say that you had attempted something like that before? was she the reason or is life just not at the highest at the minute? just think if your at your lowist now all it can do is get better, i suppose. it cant get any worse can it?
  11. i dont mean to sound awful when i say this because obviously she is of high importance in your life but why is it that she is so important if she wont give you a chance? you say that she wont listen to you, let you in to her life just to display how that you have changed let alone start a relationship. im not saying give up but it seems that she is laying down a barrier that your not going to be able to cross quickly. was the break up recent? or has she got someone else in her life? i dont see why you have done something so incredibly vile that she wont even consider a friendship. keep at it but like i said dont be too persistent. she wont respect you for it. maybe give her time if thats what she needs, but let it go so far that the both of you become hurt by it. sorry to be blunt. kel
  12. its another good song, i feel that you made a right move in the way you built up the emotion, i believe more so with this song it would be easier to understand if listened to (easier to relate to). i can understand the lyrics though. great piece.
  13. no you havent done anything wrong if you did what you said and talked to her 'gently' but i guess shes just feeling a bit hurt by it all probably unsuspected. i wouldnt say you were a player or dirty for a girl that you had no longer got feelings for just facing the facts in my eyes, what would she prefer you going of with other girls instead of telling the truth! shell get over it, and dont listen to the things she had to say she just wasnt expecting it. dont worry just leave her be and try to become friends out of the whole thing (thats if you want to and if she lets you)!
  14. thanks i see your point, at least it gives us some hope that dreams do come true, im glad yours did. and thanks for the advise, for any dreams i do have i will work for them.
  15. that was one hell of a song, i thought it was great, shame like you said that all the emotions felt were real. it was great and keep it up i just hope you dont have to break your heart every time you think of a new song. i dont see how it makes you a weak bastard but like you said that your opions and choice. great song. 0X
  16. that was a great poem i could really relate to it. it would be nice to hear anything else you have. keep it up its a real winner.
  17. i dont like writing poems but i just wanted others opinions on what they felt about dreams and wishes coming true does it ever happen or is it just fluke? if a dream was to be a wish, and a wish come from the heart, then this this wish would be fillend with emotion and without it wed fall apart, if every wish was answered meaning every dream come true, the world would then be filled with a million deja vu, if everything was repeated the worlds would never go round, as every wish made has a contradiction, for every life saved another is taken, as not ALL dreams, wishes and emotions that come from the heart are filled with love, commitment and a brand new start! is this why all dreams dont come true? because not every dream is for the better? whats your opinion? is there a point in spilling out all hopes dreams and desires or just a waste of time? i dont know anymore.
  18. hey, to start with there are other people who react the same way you do at parties or other places, each person feels more comfortable at one place than another, this doesnt thereforeeeee mean that yu have an attention disorder just that your comfortable with what you do. if sometimes you go over the top then maybe tone it down a little but still enjoy yourself. being shy is not that bad a thing you just need to be totally comfortable with yourslelf and gain yourself more of a trustworthy group if you were being straight up about being surrounded by hurtful people, is there not one key person in your life at the minute? to me i wouldnt say that the amount of people i have been out with would reflect me in life more so the weay that they treated me but still if thats the way you feel i will have to relate to that. what is it that has been wrong in your life to mould you into what you are now, i am yet to see the true depths of your problems, yet would still like to help if wanted. if that was your plee than i hope i have helped, but if there is anything else you would like to talk about then just PM me *devil_*****_666* AKA kel
  19. it must be a big deal for you to write about it and obviously you have dramatically changed for you to want to prove this. what was it that made her change her feelings towards you, obviously that aspect has not changed or she just doesnt want to hear it. work on the way that you are around her she must feel that something isnt right, or maybe she just doesnt want to get hurt. a woman (or man) cannot be forced to love someone even if that person has changed for the better, you can work on these feelings in the way you are together but dont push whatever relationship or friendship you do have away by being too persistent. give her time and work with her. maybe she does need space. hope this helps *devil_*****_666* AKA kel
  20. hey babe, it was a good walk, we do try to make you focus on your love life and deff want to take you out like we thought. we all know how you feel and yes at points we do remember your a virgo lol. you have got a lot to live for (like you said your barely 15) erm all your mates love you and if it takes a day out in the woods to make you happy why not spend the whole six weeks there we can handle that. just remember were all willing to help you through any rough patches and humour you in any ways possible. see you when you get back and the plans for your 15th will go ahead, it will be a day for a fresh start (and to remember ) see ya soon babe luvs ya, us 2 and all the others (you know who we are ) miniature gardian angels all in separate ways. xx
  21. i thought that was an amazing poem , you were definatley able to show all of your feelings, however if you can display this here why are you so certain that you cant get her back, if you have changed and possible that the old you reflected on why she went why cant you tell her how you feel now? have you complately lost her? or can you not express the way you feel and how you have changed in words? then again you said you didnt want to hear all that sort of stuff, so yes the poem was good and i feel you are right to think of what you want. carry on with the way you are writing its great.
  22. if i was to be truly honest i have yet to feel how you feel, although i can relate, there are times in each persons life where parts of them and their fellings for themsleves change, i can relate to the feeling of worry around new people or relationships but to not try you will regret. no one is ugly inside and out its just they have yet to find their true potential and depth, you are most likely to be a wonderful person who can live out all hopes and dreams as soon as you learn to love yourself. go back to the mirror tell yourself that you worth more than the way you feel, you are attractive and you can change. if a person cannot love you for your personality they are obviously vain, and i have yet to love for looks. this shows hidden depths, you have a lot to live for and to end life now would be a great loss to those who you could touch. dont give up too soon, regret if fatal feel free to talk to me devil_bitch_666 (AKA
  23. i can understand how you feel, weve all had these feelings where we express them and they seem to take it in, love the fact that you like them and then play on it. it seems that you have a lot of love for someone, but keep on writing you are amazing, i love what you can do with the words, it does touch the heart. keep us posted with your writing, i reacon wed all love to hear them....
  24. my friend is 21 and she hasnt started her period, is there something wrong with her? is she a freak 0X
  25. does a long distance relationship actually work? like i said in another problem uve been with my man for four months now, but the distance does bother me, could this be a reason why i go of looking (at other people). he trusts me and i trust him, but i dont think i trust myself........can you help me? what would be your advice?
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