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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. hey ~Hopskotch~ it seems to me that you really like this guy for you to come and post about him and attempt to change, in my thought your just like me..you find someone who is just great you spend your time building a friendship into a relationship (being the fun part) and then for some reason you either loose interest or get bored. have you ever noticed that it happens when youve found that great guy. well it does with me. stick it out and hell yeah you can spice it up, get what you want girl and it seems to me that your gonna try and stick with him, so just enjoy it. someone told me once that you always loose the things you want because you never give it a chance to become something special. and you saying that youve never really had that 'special relationship' well just wait because trust me you wont loose interest easily. hell be on your mind 24/7 good luck with the dilemma it'll work out. ~kel
  2. hey there winkybear, i agree with everyone else who has posted to you i think that you should tell your parents about the way you are feeling (dicscuss the fact that you feel alone and that their never in the house and your left with the wicked witch aunt) and i can so agree with the statement about friends and not being able to trust them, but it seems to me that maybe you shuld vary in what you tell people, and if they betray that trust then you cant exectly call them a friend...anyway if you have a problem with confiding in friends around you then talk to us lot...well listen honest and well give advice and feedback. what more could you want (joke) you ask away still if you want someone to talk to then just pm me ill listen dont get yourself too caught up ih things youll get a lil stressed ~kel
  3. hey that was a proper chillin poem mate (shame about the abuse afterwards) anyway hows the cat? chillin oh and are you happy today? ~kel (and other friend with me nat)
  4. i liked the poem, you said you writ it a few years ago so do you not feel like that any more or does the feelings remain the same? anyway great poem ~kel
  5. great poem i really liked it, if she didnt know how you felt then she sure does now. that had a whole lot of meaning and simple to understand. whilst being simple it put accross some of the hardest emotions to withstand....love. anyway good luck. ~kel
  6. i deffinitley agree with MoleyElise and babes. ive never seen that as cheating just having a good time instead of sitting in the corner and dancing with no one. get up there and enjoy yourself
  7. talk about pooring your heart out (way to get in the viewers though~nice name lol) anyway i thought that was a really great poem, i guess a lot of people can relate to things such as that. anyway keep up the good work. ~kel
  8. hey pimpcess. i thought that was a great poem, im guessing this is relevant to you? if so they seem like they mean one hell of a lot to you hold on to them...or if not great poem anyway and i can so relate to it. keep up the great work (your poems always seems to be gd) ~kel
  9. everyone makes mistakes it just seemed to make a big differance and i got confused.....but yeah you go for it i believe that you seem to have alot of faith in yourself and youll go far. so good luck ~kel
  10. no way are you the only one! dont you worry youve got a girl out here who is exactly like that......why arent we allowed to show affection? i love my mates like my family and if they happen to be lads it doesnt mean that im flirting 24/7 just affectionate. so you go girl and continue, i wouldnt change that aspect about me for anyone. uk girls! kel
  11. as an addition to my comment i so agree with pimpcess you go girl (we are like that in the u.k but i also agree with sweetypie it does change with culture...like that advert (the one with the hand gestures and showing your feet its ok in one part of the world but rude in another!) slightly confusing but thats the way it is. so slight contradiction. but like always it depends upon the situation. ~kel
  12. i am glad that you feel comfortable with your sexuality and am certain to stick with my advice i gave before, i believe it is correct for you to tell your parents as long as you feel comfortable... one doubt that i have... i hope you do not see yourself as gay because of this as it doesnt make you that but also i take into consideration that you did say.... if thats what is in your heart then follow it i believe mostly on maturity not age. follow your heart and if you make a mistake your only the one to blame good luck ~kel
  13. hey sphinx999 depends upon the body language and eye contact during that i guess, but if its a general hug or holding hand no i wouldnt say so its just affection being displayed....watch out for other signs though. lol ~kel
  14. it seems to me that you are reading into things alot more than what you hould do, go into life with an open mind dont have any expectations just take the hurdles that come along the way (do have expectations but for like life and careers not what other people are seeing within you). meet new people and if that phase is really bugging you completely get it out of your mind now lol. think of my signature lol.... dont regret things and be a little more optomistic. what makes you think that everyones reactions are so bad? (and who got you that book! sue them or whatever you studied lol.) anyway you'll be ok. ~kel. if you want to talk pm me (hope i wasnt evil-didnt mean to be)
  15. i totally agree with the statement that life is worth living (my grand parents also had cancer....they passed on a while back) and i believe that everyone should take the time they have to fulfill any desires, hopes or dreams in the time given. im exactly like you in one retrospect it takes a big deal for me to actually be kicked back in reality, it seems that the small things or even love seems a great deal until something dramatic happens and then you think to yourself how stupid you were over worrying about something so minor. i hope your work mate lives there life to the max...and good luck for the future (both of you) make sure you enjoy it ~kel
  16. hey, i cant actually say i have had that same feeling at school but at times i have felt alone, it seems to me that your a nice person are you shy at all then? or do you genuinely feel like that you dont fit in with people? why is this? it seems to me like you said that you irregulary go out with people out of school arent there anything that you can join at your school (being 15 are you into any sports) or even out of school theres loads to do and more people to meet, id go for an extreme sport if you want to meet some unique people. i dont know. do you meet a lot of people online if you dont go out that much. its always gd to meet people like that as long as its safe but you never know. i like the quote at the bottom.... that is so true ... there are so many things ive wanted to say, you darent and then when you want to the moment has gone. dont regret it i learnt not to, just say how you feel it might help a little. anyway hope this helps and i hope you find a larger and better group to be with just dont loose any one close to you in the mean time. good look ~kel
  17. *speech less* wow with one word that i can say at the minute....that was the utter most amaing thing i have read (more than one word but still..thoughts have returned, and with new ideas and recollection of thought) thankyou so much for that post and wow! no one could have said that better. thanks for posting it again... ~kel
  18. hey, i completely agree with Dashel, i would like to start with the name of your forum first 'finding love' to me there isnt a way for you to actually find love it generally comes to you, you cant set out to gain something you need it to come naturally just to make it that special and real. anyway you dont have to worry all the time about trying so hard or making sure that you say the right thing, by saying something for starters is great. work at this gradually you wont get it wrong if its right to you, and dont worry about the looks that much other wise you find millions of faults that arent even there, like they say its inner beauty and you need to find a person that can see that. if i remember rightly you said that you werent that bad looking anyway and if you can feel yourslef putting on weight and its annying you go to a gym or something but dont worry honest. please dont stress over it. your not that old at all just wait for your time and it will be right, just enjoy your life dont worry. i can remember someone saying something along these lines before.....dont pray for a miracle two seconds before the wish/action is going to come true. anyway good look and you will find the right person. hope this helped ~kel
  19. hey, yeah that is true (i take and a health and social course so we have to learn about things like this) it actually means that you are telling the truth if your pupils are dilated not that you love them....however if you are to say you love someone when your pupils are dilated then it is perfect you cant do any better lol. hope this helped. ~kel
  20. Nah personally i wouldnt see a problem as long as that person wasnt discriminating against someone or using it in any sense other than good. i wouldnt see the problem but then im from a young age group i guess so it could be different for others. but i sometimes use the word (being a girl and also some of my girl and guy mates). thats my point of view hope it helps ~kel
  21. hey my names actually kelly but still the neva_black_n_white is what i chose. anyhows to me number three and four are completely different with no meaning doesnt neccessarily mean they are being rude they could have been on a bad day or a great day and day drwaming and you just happen to be where their staring (thats obviously your personal opinion but thats what i meant i guess) yeah there could be a number 5 and that could be the option but if it is then that woman obviously wasnt worth worrying or stressing over to be that rude. anyway thats my idea on it. hope it helps. ~kel
  22. i agree with bzborow1 (not with the slow aspect) with the point made about making an expression or action back. i wouldnt just sit around and not do anything (because i know for a fact that it would bug me for the next couple of hours on what that expression actually meant). so yeah just smile back or somehting you'll get the answer you need. but my opinion would be either 1: she is just in a world of her own and isnt actually looking at you just straight through you (no offence) 2: she likes you and happens to be staring you way for that long she actually thought you would make some input (maybe smile) but no you dont and gives up 3: shes just starring at you with no meaning behind it 4: being rude (but i'd take the first three options) hope this helped ~kel
  23. from a girls point of view, ive always preferred being the one to go for the lad (it shows your confidence even if you are shy i mean not many girls like it that way) i wouldnt think you'd be that shy after youve plucked up enough courage to go over there and say hi anyway. it seems to me that you need to get out there and take your chances if you want to start a convo in your convertable then do it that way or in a mall. personally i find it easier to talk to people when i dont know them anway, youve got more to learn. besides its great meeting people on different levels. get out there and be yourself, you'll feel a whole lot better for going upto the guy that you want (at least you know you'll like him, you picked him) just make sure he's got a great personality first. anyway gd look and i hope you try it. hope this helped. ~kel
  24. i think that was a great poem i could completely understand it. thanks for posting it. it was really good. ~kel
  25. hey spencerbandit88, it seems to me that you like this girl alot (i dont know how old you two are) but maybe shes a little intimadated by the whole inviting her back to the cabin aspect. i'd let that one go for a while. from what ive read and mybe you have more posts but i havent seen them it seems that youve got a good friendship going there (if your capable just to talk for that long on a phone lol). so when you said that this was you around her ( ) does this mean your quite or just dont express your feelings? if your quiet then it seems like you have the same friendship as one of my sisters (but for text with her) she seems to be able to comunicate on a non first hand level and then shys of, maybe you could work on your confidence a bit more. if you just cant express your feelings then make a hint, ask her out just you two some time, state the obvious and just go for it. you only live once and even if you dont see her much make the effort go to her or meet half way. hope this helped but got slightly confused with the emotion lol. ~kel
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