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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. seems like a great poem to me. keep writing it. i really liked it. ~kel
  2. hey hoodlifestyle, do not kill yourself, trust me people will mourn they will cry and they feel exactly how you feel right now (and you yourself obviously know that isnt a great feeling). personally i feel that it seems like you do want to socialize like you said you just feel like the third wheel, well why not take that chance, say what you have to say and meet new people. to be shy isnt the end of the world and shouldnt relate into the reason of being the end of yours. everyone has their qualities and everyone is missed so please dont kill yourself. try out new clubs like other members said, get out of your basement and meet new people. live your life. we all have different stages that we have to over come and this is yours it will get better. schools always hard (i know because im in it, and i can say from a person seen as quite loud and gets along with people, that also isnt the best thing. to some people myself and my friends are shy but they have yet to know them as they are). it seems you need to get out there say hi to the people in the corridoor get yourself a crew and show people the real you, dont hide away and dont use a gun or anything else to kill yourself. youve commented on it taking you to hell and im guessing you dont want it so please dont try it. when times are hard come and talk to people on here. Pm/ email/hotmail/aim me i can talk to you. trust me there are people who want to help you and you will make some great mates. everyone at this forums are here to help hope this helps and im here if you want to talk, just dont give up. ~kel
  3. i guess everyone else has really stressed on the fact that yo are 14 but to me that is just an age (i guess to some degrees i can see whats being said but still). i feel that it is all about maturity and you feel that it is right and the decision is the correct one for you then i would go straight ahead and for you goal. it seems that there has been a vast amount of stereotyping and this will not be a simple thing to do 9in some cases) but if it in you heart and like you said youve considered this for the last 2/3 years or 3/4 i feel you have probably gone over a lot of this in your mind. i agree with the statement of everyone having a change in sexuality and change of mind but if thats the way you feel and are confident enough to tell you family then do so. if you dad is to sit you down for hours make your feeling procise and clear, really i believe its showing that he cares. dont worry if your family are really loving and supportive as said you dont have much to worry about (i guess) hope the best for you and maybe this helped. ~kel
  4. hay eclipse, it seems to me that this possibly could be the time where shes either healing or just needs a break from the two of you. it sometimes better after a relationship has ended to have this, it doesnt neccesserally mean that you can no longer be friends just need time to justify yourself to that feeling. i also found in some relationships (afterwards) we both have the same feeling of if we should ring and if we miss one text or one phone call is it write to send another, well yes it is because you begin to feel the same (only in some circumstances not all thought id state this now). she may feel as if she wants to remain friends and just worries of if to call or not. did you talk about keeping a friendship afterwards maybe she didnt realise it. it seems like your a good person to acknowledge that there will be no more 'relationship' and shows that you are trying. my advise to you would be to pick up the phone and ring her you'll find the answer you need and then you wont have to worry anymore... hope this helped... ~kel (read signature)
  5. to me that seems that they like you and either find you attractive or you have a rally great personality. this is usually said when someone cant have you in my eyes like you said they are attatched. although it does counteract that sometimes and someone may say this because they dislike you and use them as a 'keeping the friends idea' type of thing. i guess it depends upon the person, how are they around you? what is the company and conversation like? majority of the times they just find that they really get on with you and thats why they say it (just to let you know they do like you but are taken and arent going to jepodise that). hope this helps, i think thats what you wanted to know. ~kel.
  6. sometimes i feel that people say and do things from a gut instinct and not though out, im not saying for everything because like you said i also have TRUE friends that have purposely gone out to hurt others. i wouldnt say there is an excuse for it as an action is an action once done unfortunatley cannot be taken away. prevent it. i feel that some people warm to others much more quickly and like you said are there for you when required, so why can they turn with other people? yes they do have a soul or a conscience but because of them doing that maybe it makes them feel better, that doesnt make it right im not saying that but i guess thats how they feel. i dont know i wouldnt honestly feel like i have done somethiing brutally evil or betray someone. and have yet to lie for someone or about something. i guess this didnt really help. but from what you asked that would be my first thought of how to answer. great questions though, i'd like to see what others answers were. and in some way at all even small i hope this helped neva_black_n_white AKA~kel
  7. that was a really good poem it was really effective and to a degree something i can reflect on at parts. it tells pretty much of a story and im glad you learnt to love your life (if representing you). great stuff. thanks for sharing it... kel
  8. great piece of work it deffinatley gives you a lot of insight in a creative way, i believe you can get a few more peoples attentions if we were to be shown it as such ways as that. im glad your recovering from it. and thanks for posting it. its really good. devil_bitch_666 AKA~kel
  9. great poem, and if thats how you honestly feel then i figure that you'll be missing out if you dont give it him. just go for it theres no way that he wont understand how you feel now and i believe anyone would love to receive that as a poem. great work. and since your only gonna live once go for it big time and give it in person not via e-mail. (well thats what id reccomend) hope this helps ~kel
  10. to me im actually quite proud of the scars ive got, each has a story or something to talk about, i quess i love my body the way it is, im nothing special myseld but im proud og what i have 9this doesnt mean i flaunt my body but when it comes to going to the beach like you said i deff wear what i want and i dont hide from peoples opinions-(to me they themselves are lowering there status whilst blatantly out voicing there rude opinions!) although from what i hear my scars are some what minor to yours, youve got something to say youve lived through where others havent i mean anything to do with you heart must be a major thing right? i have a friend and she had a kidney transplant and through it she gained confidence partcially through others views she learnt not to care about others POV's and she is so much more confident for it, she no longer tries to hide it. i guess this scar to you is the one thing on your body that your wary about and in a way thats natural, as you worry about your scar others worry about their height, weight, personality or body features. we all have what some could say is a 'fault' but we learn. if keeping in shape helps you deal with this then carry on but from what i see there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. everyones perfect how they are. each to their own though, and i hope this helped (probably not but thats my input) i hope you can get over the shame that you have. thats me being honest ~kel
  11. hey, i agree with secret_agent_man, there isnt anything really that we can change about our heights i guess we just have to deal with it. and from a girls perspective (im 5'8/5'9) i love taller men, the man im in a relationship with right now is around 6'1/6'2 and its great. i dont see any faults and he doesnt have a problem with the height differance. besides once you get to know someone and like there personaility and additional aspects that you love height doesnt really come up in a conversation that often. personally i wouldnt get too self conscious just live with it and enjoy it. you'll find a girl who completely adores you. just go for it. ~kel
  12. thanks for your input EmptySoul im greatful of you answering eaither of the two and i too also have the same thought on it (bf doesnt) thats why i asked everyone else. thanks again ~kel
  13. Thanks everyone you all have equal points and youve deffinately given me enough of your opinion for me to understand that each has a differance on what it is or possibly that it means exactly the same for each. Ash~i think your on the same lines as me with the luv love situation and i have the same thoughts on which has more importance (i guess we should establish the other persons views on this in the relationship first) massinova~i feel that your contribution opened up my whole opinion towards this aspect and am greatful for you views. s4il~i agree with the point made about it becoming a relationship, and as stated before it is that already i just wanted others views as an insight. thanks for the help all of you. im really greatful. ~kel
  14. i have two questions that really annoy me and were wondering peoples views on the following: 1: is there a differance in love and luv? 2: is there a differance in seeing someone and going out with someone? im in a steady relationship so this doesnt worry me its just that we have different views. thanks for listening and i hope you can shed some light on either of the two. ~kel[/b]
  15. thanks you always seem to be able to help me (back of hol and still love him lol). neway i get your point on you saying it and the response being similar to what he would say i can agree with that and wow you two really do match up, scary but nice. i will have to boost his confidence i just find it difficult, like him i would do anything for him and would be there at any point it just seems at times he pushes you away and then draws you back in just to make sure no-one gets hurt. i know im going to stand by him its just the advice i need on how to help this situation. the 'holiday' was simple and i did meet people i guess but i never wanted to be near anyone else i guess i always had him on my mind. do you think i should remind him of how i feel....(i had no signal or places to go to call him whilst away so we only spoke maybe three times, and ive only just got back.....i want to call but i dont know he will feel, because of him slightly not trusting me). ill wait for your advice i guess and it seems very much so that you are a talented person from what i here. thanks for the help. kel
  16. the one i like best is the...'you have not failed if you are still trying' its encouraging and works on most grounds, it gives you an overall view to something and not pin pointing so it makes you think. its really good.
  17. wow that was a sensational poem, i found it very moving and hard to read as i could relate to it, every word is true and i think too that another angel was needed, my nan and grandad dies from cancer and i saw them go through it its awful, i hope you are doing well. and thankyou for sharing it with us. the sky must be filled with angels, since everyone who is special seems to be taken away
  18. yeah i understand completely what your saying and i feel that you understand him pretty well (to a pin point even) he seems very much like you and from that it means that you are actually helping one hell of a lot im glad you dont mind listening because i can spill for hours trust me i can beat your 'basket case' lol, but i didnt get you with the suicide you ok? dont want to find out that you have done anything like that. scary. i agree with you saying that he needs to work more on his self as he does lack in confidence i feel, and like you say he tries so hard to please others spites himself and then pushes the closest away. he tries to succeed for everyone else instead of himself, because i know he has goals set because he is a really good artist or drawer because he doesnt see that hes amazing with computers and stuff yet he does things to please others. he needs to see how good he is and work on this like you said. how do you think i can help him? (i going on holiday tomorrow and he doesnt like the thought of that either-going without him, with a few of my cousins, girl thing i suppose) so i cant really talk to him that much...what if he has changed his feelings by the time i get back? i dont think he'll leave me but he may give up and we'll have to restart the whole process. anyway i guess i will talk to you in a week and see what happens i guess....dont go through with that suicide comment please....you are a great person. and im sorry too that your ex didnt see that, did she nottry to make things work? see you soon and thanks ~kel truly greatful for your advice, keep it coming lol...we'll beat the forum.
  19. (lol, forget about the forum bet the entire record lol ) he does love me, or in some seemingless way that isnt too attatchable he attempts to set himself up to be ditched, in an attempt no to be hurt, not getting emotionally incolved and not acknoledging he is pushing that person away in the process. he does love me and i trust him when he commits in saying that theres just no trust he believes im going to leave him and im not i just dont want this to get to the point where i do it to prove him wrong like he does with others. i couldnt see myself without him now that i have him he's...he's everything i want but doesnt have the self belief that is honestly his. he has so many great mates and family yet he feels he is trapped scared of the consequences. i want to help him and like you said i should sit him down and talk about it...i guess i gave up last time, or thats what he thought when i explained how difficult i was finding it.....but i guess its not easy when you love someone it cant just be given to you, you have to work for it right?....i will tell him how i feel and that i am sticking with him. thanks for the advice.....anything you want to talk about? because i seem to be spilling all my worries on you? sorry anyway thanks for the advice and you must be a great person if you fit my b/f bill. lol ~kel
  20. lol, carry on replying, we will beat it! thanks though your advice does help me, alot actually. the thing is to me its not a reputation as i see it its just that before me he had only had one relationship and that was minor he seems to feel that thereforeeeee my count stand as a reputation it isnt it just mean ive been hurt so more god damn times lol. i dont know to me it seems like he never wants to realize the true facts, he doesnt believe me when i say i love him and he just hits a joke about others ive been with. forget about hints i might as well smack him over the head screaming it and he still wouldnt listen (well he would but wouldnt take it in). he always talks about the way he doesnt love his family, he doesnt like to get close to people and his goal is to prove them that he can do better (he doesnt mean this in a 'big-headed' way just that they never give him credit for what he does and he believes everyone is watching in on his life, he says im different and that im his escape route etc. he tells me he loves me but doesnt acknolodge that i dont want anyone else. maybe im just another piece to the puzzle hes trying to make, it seems to me he makes everything difficult for the people around him so that nothing affects him. should i speak to him about this or would he justbe hurt by me being like everyone else. im fed up of him comparing me is it worth while. i dont want to hurt him kel. thanks and i guess it is doomed because i cant see when hes going to trust me
  21. sorry to add this notice to you but this woman that you are talking of (in my eyes machine) has yet to be created. i feel that us women have a better life than to hang around with someone who controls rules such as that we are of much higher societal status and now have our own opinions, and we deserve. enjoy your time searching and post to let us know if you can find her. thanks for the post though. the most decent bit was that you desire us to spend vast amounts of money on our selves, clothes and shopping! just give us a life! devil_bitch_666
  22. hey Just_smile, well i think that if voth of your men like you for who you are then theres no need to be comparing what you both look like and what men want. why do you need to know others opinions if you have already got your man, dont change for him be yourself and enjoy it he obviously likes you for who you are. but guys keep on giving the answers because im guessing all us other girls want to know what you like. lol. so my advice to you is to not compare what you and your twin have but enjoy it shes probably comfortable with her size and you with yours. to me i feel that if a girl is to be quite slim anyway and then have out of proportion curves would just look wrong dont you think? and a girl wos a bit bigger looks better to have the curves, everyone is individual so dont compare someone who is as close to you as your twin (maybe the next door neighbour lol) hope this helps devil_bitch_666 ~kel
  23. yeah that did help thanks, i kind of talked to him about it the other day when he brought up past relationships and made a dig at me for who ive been out with, it seems that he is very self consious of if i am going to stay with him because i am good mates with some of my ex's. he realised how much it hurt me for what he said and the lack of trust and changed SLIGHTLY for me. he still worries maybe i can never change the way he feels. i guess a girl cannot loose the reputation that he has labbeled me to be. but thanks i see your pount, i only wish he could be as understanding as you. thanks again ~kel.
  24. amazing song, the song is so powerful as you so strongly set acroos your emotions and feeling towards everything. the lyrics are easy to follow making it so much easier to understand great song.
  25. thanks, it is an insight, i understand and respect his views just dont like the aspect of not being around my lad mates (most of my close mates are male i seem to find easier to talk to them). he doesnt understand this and as i come accross naturally flirty he thinks im going of with other people when really im not, im just being me. isnt that what you would want? for a girl to be themself? i dont know i can work on it i guess, maybe im just giving up too soon. like you said though even if she was to go with someone else you would still love her and thats the same for me, i do love him, i just dont think he knows that. thanks. kel
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