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Everything posted by Biffy

  1. chatbot, if she does initiate contact with you be prepared that it may just be out of curiosity or to use you as an emotional crutch. Don't let yourself be her safety net, let her know (if she comes sniffing back around) that it's relationship or nothing. And as everyone has said in the mean time focus on you and what you want to do.
  2. I know frisco and believe... you got the point accross alright! Top advice as always dude. Hope all is well in your world.
  3. Hey John, Don't put a time limit on your grief. Just keep doing as these guys tell you; the wisdom on these boards is humbling, I wish I'd discovered it long ago. Keep your chin up sir, you're doing great. Iain
  4. Keep going buddy, you're doing great. Speaking of smoking... I quit on New Years Day and started again within half an hour of being dumped. Quitting's on my "to do" list!
  5. You said it yourself - you KNOW you're setting yourself up for pain later. "she even said if u meet somebody to hold back" The cheek of it! She's using you, wake up sir and tell her that she needs to treat you how you deserve to be treated - as a partner... or she can hit the bricks.
  6. These tests you speak of - can you start a thread with a list of them and how best to respond?
  7. Thanks Dogg, I 've read a lot of your tips on dating and it made a lot of sense to me and I'm trying to apply it where I can. Although I've never allowed myself to be walked over in a relationship I can see room for improvement in not being too much of a nice guy. We'll see how this one goes!
  8. One thing is for sure, I will rib her about this one day if it goes anywhere. As far as the 2nd date goes, I made sure I arranged it at the end of the last date.
  9. Interesting theory. Without blowing my own trumpett, if there was one overriding positive about me it would be my sense of humour. My ex dumped just over 2 months ago. I at first begged, pleaded and sulked - VERY attractive. Now that the dust has settled she contacts me all the time and I'm my usual self and am always upbeat and funny when I do hear from her but in very small doses, always "understaying my welcome" as superdave puts it. It makes her contact me more and more. Why is she relentlessly contacting me? What's her motivation? I don't know but I'm guarding my heart so to speak, not allowing it to get to me. If she comes back to me she comes back, if not I'm moving on nicely.
  10. I'm doing a lot better in regard to getting over my ex thanks for asking. I do still love her and against my better judgement do still want to be with her but that's out of my hands. The ex still relentlessly contacts me despite me telling her that I can't be her friend only her partner. Very odd. So yeah, I'm trying out dating and see where it goes.
  11. Thanks guys! I take it I shouldn't respond to it? Maybe I'll tease her about it on the next date??
  12. Hi folks, I met a lovely young Canadian lady last week - after reading many a tip from folks on here I approached her, made her laugh, had a little chat and then got her number. We went out for a drink last night and it went really well. I know it went really well because she sent me a text afterward that said "Hey Sib, it went really well, he's such a lovely guy. Can't wait to see him again. Speak later. xx" Now, this text appears to be meant for someone else... my name sure isn't Sib. Do you think this was a genuine mistake or do you think she sent this accidently on purpose?
  13. Hey dude, Sorry you're going through this - I am too in very similar circumstances, except my wounds aren't as fresh as yours. I'd advise you to not try and be her friend - there needs to be a lot of time and space before you can consider that. Take a read of this, it's a helpful guide on dealing with an ex in the workplace. Keep your chin up.
  14. I couldn't agree more, those 2 should club together and write a book.
  15. Nice guy, Read this thread - it fits your situation and should help you I think.
  16. The wording is perfect, the delivery sucks. I was dumped by email and it stung but we'd been together a lot longer than a few weeks. I'd encourage you to at least say it down the phone.
  17. The first couple of days after my break up I drank my body weight in Jack Daniels, smoked a ridiculous amount of weed met up with an old FWB etc. I basically lived like I was a member of Motley Crue for a couple of days. Then I got my head back on straight, hit the gym, started eating again, knocked the booze on the head and concentrated on finding myself again. It's ok to fall down in the wake of a break up it's just not ok to stay down there.
  18. really nicely put hope, that has really hit home with me. Thanks.
  19. Very well said Scout, I think you're spot on. If after some introspection you decide that you genuinely still LOVE the person - that you're sure that what you're feeling isn't desperation then why not give it one last try at reconciling? It's better to regret something you have done that something you didn't do.
  20. With you on that one brother. My ex contacts me all the time... and really has nothing to say to me. I never initiate it and when she does contact me, I am just myself and don't let her know I'm still hurting and wanting her back. I don't understand why she keeps contacting me as I made it very clear that I'm not interested in being her friend.
  21. You think he decided to bat for the other team??
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