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Everything posted by Biffy

  1. Hey folks, Some advice please - My ex is slowly but surely bringing me my stuff back... after 3 months. I've been requesting that she leaves it in our bag store at work and I'll collect at my leisure. Is this childish of me? I just don't want her coming to my desk and hand the stuff over, I just think that would be humiliating for me.
  2. And John, have you tried getting yourself a stud-esque leather jacket? Good for the self confidence I've found. In all seriousness, getting yourself some new threads or whatever can give you a nice lift.
  3. Woo Hoo! Go Camber! Wonderful news on your new love interest. I'm sure you can reassure her of your intentions if they are true which they clearly are. Good for you. *high five*
  4. Hey John, So sorry you're having a bad day - but as you know, what you're going through is 100% normal. Good for you on getting out there and meeting someone new, no, it will not work out in the long run but you were honest with her from the start. She knows where you are emotionally but that doesn't mean she doesn't want more from you. If I were you I'd leave it a day or two, think about exactly what you do and don't want from this new lady - and then tell her, honestly. Don't go all cliche on her but tell her you're not in a place emotionally in which you can engage in another relationship and you don't want to use her as a rebound. Let me give you some empathy big man, 3 weeks after splitting up with my ex I slept with an old FWB of mine - she knew what I was going through and said to me "the best way of getting over someone is by getting under someone else"... it sooooooo wasn't. The sex was dreadful and like you cried myself to sleep once she left my place. It felt like I was cheating on my ex! Dumb but natural I think. One's thing for sure, you need to stop sleeping in the car John. You need to find someplace else to live - somewhere that's not tainted by the ghost of your ex. You have any friends near by that you could stay with when you feel like you have to get out of your place? Anyone near that can help you go through the crappy process of finding somewhere else to live and put your place on the market? John, you've come so far - from the wreck that you (like I) was when you first posted on here. I see the huge improvement in you, I hope you do too my friend. And another thing, you're not lost, you've just misplaced the map for now and are running around in the dark but the sun's coming up dude you'll find your way again and you know it.
  5. Morning Lone, You're very right about her needing someone to compare me with however I shan't be getting my hopes up! I was the only boyfriend she's ever had that didn't treat her like crap, cheat on her and slap her around... Meh, her life. And have you got MJ on catnip?? Up that late playing... sounds like she was wired on something!
  6. I'm no expert but I don't thiunk you have anything to worry about, kids develop at different times. I'm 27 years of age and still babble incoherantly!
  7. Well we'll speak to you then. Hope you have a good one.
  8. Thanks hun, I needed that little boost. *hugs*
  9. Morning lovers. My head hurts from last night's drinking marathon... Then my colleague says to me "your ex was on a date last night" Like I wanted to hear that. Meh, won't let it ruin my perfectly good hangover though.
  10. Been there and done that myself. Things are much better now that I have told the ex to ONLY contact me if she wants to reconcile.
  11. Yeah, a company called Diageo... that nobody's ever heard of - one of those giant corporate conglomerates that owns half the world but behind a veil! Smirnoff, Captain Morgan, Guinness, Jose Cuervo, Johnie Walker, Baileys, Moet... etc etc etc. Having a bar in your place of work is both a blessing and a curse!
  12. They can clean up the mess in the morning... if they're lucky.
  13. All this talk of rum would have had my stomach turning a couple of hours ago but the hangover has all but gone... just in time to go out drinking again. The trouble with working for the world's largest booze company is that you tend to get quite sloshed at Xmas... repeatedly!
  14. Ingrediants - 1¼ lb (560 g) mincemeat 12 oz (350 g) plain flour 3 oz (75 g) lard 3 oz (75 g) butter pinch of salt Rum Mix the mincemeat, plain flour, lard and butter together, add a pinch of salt.... throw in the bin and then drink the rum.
  15. I think mince pie must be a fairly British Christmas tradition! Like eggnogg in the US I guess?!
  16. Doing just great thanks lone, although my soul aches a little after the ridiculous amounts of alcohol I got through last night. Plus I got hit on by a young lady too which is always a nice boost - it's like all the self esteem my ex took away from me in dumping me I've regained through working out... and my magic leather jacket! How you doing out there young lady?
  17. Morning lovers. John, you're having a bad day today I see - I had a few myself recently. However I'm feeling great today - emotionally and physically as strong as an ox. Lean on me and the others buddy. You know you've come along way since your split, you just have to see this as a very natural bump in this very bumpy road you're on right now but the road ahead for you is getting smoother. Mince pie anyone?
  18. Yep, what they said. Hide them away along with any phone numbers, addresses, email adresses and anything else that reminds you of her. Don't send them back to your ex, that's pretty childish. Send back anthing you have of hers that wasn't a gift though.
  19. Can't see you being alone for long desert so make the most of it while you can. I'm feeling positive again all of a sudden... Probably because you bunch of lovely people. And because I'm going out to get razzled with some friends tonight so I imagine I won't be able to feel my hair tomorrow either!
  20. Thanks you guys, you're an awesome support group! I am focussing on the bad points as much as possible, it's tough though, just trying to take control of my thoughts and focus them on the future but my brain and heart don't always want to play ball! The ex has put on SO much weight since our split... does it make me a bad person to silently enjoy that a little?? Whereas I have lost about 30 lbs since the split (mostly by choice) and am looking the best I've looked in years, she seems to be on the Ben & Jerry's diet! And Sandy, yeah I have another date with the new girl on Thursday which I'm really looking forward to. I don't think I'm rebounding... I hope I'm not rebounding. It's not something I've ever done before and it's not something I think I would do. I can't see the new girl being a long term partner as she plans to return to Canada in the middle of next year but plans like hearts change I guess. Baby steps.
  21. I'm finding that this grief process isn't a straight track, not at all. One minute I'm in acceptance, then back to anger, then to depression, then... well you see my point. Zombie's not having such a good day.
  22. Well I'm no longer jealous of you! Well everyone seems in agreement, it's unhealthy and unnatural NOT to be jealous - as long as you control it.
  23. Hello lovers. I've got myself on another downer today. I can't for the life of me understand why I still want my ex back... It's been all I can think of today. It's ridiculous! She dumped me by email, brought a guy in a week later to the bar in our office for a drink (a guy I had suspicions she may be cheating on me with) acted so coldly toward me, didn't bother once asking me how I was after I was in a car accident... etc etc oh and she's told me in no uncertain terms that she doesn't feel the same way about me and can't see us ever reconciling. 3 months later I really think I should have moved on a lot more than I have you know? I've gone through long spells of not wanting her anymore and feeling really positive about the future and then boom, another relapse. Meh... just wanted to vent again! Sandy, so sorry to read what happeneded to you at the weekend. That doesn't make any sense to me - he dumps YOU and then gets jealous when he sees you with another guy. Very weird.
  24. Hmmmm... I think Jealousy is quite normal to a degree, if you saw someone hitting on your SO, you can feel a little jealous even if you are secure in your relationship I think. If you've never felt jealousy in your relationships sparkle than I admire you, possibly to the point of being jealous of you...
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