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Everything posted by TheRedQueen

  1. These are valid points you make, and I have to say that overall, I agree with you.
  2. Yup, sad story of my life. How have I handled it? With requiring less talky-talky, and more ..... Oh man, that would rock!!! Now that's an interesting plan b. Kind of depressing though, no?
  3. All things aside, wouldn't you say that right now would be a perfect time to break up with this guy and start anew?
  4. Perhaps he was interested in your friend, but was initially too intimidated to approach her, so he saw a perfect oppurtunity in "befriending" you, in order to get his proverbial, "foot in the door". Tasteless I know, but I've seen this happen quite a few times before.
  5. Oh man... The answer to your question is absolutely yes!!!! NEVER GO BACK TO HIM, NEVER. However much pain you may now be in, absolutely pales in comparison to the pain you'd endure in a lifelong relationship with this waste of space. Keep up with the good judgement calls, and I wish you the best of luck.
  6. I love, love, love, love, love, love facial hair.
  7. Yeah you're right, why would anyone want to start a relationship with someone who actually speaks their own language. Being able to communicate with your partner is like, so overrated.
  8. Do you absolutely have no friends, as in zero???
  9. Nay, I do not consider myself a spiritual person. My lack of "spirituality" is perhaps filled with my deep sense of philosophy, and yes there is a difference.
  10. Yeah, those are quite the pair of biceps you've got there my friend.
  11. You're adorable, so perhaps it has something to do with your personality then... kidding.
  12. Unfortunately for me, it's the same guy.
  13. I've had sex in a gas station bathroom, but that's not weird, that's just gross. I recently had sex at home in my bedroom, and that was really weird... my mother and grandmother sitting in the living room watching Korean drama as I'm getting penetrated from behind, wait, perhaps that's just gross as well.
  14. It's really a trial and error process. In my experience, women therapists have always been more effective than men. The therapist I see now is awesome, I've been seeing her for a year and a half, and I knew that we'd be a good fit from our very first session.
  15. Most people suck, many people are okay, some people are good, and a fractional amount of people are great. So where are all the "great girls"? They're tucked away in the crevices, so I wish you the best of luck on your hunt.
  16. I'm guessing that you are referring to defecating, as opposed to urinating. I have a similar problem as well, what has helped me, is to talk about it with my SO. It's just one of those things that totally suck about being a woman, whereas men are allowed, or even expected to be gross, we as women are supposed, and thereforeeee expected to be, "pretty" and "clean". Bah, we're all a bunch of stinky gross animals, and there's nothing "beautiful" in, or about, the act of defecating.
  17. Every girl gets turned on by different things, the goal though for you, is to make her wet. If she's wet, she'll be revved and ready to go. Many men make the faulty assumption that women get turned on by romantic gestures, when in fact that's usually not the case (romantic gestures stimulate an emotional response, not necessarily a sexual one). We are sexual creatures, let's face it, we wouldn't be here today if our ancestors didn't love, and frequently engage in sex, sex, sex and more sex. Women are turned on by the thought of being teased, touched and penetrated in a certain type of way, and often times by a certain type of male.
  18. Deflowering young men. What can I say, I think there's something sinfully sweet about riding a virgin.
  19. My all time favorite is #129, and no that's not my age. Th'expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action, and, till action, lust Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame, Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust, Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight, Past reason hunted,and no sooner had, Past reason hated as a swallowed bait On purpose laid to make the taker mad; Mad in pursuit, and in possession so, Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme, A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe, Before, a joy proposed, behind, a dream. All this the world well knows, yet none knows well To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.
  20. He respects me, and values the integrity of our relationship, and is thereforeeee fully honest with me when expressing any of his thoughts, feelings and, or opinions. In other words, he's not afraid of telling me the honest truth about things, and as hard as this may be to digest at times, I appreciate it nonetheless. He actually loves the fact that I'm intelligent, and a bit crazy. When in the company of his friends, he always brags about the crazy things I/we have done. He's seen me at my absolute worst, and doesn't hold my past against me. He loves touching me, and caressing my skin. He is also convinced that I have a perfect body, and in terms of sexual attraction, thinks I'm god's gift to men. Perhaps he's a bit delusional in thinking this, but I think it's cute and am flattered by it still. He fully appreciates my multidimensionality and as a side note, he deeply respects the fact that I'm an atheist, he happens to be an atheist too. I absolutely love Shakespeare, and he absolutely hates him eventhough he's never in fact read one of his plays in its entirety. Needless to say, this has been a point of contention in the past, but he recently bought a book of Shakespeare's complete works, in an attempt to one day see what all the "hype" is about.
  21. Of course it does. Perhaps it is your fear of being judged, and considered by others as being somewhat of a freak, that's acting as the major mental road block to your achieving romantic success with an older woman. Once you truly realize that you are not, in fact a freak for liking older women, and will thereforeeee not be met with blank stares of shock when approaching them, you'll gain the level of confidence needed to make such pursuits not only more successful, but also a lot less intimidating
  22. Well, in a word, experience. If you are a virgin, your desire to find, attract and engage an older woman in a full-blown relationship with having had absolutely no previous experience, would be like you diving head first in the deepest end, going 0 to 60 in milliseconds, in other words, it would be rather unrealistic, and potentially disasterous. My advice to you? Baby steps.
  23. It seems like you were in somewhat of a codependent relationship with your ex, so by her breaking up with you, she basically, in effect severed you from this codependency, hence your withdrawal symptoms. By being alone you will learn to regain, or perhaps even grow your sense of self, and independence. There is nothing more attractive, and redeemable in quality, than a man who is independent, and capable of self-reliance. Please take note that you are in fact an independent agent, and not some fractured half-a-man.
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