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Everything posted by TheRedQueen

  1. For me, it's very weather, or mood-dependent, whether or not I choose to wear clothing that's more or less revealing. Regardless, my breasts, and the cleavage they create exist no matter what I wear. I mean, does a girl have to dress like a nun in order to not be called or considered a prostitute? I swear, sometimes I think it would be easier to have no breasts at all.
  2. I'll tell ya, I feel as though I am 24 going on to 50. Life sure is m-e-l-l-o-w, when driving in the s-l-o-w lane.
  3. Kyo, I'm gonna be in NY in two weeks.... P.S. I've got 100% of my teeth.
  4. Perhaps you have Intermittent Explosive Disorder, the recently found medical condition behind road rage. Though, most likely you don't, you look too sweet.
  5. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love shy men!!!
  6. I would have gratuitous sex with myself, a fling with myself, date myself, and if it were legal, I would marry myself.
  7. Oh man... As a girl who has nice large breasts, why can't I just wear the clothes I want to wear, without having to hear the negative judgements that consistently come from the peanut gallery?!!?!?! They're just breasts, and they happen to be *my* breasts, at that.
  8. *Scrathes head* This is a bit strange, no?
  9. ^ I agree, it sure seems like he's interested in the nookie
  10. Now I'm not sure, it sounds like you guys are flirting with each other.
  11. Ironically, when I took this specific test, I scored as an INFP though every other time I've taken one of these tests, I've scored as an ENFP. Guess what that means Kevin T... You and I are a lot more alike than you'd like to think!
  12. No offense, but if I were you I'd dump this putz immediately.
  13. Fast-burn attractions, though fun, are most definitely fleeting. Slow-burn attraction however, is the very stuff sustainable relationships are made of.
  14. Ahh, there's nothing better than a woman who's got a nice rump. The more meat and definition there is, the more, well, squeezable.
  15. Guys are often too intimidated, insecure, or shy, to approach a girl they find attractive at a bar, or anywhere for that matter, and that is precisely why we, as women, have to initiate contact. My method of attack has always been as follows... See a guy I'm attracted to, focus my stare on him, smile at eye contact, gauge his response, if positive, engage in conversation, if negative, cease and desist. Good luck, and happy hunting!
  16. Atheists who have vaginas, now that's where it's at.
  17. I think that it really depends on the couple. I know that my mother's Christianity, and my father's atheism, didn't seem to get in the way of their relationship. I myself am an atheist, and in the past, have tolerated my boyfriends' belief in a "higher power". What I would not be able to accept, however, would be dating a religious man, now that's where I draw the line.
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