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Everything posted by TheRedQueen

  1. The way in which my horniness differs from most men I believe, is that my horniness is far more sporadic. It comes and goes depending on a variety of contributing factors (too many to list). When I'm in the mood, I'm really in the mood, and when I'm not, I'm really not.
  2. Perhaps you are obsessed with death.
  3. Though I'm not into the scene, I fully understand this mentality.
  4. Do yourself a favor, and watch the movie Secretary. It's right up your alley (and mine ).
  5. Bald, shaved, short, scruffy, whatever, it's just hair (or lack there of ).
  6. Why do I get the feeling that you are quite the ladies man?
  7. Because I am 99.99% of the time attracted to shy introverted men, I tend to be more attracted to a guy who is less forward about giving me attention.
  8. zerohalo please prepare yourself, for every minute spent on these boards will effectively make you feel more and more liberal (or perhaps more like a pervert).
  9. I have no secrets, and according to my mother, I have no shame. It is what it is, and I've got nothing to hide.
  10. No, it's more like residual fecal matter on a stick.
  11. My thouhts on ATM... In theory I don't think I'd like it, and considering my experience, I'm pretty shocked that I haven't tried it. *makes mental note*
  12. I feel you, the smell is somewhat reminiscent of a port-a-potty.
  13. Wow, really?!?!? I love sucking on fingers, as well as "units" after they've been in my vagina. What can I say, I taste good.
  14. It's the restrictively small dimensions of the bathroom that have me scratching my head. I may be petite, but I ain't that petite.
  15. Who's a member, and, er, how'd you get in??? I've recently been propositioned by my SO to join "the club" at the end of this month when we'll be flying together (duh). Mind you, he's already a member (though he joined prior to 9/11), and in theory I'm totally down, but I'm having trouble understanding the logistical aspects of it. So for those who know anything about it, pray tell and share the wisdom of your experience.
  16. My friend drinks Ensure to gain weight, gross I know, but supposedly effective.
  17. What was that Daks????? *turns down music, turns off television* I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy listening to my ipod, watching M.t.v, downloading songs, surfing the world wide web, alternating sips from my grande nonfat two-pump vanilla latte to my Dietcoke now sweetened with Splenda, brushing of crumbs from my nonfat sugar-free cookie, snorting a line of Ritalin. Wait, what was I saying?
  18. How right you are!!! *dons burka, beaming with self-respect and chastity*
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