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Everything posted by TheRedQueen

  1. Alcohol...the ultimate sexual lubricant. I say play it by ear, if you don't act or seem awkward, most likely neither will she.
  2. I agree with these gals. Though I myself wouldn't have done it, I still view it as harmless fun, and perhaps even necessary exposure. Pseudo-yogi-spiritual schmucks are the absolute worst!!!
  3. We've all been there buddy. Buck up, stay strong, and just remember, This too shall pass.
  4. I actually know this exact type of a guy, wolf in sheep's clothing, or shall I say jerk with a yoga mat. Namaste!
  5. Awesome advice. Impressive.
  6. Perhaps your sex is becoming too routinized. Why don't you guys try something new, that will definitely shake things up a bit. Ask her if she has any new or unfulfilled sexual fantasies. Ask her what turns her on, what foreplay she prefers, etc.
  7. Well, I certainly cannot speak for her, but I know that in the past when I've gone through "I just don't feel like it" phases, they were usually indicative of me feeling somewhat, temporarily turned off by my partner.
  8. Ask her why she never initiates, and be open and receptive to her feedback.
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. I personally view the position/perspective you are taking here, as being that of a passive-aggressive one. Rather than "expecting", and letting him have it if your expectations aren't met, how about you just *tell* him what you want for Valentine's Day?
  11. Spug you simply are the best. I think I found a new hobby.
  12. Other than some Old Spice deodorant, I usually prefer my man's pheromones straight up, with no chaser.
  13. A woman wants to be rubbed, not so much "hard" per se, (though that can feel nice too) as much as in earnest. During these intimate moments, she wants to *feel* how much you *need* her.
  14. Ah, but you fail to consider that awful broken record phenomenon of seeking and partaking in usually detrimental relationships, over and over again. If the OP has not fully come to terms with, and reconciled, the hows and whys of the failings of her last relationship, she'll sadly most likely repeat them in this one.
  15. Well in this particular situation, I would tend to advice against rushing into sex, but I myself have engaged in sex quite early in a relationship that ended up spanning for almost two years.
  16. Gotcha! So I suggest you proceed, not so much with fear, but definitely with a fair amount of caution.
  17. Ah, the whole oxytocin attachment-inducing hormone thing, (it's released in both sexes by the way). I seem to be relatively immune to its affects. But, you do you girl, and make your man wait.
  18. Woops, totally skipped over this critical piece of information. You're in effect instilling "Quality Control". Great idea, wait then, wait as long as *you* deem necessary.
  19. Oh, and having freckles myself, I'd have to agree with you. They are sexy.
  20. I've been in plenty "romantic" relationships, all of varying degrees in both love, and intimacy. And I've come to realize that sex is a piece/part of a relationship, and by no means is it the be all end all. Many women fear that once they have sex with their man, that their man will cease to have interest in them, and start to have more and more interest in their, well...vagina. And perhaps with some scumbags this may in fact be the case, but if you, (as a female) choose your mates well, fortunately for you, you won't have to deal with this feared problem. If a man feels you, and you in turn feel him, intimacy can and should be reached on as many levels as you both can achieve, i.e. emotionally, physically, intellectually, and if your into it I guess, spiritually as well.
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