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Everything posted by TheRedQueen

  1. It's wrong?!?!?!?!? As long as it's consensual, there ain't nothing "wrong" with it. Plus it kinda feels good.
  2. I grew out of it....thank god!! Sometimes I get insecure when I have to "unleash" my breasts for the first time, as I've always been concerned that they're too big, (needless to say this is crazy talk, in actuality they're quite nice). Other than that, I like my body, and whether in a suit, sweats, a bikini or my birthday suit, I'm both glad and proud to say, I feel comfortable in my skin.
  3. When you guys get intimate, is there alcohol involved?
  4. To put it simply, she's obviously not interested in you, hence her being preoccupied with her boyfriend. Just because you "want" her, by no means indicates that she wants you back.
  5. Given the circumstances, I would say that you have less than a one percent chance.
  6. I think people generally assume that highly attractive people already have mates. Plus, many people might view great looking people as being out of their league.
  7. Dude, you are being delusional!!! I suggest that you slap yourself in the face, and promptly get over it.
  8. Every guy I have "pursued", has expressed gratitude for my, er...direct approach. My most common "pick-up" lines are: "I find you interesting, what's your deal?" and.. "I think you're cute, we should hang out sometime."
  9. I've always had an assertive personality as well as a soft spot in my heart for shy guys. I could honestly say that close to 90% of all my romantic relationships, have been the direct result of my intiating interest in a guy. When I like a guy, for better or for worse, I make my interest known.
  10. Think before you speak, and whenever in doubt, opt for silence.
  11. Why would you get her two pairs of earrings? If I were you I'd return the pearl earrings and with that money buy her a diamond solitaire necklace to match the diamond earrings....just a suggestion.
  12. Seeing how he's still married, I can safely say that you guys are not in an exclusive relationship.
  13. Been there, done that, and ooo-wee was it ever a painful experience. I say proceed, only if you're a masochist
  14. Well if it's any consolation, I think you're adorable. Being popular is like, sooooooooo overrated. I'm a loner by choice and I have to say, that I absolutely love my own company, I rock. I bet you rock too, but you just haven't realized it yet.
  15. I know this type of guy, he's flirtatious by nature, perhaps even a "player", whose charisma manages to attract all the ladies. Regardless of all that, his erratic behavior and two no-shows speak for themselves, I say forget this guy.
  16. I'm right there with you sister, the general consensus of this thread has me feeling inordinately liberal.
  17. You're only 21 so there's really no need to rush things quite yet.
  18. I myself enjoy looking at Maxim and would never chastise my boyfriend for enjoying to do so as well.
  19. Well if you already had it once (a loving relationship), wouldn't that be proof positive that you can just as easily have it again? Patience my dear, believe it or not, you're not doomed.
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