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Everything posted by yeawutever

  1. I guess so quietgrl, but oh well. If you really care about someone, it just happens, things get so heated up and that's it, you end up doing XYZ. Only, I ended up crying even before the and right in the middle of it and it didn't went all the way in, not without feeling kinda like a sharp needle. Oh well, I'm guessing by the second or third time it will go all the way in with no problem, no pain.
  2. It was romantic for me in the sense that I got to spend a lot of time with the one I love and care about about, thus giving it away (yea it was bound to happened).
  3. Oh well so much for the old saying "One thing led to another", LOL it did.
  4. Say if you were doing the actual act or all the other things with your SO in your folks' house, without being caught that it (the door obviously being lock)??
  5. There's a difference between standing up for yourself and not tolerating poorly behavior and being a doormat. Relationships are meant for communicating your difference and tell how you're feeling about certain things, you need trust and communication for it to strive otherwise it will sink. Being confident doesn't acting like a moron who says bad words or calls you names, that's being plain stupid. No sane person gonna put up with a show-ff. I had a crush when I was in 7th grade all the way to 9th grade, but I didn't know how he really was since we never really talked. Until one day he showed his real side, an immature idiot. So he basically find out I liked him (well used to) and starts with the insults (Oh you're ugly, this and that, etc.") and so I insulted him back as well. Hey why not, I apply the same treatment. He ends it saying he was only playing but so what, he already screw that one occasion, who knows we would have even been friends. After that, off course I wanted nothing to do with him. So nope, I never fell for an idiot nor for a doormat who can't have his own opinions.
  6. You might want to try couple couseling or maybe break up with him since your relationship seems to be going nowhere. Yes it is possible to be in love that long but you can also get bored and not feel the same way anyone. Then it's also possible that you confused love for infatuation., that you liked the idea that you think you were in love.
  7. I don't believe in hell, heaven nor god (atheist here with no religion). Anyways you are who you are and should be proud of yourself. Don't let ignorant people and writtings affect your self-esteem.
  8. Don't worry you're just being yourself. Everyone here (even me) has weird aspects. If we were not different, then there're wouldn't be a world, it would basically be kaos.
  9. It's hard to think what my dating resolutions would be since I'm in a relationship. In terms of what I would do if I was single would be: 1) Well I improve on my shyness so that's no problem anymore, but at times I have trouble opening up verbally, sometimes I feel just like a guy. I can't open up easily like most girls can do but I'm working on it, it does take time. 2) Spend less time on the computer and perhaps quit with the checkers Sorry can't think of anymore. I would list more if I was single, hard to when you're not single anymore.
  10. You should be a narrator, nice stories.
  11. No not all men as well as not all women cheat, if you're really in love like you say then you don't cheat, simple as that. It's not nice making a general statement like that by applying the word "all" just b/c you had a bad experience. Ley me add, yes I'm in love for the first time ever and nope I would never cheat, not even if Jutsin Timberlake or other famous celebrities were there. Both me and my b/f have no sympathy for cheaters. I would show him the door with no hesitation if he ever cheat and I would expect the same thing if it was the other way around.
  12. In my view, the very same moment my relationship wouldn't have trust, then it would be over right away. Techinically your relationship was already over. Yes he cheated but if you keep doing what you're doing, be prepare for him to get tired of it and break up. If you're constantly doing that then it's like you're trespassing. By the way at age 23, you're still young and have life ahead of you. Go find another man you can trust b/c of now I don't see how a relationship works with no trust plus invasion of privacy. You could get in trouble for that you know.
  13. Yes that definitely was child abuse, anything that deals with shaking a child, leaving bruises and ruining a child emotional for a life time it's ABUSE alright. You might want to seek counseling ASAP.
  14. If the relationship was bad from the start and he was treating you horribly then why are you still with him. Now that you guys got back together, I would say firstdo get tested fro STD's, avoid any sexual contact withhim for a while. Then if it's clear and you're sure of not ever doing it again, keep it to yourself.
  15. If you didn't kiss back then you didn't cheated. I would say keep this to yourself and now that you know your limits, either don't drink at all or drink less. As for the girl, don't contact her again and well if somehow she or someone else tells your g/f about it, just say that she kissed you but you didn't.
  16. Sup yall, Oh yea it's 2007 alright and all of you or most of you must have been having a great time. So anyways what are your resolutions/wishes?? There's no specific number for your list so do take your time if you want to. Here's my resolution 1) Limit myself if I'm drinking (yea I went kinda wild that I can't really recall what I was saying and well I threw up, not good at all but now I know my limit) 2) Do open up more, not bottle things up 3) Apologize without hesitation if I made a mistake, 4) Limit myself in using defense mechanisms 5) Walk away if things get heated up (intense arguments that is) 6) If someone wants to act like a child and lash out, don't scoop to their levels, still walk away 7) Stop blaming people or things for my actions, LOL, yea in the end I'm the only one responsible if I were to made bad choices and well the list can go on and on, but oh well those are the ones I'm gonna work out on.
  17. Nice resolutions, yea work on them and keep up the good work.
  18. Yea alcohol may do crazy stuff to you if they consume too much of it. Gte her calm off, she's just upset but if she's a good friend, she'll understand it was nothing really. If she doesn't come around, then her lost.
  19. The actual "being in love" feeling varies to everyone. While some do develop those feelings faster than others, some take longer and some never really develop them.
  20. Very creative, esp. the ending line!!!!!
  21. Then it's still cheating. Just can't believe that. She has been cheated before and knows what it felt like, yet she goes it to you, damn, guess she didn't learn her lesson. Don't look back, you deserve a better girl.
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