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Everything posted by yeawutever

  1. Nope, a turn-off would if a girl finds out you been lying. All that matters is the person for who he is, not whether he's esperienced or not.
  2. Yea, hypothetically speaking if I were to cheat, it'll never happen but I'm saying if as in a fantasy (let's say make-out with another dude), I would invent an excuse to break up with current b/f and disappear, even change my # and he wouldn't see me nor hear from me again. I would rather deal with guilt alone than place a burden on someone. That way I would be seen as me, my image would not fade out, but on the other hand if I were to tell, I would be seen as something different and I can imagine that would be stuck forever within me, how I hurt someone like that, nope I can't deal with that.
  3. True cheating is cheating, but with kissing/amking-out is not something as serious as intercourse or the other sex acts (oral, anal, fonding, fingering and well you you what I mean) that would put you at risk of you catching a disease and besides that's really serious. I can understand kissing/making-out (nope I'm not excusing that by the way, it's still wrong) as a mistake but way more than that where you're sharing your body with someone else other than your SO, ewwwwww. Thus if it's sexual acts or sex I definitely want to know about it right away so I can dump him and put salt on his nose. Now if he actually told me he kissed/make-out with someone else lol off course I'm dump him still.
  4. Thumbs up on that poem, it's nothing like the usual "Oh I love you poems", finally something different.
  5. Hopefully you're not really thinking of commiting suicide, if so then you need to seek counseling right away. Wonderful poem by the way!!!!!!
  6. Like what the others told ya, don't stress it. Dreams are just dreams, I recently had a real bad dream of me physically hurting my b/f. No big deal.
  7. Well with affairs, you have to understand that's only a fantasy and doesn't have all the components a commited relationship have. What I'm questioning now is why are you more concerned about what the married man feels than working on your marriage? I woudl say get a new job and don't have any contact with him. You would have to inform your husband what happened, think about it, if it was him having an affair, wouldn't you want to know about it?
  8. Nothing wrong with your husband having a long time friend from early infancy. Instead of being so confrontational and jealous ask him how he would feel if the tables were reverse (if you were to have a long time male friend that is)?
  9. In the 4 months of being with b/f, I never once say the "L" word, that's just not me. I believe there are other ways of showing love/affection other than just using the "L" word, you can show it by your actions.
  10. Drop that loser, he already failed the set-up test and is also proving you that he's capable of cheating again if given the chance. He's not doing it now b/c he got caught, but he will be very secreet about it if a next time were to come.
  11. If I got cheated by my b/f, I would only want to know if it was serious, if it involve sex or the other kinds of sexual acts. If it was a one time kiss/making-out, I prefer not to know anything about it, I guess the only time would not to know about that is if he continue to do it many times or plan on ending it.
  12. Only if you let yourself act like your father, then history will repat itself. As a human being, you have choices in life. You can choose to be a productive person who doesn't abusing, knows what it's like being abuse or a loser. Just b/c your father was an abuser, it's still no abuse to abuse others, even at 17, you're still responsible for your own actions. Try not to focus too much about it, you have other things in life, how about finishing school, focus on that.
  13. Yes I defiantely agree on that one, but what about when the cheating didn't involve anything sexual and it was just kissing or making-out for a long while.
  14. I would never cheat on my current b/f, there's noe xcuse for it, if it doesn't work out, then breaking up is the option. However, with an ex, lets' just say I was on my way of breaking up on the 7th day of us dating and well two days before, there was this short making-out session with my friend's guy friend. Aftercourse I proceed on phoning to break up, until he finally pick up the phone, but never told him about the kiss, there was no need to, it was pointless.
  15. Huh, by the way what does this have to do with infidelity whenamansloevisreal???
  16. B/c then my online diary would be ruined. I'm worry that he might one day find it by accident. He did say that he used to be on another site where he would post as another person or go to myspace with a different sn (basically either to catch his ex on lies or just to pull a prank on friends) to see how many people would fall for it. He finds it dumb posting on forums, oh well that's him, I don't.
  17. B/c this has been like my online diary for quite a bit more than a year and well the more embarrassing part is when I made a few posts on our intimacy level on the sex and romance forum. I really don't want to leave but if he discovers this, then I got no choice.
  18. Yea I get the point. The last time we had a conversation about this, he say something like "So you would rather get advice and talk about your issues with random people online you don't even know, there's pervs you know, and not trust your b/f?"
  19. your SO discovers all your ENA posts you been making. Now that must be quite embarrassing, not that I'm hiding stuff from my b/f, I'm not, well besides writing here at ENA and on another forum called Loveshack (but I like Ena way more), I'm not hiding anything and definitely not cheating and never would I. Thing last thing b/f came to my house, while he was taking a nap, I browse here and was answering a post about a man posting on the infidelity forum, just then as I was gonna answered it b/f wakes up and well he basically wanted to read the post. I close the window aftercourse and well that for a little while left him thinking I was actually hiding something, in which he started explaining how he would catch his now ex in lies, esp. when she cheated on him. Thing is if he does one day by accident happens to stop here at ENA or the other forum and discovered all my posts, I don't think I'm gonna be here no more .
  20. Maybe b/c they don't wanna hurt you by being so honest, so they're trying to find the least possible way of hurting you, with that chasing game that is.
  21. Now that you have a nicer b/f, why worry about a scumbag's comments!!!!!
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