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  1. I have been married for 8 years and my husband works ALL of the time! We both work full time and I go out with my work friends and he does with his, so we really don't get out much TOGETHER. We have just kept growing apart over all of these years, and if I don't bring up the subject, he will never say anything about it. I have tried talking to him about it and he wants me to tell him exactly what he needs to do and I've even tried that but feel like I'm being needy...for example, once I told him that it use to make me feel so special to get flowers for no special reason, or go out to dinner and a movie on a work night - just want him to want to be with me - this is what I get... he told me that flowers are just too expensive and the date night never happens because he ends up working late or being too tired for it. I am not making excuses for my actions, but I guess that I just gave up since he doesn't try.
  2. By feeling "wanted", I mean that he wants to be with me and if not with me talking or hanging out with me. My husband doesn't really talk much to me and whenever I do start conversations with him about things that are important to me like stuff going on with work or about my weight, hair, etc - girl stuff I know, but I wanted to hear him say that I look good or sexy to him or just be there to make me feel better. The work thing was what me and the other guy had most in common, so I knew he could completely understand when we talked about "that meeting" or the things going on corporately that would effect us...he just understood and my husband doesn't even try. I hate to do this to anyone, but it happened and is now too late...I do feel so bad!!
  3. You were right, but it was hard to avoid since we see each other all of the time. The conversation did not go BAD, but didn't help me feel any better. He said that he doesn't want to be the type of person that does this and wants to be able to work with me without any bad feelings. We both know of each other's problems in our marriage and know that this is not helping the situation and agreed that this could not happen again. I haven't told my husband yet and don't know if I can. I want to feel better about myself but the truth is that this was not something that I didn't want - he did too, but now even the friendship will not be the same. Did I let him off too easily? I really can't expect anything here...you know? But I keep beating myself up over this and really don't know what to do.
  4. I know that my husband would be hurt more than I could even imagine and I do care about that. My relationship with him has not been good for a long time and we love each other, but we just don't have much in common. I want to be with him, but need to feel wanted as well...I don't get that from him anymore. This may be normal after being together for so long, but there has to be a way. I don't want to be the type of person who cheats, but the fact is that I did it and now even the other guy is acting strange. I feel completely hopeless now!
  5. I made a huge mistake! I am married and have a married co-worker/friend that I have known for a few years now. We've been attracted to each other and flirt with each other over email and text messaging all of the time. We enjoyed the attention from each other but it was really harmless - neither of us would ever leave our spouse, but was nice to get that "nice" feeling from someone...but it went too far. A few days ago and had sex. I am having a hard time dealing with what I did and have been so depressed over it. To make matters worse, I have seen him around the office but he hasn't talked to me, emailed, or texted me since. Not only am I full of so much guilt and feeling used but dealing with it alone. I have been tempted to send him a note, but don't know what to say. What should i do?
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