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Everything posted by ElektraHere

  1. Why is it there are more posts of songs on the sad post and not many on the love post?
  2. Hi, I missed that episode but have seen it played over and over. I was embarrassed for her however I have done that myself. I think it is hard being rejected. Everyone says to have a positive outlook, think well of yourself, yada yada yada and then someone rejects you. Its like you want to know what it is that you "lack." I think all human beings have a need to know the whys of things and sometimes there just isnt an answer. I am starting to learn that lesson. Its hard but a must in order to move ahead and find that guy or girl who will find ALL of you to their liking.
  3. Waiting for you - Seal Be Without You - Mary J. Blige Wonderwall - Ryan Adams Sweetest Thing - U2 Have a little Faith in me- John Hiatt This Years Love - David Gray Sail Away - David Gray Fall Apart Again - Brandi Carlile Trouble Me - 10,000 Maniacs Ribbon in the Sky - Stevie Wonder Voyage to Atlantis - The Isley Brothers To name a few Enjoy!!!!
  4. Hi There, Why do you feel you need to remind him? What if there was a weekend that he wanted to be by himself or hang out with his friends. Dont you tthink that perhaps he gets aggravated when you plan his weekend. You obligate him to spending the weekend with you. He loses either way. If he says yes I will see you and he wants some alone time he may not really enjoy his time with you on the other hand if he said no then I doubt that would go over well with you. If you have been dating for 6 years and he hasnt gone anywhere yet why are you so insecure with not seeing him for the weekend? Do you have any friends that you could spend time with if he decided to have a weekend "off"?
  5. Hi There are many great posters on this site. Some offer great advice (whether we take it or not) others write about their problems so we know that we are not alone in our ordeal too. My question is I have some troubles when it comes to friends. I mean I can make them and keep them. All my friends I have known for 15+ years each. It seems that I don't do guy/girl friendships too well. I dont have very many so that could 1 be the problem but how do you keep it on the friend level and not where it dips into the love level? I seem to gravitate towards the latter and I want to stay where I was when the friendship started. I am a very loving and compassionate person and sometimes I come off as too much. (its the Cancerian in me) Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much,
  6. That is why I put it on here and promised her I would be happy even if I have to fake it. That is what she would have wanted. Thanks so much
  7. Hello, Today one year ago I found out my grandmother had passed. Some people write in journals and others talk about it, or post as we all do here. Well the other night I was so sad and I needed to get it out the sadness, the tears, etc. This is sort of my journal entry written as a story. It all happened and all is true. I went to her grave at lunch today and said I would try my hardest to be happy today as I know that is what she would want. Posting what I wrote will somehow release a bit of my pain. If you choose to read what I wrote fine if not thanks for at least clicking in THE DAY MY WORLD CHANGED The phone rang. It was 5:00AM, she knew who was on the other line, and she knew what the phone call was going to be. This is the call she dreaded ever since she realized that life is not forever. "Hello," she said cautiously. Her mother softly and holding back tears said, "Nana passed away last night." The sound of her heart breaking rang through her ears; the air sucked out of her lungs she felt like she was spinning and the world, as she knew it was never going to be the same. There were no when, how, why questions she knew that it was for the best. The vision of the last time she saw her was engrained in her mind. Walking into her hospital room and seeing her with sunlight shining brightly as if she were an angel combing her gray hair. She looked so innocent and at peace and even though it was a hospital room the girl felt at home because anywhere her Nana was it felt like home. As she held on to the phone memories started to race through her mind as if it were a movie starring the girl and her Nana. No longer could she hear what her mother was telling her on the phone. The girl realized she never kissed her goodbye. She would never hear her voice again, she would never have the sweet smell of her home overwhelming her senses, and realizing all the stories of the past, and the history would no longer be available to her. A few days later, she was to see her again however, this time she was to see her in a viewing room lying in her casket the girl had picked out. Her Nana looked so serene and at peace. She actually looked like she was sleeping. The girl pulled up a chair along side the casket with her arm on the edge she laid her head down and just stared at her. Tears welling up she wiped them away and wanted so much for this to all be a bad dream. She stayed for about an hour and then it was time she knew this was to be the last time she would ever see her. As she walked towards the door in the cold room she hesitated turned back and did not want to leave. She knew that she needed to leave but the string that attached her heart to her Nana's heart was pulling her back. She then said, "Goodbye Nana I will miss you forever and I will never be the same." "Please come and visit me in my dreams soon." "I love you." "Good Bye"
  8. Thats fine to be a caring friend but remember it is her ultimate choice not yours. No one can change someone elses mind with their suggestions. She will do what she wants and no amount of advice you get from here will sway her either way. As for the assuming I wasn't I just asked I didnt assume!
  9. Jetta I agree with Annie on this one. It has been months and he hasnt asked you out. I still think you have this skewed take on reality. Are you really 31? You sound more like your 16. Its like youre talking about a boy in highschool. If you just got a divorce stay single and enjoy the time you have with yourself and if you have kids enjoy them too. It seems you are afraid of being alone or that every guy is tripping over themselves over you but are "waiting till that right moment" to approach you.
  10. Confess, You need more protein. I have also suffered from a weight problem. I too take comfort in food. You also need to get movin and get your metabolism rate up. Your body may be in save everything you eat mode because you aren't eating enough. Protein, Protein, Protein!!! Check this website out I just discovered it Good Luck!
  11. I think everyone could write you until they are blue in the face and you still wont "read" it. The most minute things that happen you take as a sign that this guy has a thing for you. (the free checks) If you have been with the bank for awhile they sometimes do that for their customers. The name change I am not buying that and if it is true why would you want some guy that has a problem with your last night? Seems you might just be lonely and wanting someone in your life and this banker is your fixation right now.
  12. Fish Don't worry so much over your friends choices. Worry about your own. Unless this "friend" is you? Then I woud suggest get the internship done and move on with your career.
  13. Right now I am starting to believe love doesnt even exist. In my case anyway. Yeah for those that have found it or found you.
  14. I dont know if that exists? If you find out let me in on it. I think that there are kindred spirits but soulmates not buying it.
  15. Im not sure about the maturity thing? When I was in my early 20's the guys I knew were not into "the relationship mode." They were into getting laid. Now it seems the young guys today sit around and play computer and video games. Plus you are young enjoy your time now because you will look back someday and wish you could have that carefree easy time again.
  16. Here I am again. I thought life was starting to pick up and be a bit happier. I was getting together with friends, getting my debts paid, bought a new car, and was starting to get my feelings for Robert under control. We have even chatted a few times and it was like it was before I told him my feelings. I was thinking something was finally changing in my life. I was becoming do I dare say it happy. Well that has come to a crashing stop. As you have read from prior posts my grandmother passed away 1 year ago this Tuesday and it has really hit me hard. Now Robert has pulled another disappearing act and it really hurts my feelings. He has said in the past he doesnt want to enable me by answering the phone. It only makes it worse because then I think "is something wrong with him?" "Is he hurt?" I know I mean something to him has said so but if I do why does he do this? I just want it all to go back to how it once was. If I could turn back time I would bring my grandmother back for at least one more day so that I can tell her how much I love her and give her that kiss goodbye that I didnt give the last time I saw her. I would also NEVER of told Robert I had feelings for him. I guess I know what he wants and that is not to have me in his life. That breaks my heart because I was starting to consider him one of my good friends. He doesnt have very many friends and I am the most loyal friend a person could ask for. Sometimes to a fault. So it perplexes me??? Is it because of the admittance of my feelings? If so that sucks!!! I am question and answer girl so yeah this is hell when I dont have the "answers" ARG it is driving me crazy why this way??????
  17. What are you doing having unprotected sex when taking a med that interferes with your pills? Plus you just got on the pill so that initself is a pretty risky thing to do having the unprotected sex. Take the plan b pill and learn from this that when you are on meds that mess with the potency of your pills USE A CONDOM OR ABSTAIN!!!! YES AND CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!
  18. The Station Agent, Never Cry Wolf, The Net, Finding Forester to name off the top of my head. Go to link removed that may help you.
  19. Yvette, Did you not read anyones response to your last post? This relationship doesnt seem to have the possibility for success.
  20. Jetta, Not to sound rude or mean but which world of reality do you live in??? I mean reading your post makes absolutely no sense? I mean you like this guy who has NEVER called you or asked you out. You want to marry him. I am not sure what the whole name change thing is about. Really who cares about a last name?? Guys if they like you that I am sure doesnt cross there mind. You say he returned your BUSINESS call reading that BUSINESS call!!! It wasnt a "hey babe lets go out." He was doing his JOB. How do you know this guy is AMAZING? He could be the biggest jerk outside his job. He could be a sexist pig for all you know. Sorry but Jetta its time to take off the rose colored glasses and start seeing things for what they are. He seems like he is just the banker doing his job with no other motives than that.
  21. Hey Loco, As a friend had told me once "if you want to make God laugh, make a plan." Plans change, evolve, and sometimes never happen. Breaking up with someone sucks and I feel for you truly I do. You went to school and accomplished something alot of people don't have the patience to do or the means. You should be very proud of your achievements. You could still move to the city where he moved. Is is a big city because chances are rare you would run into him all the time. I have an ex who lives in the same neighborhood and I have yet to see him. I think teaching would be a great thing. It seems that kids nowadays do not have the best grammer or spelling. (Too much texting and IMing) NO one is one step ahead of you. I think that too sometimes. Most of my girlfriends are married, have children, and live in Pottery Barn catalog type houses. I feel "Man I am soooo behind." But I think "All in due time." It sucks in the meantime but do not give up on YOUR dreams... Please....Enough people in the world already do that and do you want to join that exclusive club???? Good Luck,
  22. Is it wrong to have some sort of expectations with people you have relationships with? Friendships, love interests, family. Or as I have read on this site and heard from some of my friends "expect nothing." If we are to have no expectations then why is the word even used anymore? I have certain expectations of myself and sometimes of those in my life. Should I ask what others expect of me when in friendships, love relationships, and with family? If I am too expect anything from others it is honesty, loyalty, and they make my life a little bit better knowing they are in my cheering section. I too want to give out those same expectations to others. What is everyones thoughts on this?
  23. Yes seems normal. Work is work to him it sounds. He may just be a private guy not wanting PDA.
  24. RW - I wasnt going to confess any feelings for him. I already did that and I think that has put a wall between us. I needed a friend last night and he was not responding to me. He has yet to respond to any of my messages or email. He holds some of the answers I seek about our friendship and I hope that he will provide them to me. He seemed to be there prior to my telling him and now he is like holding on to air hard to get a hold of. I thought that things were finally going to get back to where they used to be. Perhaps that is wishful thinking.
  25. Hello, For those that have had read my posts before this is about my friend Robert. For those that havent short version good friends, felt more, he wanted only friendship, had NC here and there, I want things to be the way they were before I told him. Anyways....... We have talked a couple of times and it has been great. No emotion just the way it was before I ever told him my feelings. I talked to him briefly yesterday AM and when we were going to say goodbye I asked if we could talk later in the PM. He said possibly. I said well if you can't call me you know i can call you. He said "yes I know." Meaning he knows I can call. We frequent some online places and I saw him for a brief second that evening I tried to IM him but by the time i sent it he had already vanished. I think he went under the invisible cloak that so many sites offer. I also am dealing with the upcoming anniversary of my grandmother's death and having a rough time of it. I couldnt get a hold of anyone so I called him and he let me go to voicemail on his cell and home phone. I texted and emailed telling him that I was really upset and needed a friend. No answer from him. This time it wasnt about him it was about my feelings for missing my grandmother and all I wanted was a friend to lean on and he wasnt there. Now I am hurt and sad that he didnt even respond. I want to be his friend and want him in my life. He is very independent sometimes overly independent where he sometimes doesnt "need" people. Well I needed him yesterday and I feel if I never would have told him my feelings for him he would have been there for me. I am not sure what I am seeking from this post but I just would like to know has anyone else been in this position mine or his? Where you had a friend call you up obviously upset and they needed you and you just didnt respond or that you were in need of a friend and couldnt get a hold of the person you thought would be there for you? Thanks,
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