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Everything posted by ElektraHere

  1. Jerry Maguire really screwed up our thinking didnt it ;-) Should we blame Cameron Crowe for introducing the line "you complete me?" lol
  2. well at least you didnt say I was bitter! ;-) Plus I wasnt screaming just typing real loud.
  3. are you a male or female? I ask because men and women have different dietary needs.
  4. Metro then why post on this board if your situation is so different? Why bother asking the advice if you dont want to hear any of it? Plus what is this comment supposed to mean? Is that a cut against those who do believe in NC? If so I think that was uncalled for and as a matter of fact if you are so much better then those who do believe in NC what are you doing here my friend? And dont come back at me with I am bitter because I am not bitter.
  5. Metro - No I am not bitter. Its just a fact you hold out hope and that person has closed the book on that relationship you will ultimately get hurt. If you were to take a consenus of the people on this site many would agree NC. Read its all over these boards. RW if you need to manipulate the person whom you are trying to do NC with when do you actually move past this hurt and move on?
  6. there is no good pace if you still hold out hope you my friend will crash and burn. Sorry to say.
  7. Ready if i have learned anything a womans timeframe and a mans timeframe are extremely different. Like when someone (a guy) says I will call you later I take that as in a few hours not like some think a few days. Its a beeyotch but something us ladies need to resolve will never change. Also step outside yourself for a moment and really look at how you have treated him. You are stressed and when people are stressed they act and say things they wouldnt regularly say or do. He probable thinks "Wow if she is acting like this do I want to get in a marriage with that all the time?" Friscodj is right when the going gets tough men hightail it back the "cave."
  8. Norton's can be pretty great too as protection. A girl never leaves reality without it.
  9. He may be realizing that his "freedom" as a single guy is coming to an end and wants to hang with his buddies and do his own thing. With you pushing him and stressing out on him you are pushing him farther away. If things have been fine up to just this point perhaps you both should have a little space between you. You know him staying on the base once in awhile. Weddings can stress people out and it seems you are stressing and it is overflowing onto him and he cant handle it. Take a step back and look at the big picture. Good Luck,
  10. If you have to ask your too young...oh wait you are... you're 14 go out and hang with your buddies. Have fun being 14 and dont worry about cyber sex!
  11. Dako I tend to agree with you on the girl issue.
  12. that isnt a problem at all unless she is into going out to bars and clubs which you couldnt do. You never know until you try. Try try try ;-)
  13. Ocrob I love the rose idea. I know girls and women for that matter love flowers. Ocrob is also right that girls at that age want the guy to take the lead and will do everything in their power to get your attention to do so.
  14. EvilJedi, What your feeling is normal for being 18. That is the mark everyone considers you a "real adult." Its a confusing time trying to figure what you want to do, where you want to go, etc. Dont give up on your dreams or your hopes. You have age on your side where you can take advantage of so many things. The way your feeling hooking up with someone wouldnt supply you happiness. It will in a small way but there will always be a part of you that is unhappy and unfullfilled. I know if I could rewind time I would have backpacked accross Europe or hung out in Austrailia for a year or so. Now I have all the responsibilities of a 33 year old and things like that arent easy to come by anymore. Don't focus on what you dont have, focus on what you could have or shall I say what you can have. Good Luck,
  15. BTW Pikey I love your screen name it reminds me of WhaleRider everytime I see your name and it makes me smile. So THANK YOU!!
  16. You are already showing her your interested by spending time with her. I dont know what the troubled past is but sounds to me like your a little shy. That is alright everyone is shy once in awhile. Ask her if she would like to go grab a coffee someplace other than the place where you two frequent. Ask her to the movies or shoot ask her to ice cream girls really like ice cream She seems to be interested in you and her being flirty with others is a way to get your attention. Take a deep breath, tell yourself you can do it, and ask her out. Good Luck
  17. Hunny that is an awesome way of putting it. I never really thought that if someone were to tell me the exact date and time when I would be "over it." Then why can't I look a the pain I am going through now as sort of a road to that "time?" I am gonna look at the road a little different now. Thanks so much Knowing the pain isnt forever and that day will come sooner or later. I want - I too had an experience where I went out with a guy for 1 month in the summer and was devastated over it. It took me longer to get over it then I was in it. You WILL get over it its just not your "time" yet. I am starting to think that the grief we go through is some sort of mental growth we can either choose to embrace or disregard. I know in the past i have looked the other way but it all catches up to you. Now I am dealing with a lions share of issues that I kept putting on the back burner. Please know it will get better and you will be a better person for it. Good Luck
  18. Oh Annie I am so sorry to hear that. You seem through all the posts I have read and what you have posted for me that you are a strong woman. I know that doesnt really help alleviate the hurt but I know you are going to come out of this I have been told the same thing about everything is there except the spark. Well like you have told me there is that guy out there who will have more than a spark towards you he will be burnin up for you ;-) Smile, Be Strong, and Vent away on the boards
  19. Just get a thank you card mention the gift and how thoughtful that was and you appreciate the time and effort she made to get it. Also mention to her how much her friendship means to you.
  20. First off I am sorry for all that you are going through. I have gone through some of those same issues. Your mother passed (which I am very sorry to hear my Nana whom I was very close to passed this last year) so you were emotionally raw at the moment and couldnt make really sound choices. RED flag You got out of a LTR relationship and started this new one too soon. RED flag The first 4 months you say were tumultuous usually that is the "honeymoon" period of a relationship. RED flag Your self esteem has been plumating ever since you got in this relationship. RED flag You're gaining weight. Usually a sign of unhappiness and trying to fill the void with food. RED flag You're comparing yourself with the other girlfriends. RED flag You're trying to change for your boyfriend and not for you. RED flag He is the president of the company you work for so that can complicate things. RED flag He told you that business will ALWAYS come first. BIG RED flag!!!!!! The need that you feel to convince him somehow that you are worth being with. RED flag All these red flags should serve as a wake up call you. You were not in the right place and still arent in the right place to make this relationship work. You need to work on you and what counts for you, not if this guy will give you a chance to prove yourself. Also when a guy tells you his work will always come first that is a recipe for disaster. It is good to have a strong work ethic but there should be a balance. I was with an mentally abusive b/f and in the 3 years we were together I gained 70 pounds. Now that will put a damper on your self esteem I know. It has been 6 years since then and I still have about 20 more to go. It has taken me that long to recover becasue I like you was trying to find someone to hold onto and preoccupy my mind so I didnt have to deal with all the crap. My suggestion to you is end this relationship and start working on loving yourself again.
  21. Thanks Kamurj and avman.
  22. I agree with avman. Go and get a Thank You card for her to show that you do appreciate the thought and her friendship.
  23. Ive heard of picking yourself up and dusting yourself off but man after just 2 weeks of being single? Sheesh you guys move on quickly I must be slower than a snail at getting up or at least getting my balance again. I agree on the fun but perhaps have fun on your own or with your gal pals
  24. Isnt funny how life throws in little things like that. Almost like little tests and it looks like my friend you passed that one with flying colors. GOOD FOR YOU!! Keep up the positive outlook
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