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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. Poor creature, I know, I'm in the same position. I love giving my GF oral sex, I love it, and I'm even willing to sometimes overlook her not very good personal higiene. I can tell you for sure that in the last year I've given her oral sex mor than twice the times we've had actual intercourse (penis/vagina). After 3 years she has given me oral sex about 10 times, good oral sex (more than a couple of licks) about 3 times, and out of those three, only two were good (only once I was able to orgasm). She really doesn't like it, and has even told me she is grossed by the smell of my penis (even when I'm straight out of the shower) or complains that my penis tastes to soap? Well, that and the fact that she is terrible at it. She always bited or scratched my penis with her teeth, so I really don't miss it at all nor encourage her to do it anymore.
  2. Just open your eyes, they are there, but you've been ignoring us.
  3. MY GF was like that, she was convinced she could not have orgasms... When we started having sex, we had 6 hour long sessions! Can you guess what happened? Over the time we figured out what she liked, how she liked it, where she liked it, and most important of all, she got to know what to do to get herself there. Now there are no more 6 hour sessions, as she can get there in 5 minutes Well, guess it is good. I think that the main issue here is lack of self knowledge. You can't expect to have an orgasm if you can't give yourself one, you must know what will get you there, how it will get you there and get to know the sensations that are close to that point. I would advise some long solo sessions to explore and enjoy yourself. Don't try to orgasm, just try to get to know yourself and how your body feels.
  4. In fact, you are. Relationships are all about compromising. A relationship is something between two persons, right? Well, sooner or later one of them will want something that the other doesn't, one of them will have to cede. Try to go at least once, with a mindset of having fun, don't drink, but have fun. If you don't participate on her activities and try to be with her on what she likes, how can you expect her to do that for you? If you are trying to base the relationship on what you want to do, and only that, trust me, your hand will always be with you, but another person, wont.
  5. Boricua, If you weren't located in PR and your BF wasn't in University I would think that the post had been written by my GF. You sound exactly like her (but her mother was the one who verbally aboused her). I can say, from your BFs point of view, that the situation is EXTREMEY tyring and stressing. Its like being in judgement all the time, you must think about everything twice before saying a word, or the WWIII will be started. Please go to therapy, try to solve that issues, or the relationship won't get anywhere. I know, It aint fair, but I know my relationship with my GF is not going anywhere, I want to see her, I want to be with her, but 5 minutes with her and thats enough to make me thing otherwise.
  6. Long story... Made short, I found a job I like last year and I'm just starting my career... (after typing almost half of the post I realized there is no way to make it as short as I wanted to, so please prepare a cup of cofee and a good seat if you want to read it) 14 months right now on that job, and I'm still making the same $$$. Very little $$$. But I really like it, and finally I found something that I can picture myself doing a carreer in! (I'm a network analyst, AKA network support, for a networking leader company, and I want to make a career in that company). My passion: motorcycles. So far I only have one small commuter bike and an old sportsbike (15 years old). I found a group of guys here in my country that have become my riding buddies, and most of the time we go to ride to a track. You know, its the smart thing to do, you want to ride your bike fast, take it to the track. Well, that group of guys are kinda getting bored about just riding @ the track, and decided to start a racing team... I was invited as I've been making a lot of improvement on my riding, and I can easily say I can ride way over what my bike can do (Katana 750 for those who know). Reality hit: I can't afford a modern sportbike. Without a modern sportbike, I can't even dream of racing it. If I sold my car, my two bikes, and my scooter, I can afford something that qualifies to race. But I know it would be impossible to afford the expenses (tires, travel expenses, etc) Good Reality hit: I'm making a lot of progress in my job. Everyone in the management is aware of me. I'm one of the best engineers on my team and I know I'll be getting a promotion next year and having a chance to get a second one. So I got over the fact that I won't be able to race next year. It helped a lot to know that maybe, if I play my cards right, and work hard, I'll be able to in '07. But today my GF asked me to get her a brochure from BMW as she needs one for a subject in University (I think it has somethign to do with merchandising). Reality hit: What am I going to do in a BMW dealership? Reality blow: The dealership employees thought the same. They weren't rude or anything, but since I steped in, a girl asked "Is there somethign I can do to help you?". I know, you may think that is their speech. But try to picture a guy that just parked a small commuter bike (think of something smaller than a CB250/Nighthawk) with a worn riding jacket and a worn helmet, entering into a BMW dealership... Then, to make it worse, that guy asks for a brochure of a BMW motorcycle... (Thought that asking for a brochure of a 3 Series would be hilarious, so I thought, maybe a Motorrad employee will be friendlier) The guy was friendly. But I couldn't help feeling like garbage knowing that I was lying, knowing that I can't even dream of affording a BMW motorcycle. I don't know what made me feel worse, lying or feeling like a failure.
  7. I agree with Kurodashi, that has always been my train of thought when it comes to club dating. I really doubt that a one night stand can turn into a real relationship, as it started for the wrong reason (plain sex, nothing else was considered). Maybe she is just having fun of you right now, as you dind't called after the first night now she is not calling you? Either way, being the "nice" guy (should I say dumb and caring?) I am, I would go to her place just to make sure she is fine (you know, maybe she had an accident on her trip to the wedding, or got food poisoning, whatever), if she is, then leave, if she isn't, then she is excused and you may continue.
  8. Why not ask her what kind she wants??? Man, its like getting embarrassed about buying toilet paper, come on! And yes, as it has been said, some gals have such a bad time during their period that they can't even walk because of the pain (my best friend during highshcool used to be like that, I could always tell when she was on her period because how bad she looked, pale, lack of sleep, walked funny, etc) By the way, I would feel flatered about a girl having so much confidence as to ask for a personal higiene item so early in a relationship.
  9. Its a honest job, you are not stealing! Why worry about the moral dilema of walking around on a bikini? Come on, you do it on the beach for free. I'd rather walk around in a swimswit than stealing
  10. She is cheating on you, you know it she acknowledges it and she is doing it in your face. She even cares so little about you that she wants to introduce you to her lover... Why are you still there? You are getting abused by this woman, what, do you want to have a happy marriage the three of you?
  11. A virgin, that will likely be older than you, will have his hormones bouncing all over the place, so no, the urges will be even harder for a virgin... No, at this time when having sex like bunnies is the be it end it all you'll have to look for someone that shares your believes about virginity. Maybe it will be someone that is also virgin, or someone that isn't but thinks it was a mistake and won't do it again until marriage.
  12. It is true, you can feel it, but not always. It is like someone pushing your penis, I think it may be contractions of the cervix.
  13. You are normal and doing it wrong Lock yourself in a room and spend the time exploring your body. Take it easy, and enjoy it, don't rush nor pressure yourself into having the big "O". You must get to know your body, there is no magic recipe to orgasm, everyone is different and will like different things. Remember, it is very important that you know your body, and that is the key to an awesome sex. If you know what you like, and communicate it to your partner, and he/she does the same, you'll have a blast!
  14. Friday is tomorrow, but I know the feeling. Even got a shift to work this saturday as I don't want to get bored @ home and start thinking nonsense. Usually I only worked two weekends each month, but this month I decided to work more to keep me busy.
  15. Saw her yesterday. At the beggining she was extremely friendly, she said she was cold (her way to ask for a hug), and was very talkative. I asked for a cofee and she for a capuccino that came with two cookies, she wanted me to have one (I refused, I'm on a diet). Then she said "lets go to the point", and she had a list of things that she couldn't stand about me. Good, aint it? Let her speak and tell me all of them. Then when I tried to talk about my point of view of the first one, she only attacked back. Only way out of anything I said was "forget about it" or "I must be lying". I was never able to get to a point where I could say her what bothered me about her, so it was pretty much one sided. The icing on the cake was when she said "You want your carreer or a girlfriend? You must decide". Obviously that confirmed what I thought, that she was not going to support me on my carrer. So that was it... Asked for the check, paid, said goodbye and never looked back. She tried to stop me "to say goodbye properly", she even shouted "if you are going to break up, do it well". I just went my way... So here I am, lonely as a cactus
  16. He is missing an emoticon or he has watched WAY TOO MUCH Holliwood TV...
  17. OK, Done... Thought I would need time to heal, but things had been so bad lately that I'm feeling lonely, but not sad about the breakup. Guess that the relationship had ended for me a long time ago...
  18. She seems to like you. How much I don't have a clue, I'm not good with that kind of stuff. However, if you pursue something with that girl, you'll be putting yourself in for a lot of pain down the road. Nothing serious came come out of that, as she will be moving in a couple of months. If you decide to go for it, be aware that it will only last a couple of months.
  19. Usual scheduled post: "Wait, don't do it, life is beautifull!" Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Who told you life would be a walk on the park? It aint easy... And you are making it a lot harder for you, you are so deep in your own drama that can't even think straight. Fact is, you still care about life, you are making up excuses to hold on to life. That is good. Fact is, you are making it way harder for you. That is not good. Lack of money and overweight? Hmm, I have a good idea, stop eating and save money! Brilliant huh? Thats what I've been doing, and it works. Oh, and by the way, how are you so sure dead equals peace? Lets see some scenarios: a) Catholic - You are going to hell for eternity. That is not peace. b) Hindu - You are going to reborn as an insect c) Ahteism - You are dead, no nothing, nada! No peace. d) Various - You are going to be reborn again as a human. I can't find where your "peace" will be, but that is up to you. And life, while being awfull for the most part, has those little moments that are priceless, learn to appreciate those little moments, they may make you smile for a couple of days, then you can go back to your drama schedule. That being said, I can't see how dead will solve anything at all. Only fact that stands true, while being alive you still have a chance to get your act together.
  20. We've in the same situation so many times that both of us have gotten used to it.
  21. Truth is such a..., you know, aint it? Last Sunday I went to the racetrack with some riding buddies, we went to ride, not to watch a race. On the way there I wrecked my motorcycle, bad cosmetic damage, but it would still run, so I kept going, went to the track and had a blast! Made a very good time at the track, many people were surprised about how fast I was running... If I could only show half of that courage now and stand for myself? No, wait, told her I didn't wanted to talk to her and I've been keeping NC, just can't decide to call her or not to call her. I guess that if I just stand here, in the same position, breakup will be unavoidable.
  22. Amazing! You know something? The "Hot Latinos" you love so much are anything but latinos. The latinos are not pretty people, in fact, quite ugly by Hollywood standards. What you are used to is to mixtures of people, mainly europear or arabic, with a little bit of Latin blood (mostly brunette hair and skin).
  23. People don't change... The inner self of a person, that will be the one you'll be facing as a relationship moves forward, never changes.
  24. Don't let your mind play you games. Its really easy to see what you've lost when a relationship comes to an end, and at the same time, you can easily overlook all the negative aspects of that relationship. That is why looking back, they always look better than they actually were. There is this girl, I can say for sure the person I've loved the most, and that I lost becaue I was dumb. I always used to remembe how great everything used to be with her. Until one day I realized that, the relationship was just a timebomb, neither of us could have kept it going, and it would have probably just made our lifes way harder. Now I when I think about her, I just smile and hope she is doing fine. Sure, I would love to see her face again, now that I finally understood, but, you know... Time, don't let it slip away, Here's your drinking glass Here's to yesterday. Time, all gonna trip away Don't piss heaven off, we've got hell to pay I mean, kiss your past goodbye, look ahead and move on.
  25. I know, my brain told it to me, that I don't want her forever. And she has proven she wont support me to achieve my goals... But my heart, if it is still there (denied it for so long...), is not convinced? And maybe it is not my heart, it is just my mind relucting to move forward. Or fear not to find someone else? I know for a fact that if I do decide to end up this relationship, to find someone else I'll have a LONG way ahead of me. Or it is just the cute and to fragile me, which despite my "rude" and fearless exterior, I am, trying not to harm her? And fact is, thursday (or wensday) she contacted me on MSN and asked me if I wanted to talk, to which I promptly replied "NO". So the ball is on my court right now, and I still dont' know what to do. Food for the thought: I've been fighting for my soul And sometimes it takes a toll Hope one day you'll understand What it means to hold in hands What they call a fantasy It is nothing but a key To the world that now I'm in That they call a wicked dream.
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