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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. Even if things are not the same over there with her, Argentina is packed with gourgeous girls... And even ignoring the whole relationship thing, you are 22, you can afford the luxury of trying something new on your life, like moving to a different country, getting to know a completely different culture, etc. Main plan: be with her. Backup plan: Enjoy the adventure of your life! By the way, motorcycles are cheap in Argentina. You can get a small Honda for very little money, and those things will take you all the way to Alaska as long as you fed them something burnable.
  2. Don't worry the least bit about suicide, she ain't doing it. If she were to do it, she would have done it a long time ago and wouldn't be telling everybody before doing it. She is just using it to manipulate your friend. Sounds more like BPD than Bipolar to me, but, anyway, it is not your problem, at least, not yet.
  3. And when you thought being Maniac Depressive (Bipolar) someone with BPD comes and amazes you. Yes, she sounds a little bit like borderline, but, also there is a thin line between a bipolar and borderline personality disorder, they share many things, and are quite a bit different on others. However, diagnosing the girl, or the codependant boyfriend (codependants are easy victims for manipulative people) is out of the scope of this thread. I don't mean to be rude, but we have here a guy that wants to help a friend, and may lose the friendship trying to help his friend, that won't be a good position to be in if he ever has a real chance to help his friend.
  4. Meh, another crappy valentines day... It has never been a good day for me. So I'll go to work, get myself inmersed on my work, then maybe go to the gym and then go home and study for my certification. If I'm feeling crappy, happily I still have some sleeping pills left, so I can forget about the stupid day. My best Valentines EVER was 4 years ago. I was so depressed the previous week to Valentines that I got really sick, so I spent all day on bed, sleeping with fever and can't remember anything from Feb 13th to 15th of 2002. That was bliss, that day simply didn't existed for me!
  5. If you are going to become rich, that means you'll be making enough money. Doesn't that mean that she can move with you and you can help support her while she gets a job/place over there?
  6. Nothing you can do. They are a couple and a couple has to sort out their own problems. You can have the most pure and true intentions to help your friend, but that won't help, only once he truly comes asking you for help, then you can help, but for the sake of the friendship, stay out of their relationship until that moment.
  7. Let the past die. I doubt you'll ever stop caring about someone that was your "significant other", but you have to learn that both lifes have to take their own, separate, ways. Time to turn on the selfishness mode and care a little bit more about yourself and stop worrying about making happy someone you are not with anymore.
  8. You won't feel any love if you don't learn to love yourself. Sad, but true. I know you've heard that a lot. But it is the real deal, how can you feel the love fromo other persons toward something that you hate? How can you feel loved when you hate yourself? Loneliness is a state of mind, it is up to you to create your own hell. Remember, life is to short, don't piss Heaven off, as we have a lot of hell to pay Please look for therapy, but don't take any medications, you need to learn how to handle your own mind, and drugs don't help (they only make the symptoms go away temporarily)
  9. Don't let her use you as her safety blanket, that is not fair to you. Let her know that she has to make a desicion, the other guy or you. If she choses to stay with the other guy, you'll be better. Many people don't realize what they have until they are losing it, so once she feels she is finally losing you that may open her eyes and make her understand her feelings for you.
  10. You are still too young, a kid! Why do you have such a hurry to get married? Pleople drift apart, specially so early on their adult lifes, you are barely beggining to create the rest of your life, too many things are yet to be seen.
  11. Looked at your older posts, and seems to me like the same situation, again. Fighting over nothing, or that you may want to believe. Most of the time, if you fight, there is something deeper causing trouble, the fights over meaningless stuff are just the sign that there is something else wrong, like the tip of the iceberg. Really don't know what you should do, from three threads, saying that he has never said he was leaving, when in fact, you've clearly stated he did it last year, leads me to believe there is a lot more to the story than what you've told us on this short post.
  12. Been there, screwed up that chance... And basically lost the girl I've loved the most. She gave me all the signs, she even tried to push me into having a relationship with her. I was too scared, I didn't wanted to ruin what was perfection. She got tired, she was honest, told me everything, and I still dind't reacted. She "dumped" me for another guy, if I can say that, as I was too scared. 4 years later, I still miss her, think about her, and here I am, crying.
  13. Hey, wait a moment, we are not that dumb or blind. We do notice them, just give them no importance, as they are normal. Its as nuts as laughing at a mans scrotum for being wrinkled.
  14. Been there, done that. Sometimes I had to take a priority 1 call (emergency) and wouldn't be done until 2 or 3 hours past my shift!!! That by itself got me in a not very good mood, all the time thinking I should be out of there and by that time with my GF, and then coming home and she getting mad because of it... didn't helped at all. Basically adds to the frustration and, might I say, anger, of having to spend more time than what you thought at work.
  15. My selfsteem sounds low??? Wow, that is already good, as I've never had one! (joking Dont' bring up therapy, I've been there, and only good thing it came out of that was an addiction to antidepresives (it was good for the drug makers, not for me). As for excersise, I know. Being a team lead didn't helped at all, my working hours were awfull and I spent a lot of time @ work after my hours. But now that I'm not a lead anymore (moved to a different team) I will have time to workout. Only wish it were as easy to lose weight as it was to gain it! Let me check if there is anything left of my bycicle or if it has rotten away Anyway, selfsteem low or not at this point, if I want to have a chance with the newbie, it has to be soon (150 other guys in there make competition a little bit tough...)
  16. Stretch marks, and trust me, they are not going to turn him off. Don't worry, they are perfectly normal, I haven't met someone without them. Only persons I've seen without them have been in pictures, in magazines or other touched up pictures, where you don't know if you are looking at someon'es picture or some artist work. Now, take that as a reminder to take care of your girls and go have fun, stop worrying.
  17. Well, I'm not the most attractive man over the face of the earth (actually, quite a bit the contrary, or just my lack of self steem showing up early on the post). Thing is, I work in the IT field, and @ work we are about 150 male engineers and about 10 females, and out of the 10, maybe 3 that I would consider dating. Out of those 3, one is a newbie that I think I may have a chance with (I haven't screwed up, yet), the second one basically can't stand me and the third one seems to be going nowhere, she just likes attention. Friends, well, I've never had many, and lost them when I was with my past GF (she wouldnt let me spend any time with them). So pretty much clubs and hanging out with groups of friends is out of the question for me. Sooo, my third option is, gulp, online dating. By how things are I'm strongly considering giving it a shot. I went and thought about completing my profile, and then I realized, I don't have any pictures of me!!! Only the obligatory bday pictures and stuff like that, and in all of them I look awfull (as I don't like anyone to take pictures of me). Well, that and I'm overweight. When I met my now ex gf I was 160 lbs, now I'm at a whoping 200 lbs (and I dont' want to know if I've gained more). So I need a flattering picture of myself, BUT, if the picture is too good, the other person may be disapointed once the time to meet comes. Then, everyone's profile says they are the most outgoing persons, most sociable creatures on the face of the earth, etc. Somehow I can't believe that, and, I'm not exactly like that, so I think it is actually a little bit hard to filter all the missinformation from the facts on everyone's profiles. Don't know, I have to give it a shot, I need advise on that, but also on the office girl. Back to the office girl: I have only crossed a few words with the new girl @ work, and the first think I looked for was a ring (thank God, there wasn't one!!!). How do I aproach her? Note 1 First time I talked to her she was at the cofee maker getting a cup of cofee (duh!) and she used the last disposable cup. I just said "Newbies are not allowed to use the last cup!" She got quite nervous, as I'm pretty sure she is already aware of my reputation of being an extremely rude and harsh person (don't know why, but I think that won't help). Obviously after that I said "Don't worry, just joking" and went my merry way. Second time she was looking for the key for her desktop's drawers, there wasn't much of a convo, just said look at the number of the key and the drawer, and if you don't have a key with that number go ask XYZ for more keys. Think I still have a chance with her, but I'm not quite sure. That and the attention loving girl sits quite close to the new girl, so it may create an akward situation. How do I aproach this girl? I've thought about "Hey, what's your name, I can't keep calling you newbie?" or something among those lines, then maybe ask her to go for a smoke or a cup of cofee. Don't know if she is nervous when I'm around me because of my reputation (which I kinda like, no one messes with you if they are scared about you), or if she may like me. But I also know I'm overanalyzing stuff that I dont' even know if is true or if it is just my perception. Note 1: That is scary, actually I just realized now I'm up to the point where you have to check if the other person is actually married! Damn, I'm getting old.
  18. OK, I'm not good looking and no girl cares about me, but here are my two peso cents. There is a girl @ work, she is overweight, about 40 pounds (if not more), and I'm seriously attracted to her! Why? I don't have a clue. Maybe it is because of her personality, some charm, or that special something I can't explain. Oh, and I'm not the only one that feels like that about her. Maybe you're idealizing the "perfect" girl on every magazine and TV show and expecting only them to be attractive.
  19. Well, my hand is always there for me. I've never had a chance to try casual sex. I'm too dumb to relate to females, so casual sex is not an option for me.
  20. Sure, not a deal breaker. If it were a dealbreaker then I would be in love with a set of boobs and not with a person. However, I prefer them natural, in fact, I really dislike implants. And if my SO were to get them, I'd do everything I could to avoid it.
  21. Hmmm, don't know about his behavior, but surely doesn't look like a healthy relationship.
  22. Well, a great alternative is anal sex. Tampon on the vagina and you can enjoy the backdoor.
  23. Well, IMHO hair on male and female privates is disgusting, dirty, etc. So I trim my privates very shortly as my skin is, well, a mess (too sensitive, really awfull scaring, etc). I really dont' like hair down there, so I keep myself well groomed down there and, well, exped my gf to do the same. I love when she just shaved, hate it when it is a 3 day shave, and would love if she tried a brazilian, but she wont...
  24. Why not getting your life straight before jumping into the next hole? Girl, learn to live by yourself. Its not like you need someone else to be happy.
  25. A little bit more information would be usefull. Maybe its just "blue balls" but, you are a guy or a girl?
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