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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. Things ended up for a reason, remember that reason and don't look back. That relationship came to an end, let it rest, look something new. Life is about moving forward, not backwards.
  2. I used to be in the same boat... No, in fact, I'm still in the same boat. You are asking the same question I've never been able to answer, and that I'm not looking for the answer anymore... Got used to being lonely, and even made myself so "charming" that people were afraid of me, so no one would dare to come close... That worked, and after some time it aslo got me some girls, the enigmatic, secure guy that can live on his own. But being socially retarded, and in the deep, boring, dint helped me get those relationships anywhere. Then I got used to being lonely, and here I am.
  3. I think, all the wrong reasons... Truth to be told, don't know if I love her. I don't think I've ever loved someone before, so I don't know if what I feel is love or what. Think thats my biggest fear, leave and later in life realize that I did loved her.
  4. Ah, Psichologysts - Psychiatrists, same thing, just sit there, grab your money and don't help at all. HoldMeTightly, hold on, one day everything will go your way, try to think about it. Life is about hope and dreams
  5. Unless you have your head in your... you know what, I doubt you'll be able to see anything. Just do it slowly the first times, it will be easier the more practice you have.
  6. I'll just answer to you with this: That means she was actually there waiting for that guy to show up, that is how she knows he never showed up. And if she did that once, how many other times do you think she has done it before and after that one, where "the guy" actually showed up? I've seen this before, you're blinded by love, and only way you woudl accept it is to find them together on your couch when you come home back from work.
  7. Have seen him for the past month, on a casual basis, and slept with him 10 times??? Are you sure this isn't just a "booty call" and you are getting the short end of the deal?
  8. It is normal for hair to get to the anus area. I know it sounds gross! But it is normal. That is why I'm a true believer of shaving/trimming.
  9. 3 years and a half Only time when I was deeply in love with her was during the first month. But she ended it all with a fight and tried to dump me as she had gained weight Don't know, from that point we started fighting like once a month, like if we had a schedule. So it was hard for me to get into the relationship. She always finds somethign that is wrong, for example, in the beggining we were having sex like bunnies, obviously that came to an end as she thought the relationship was based on sex. So that took us to having sex, maximum, three times a week. Or watching movies, if three weeks we watched a movie, she thought it was becoming a routine. That is why basically we don't do anything, as everything at some point was considered by her a "routine". She is one of those persons that no matter what, nothing is good enough for her...
  10. She is the kind of person that will never want to do something, her answer is always "whatever you want"... So most of the time we do spend time at my house, watching TV or a movie, etc. When I tell her, lets go to the mall just to see stuff or somethign like that, most of the time she'll refuse... How meaningfull is that relationship for me? Well, I dont' know! I don't think it means a lot other than not being alone and being in a comfort zone with her. I rarely feel love anymore.
  11. There is no need to fight for someone to be with you. They either want to be with you or they don't want to be with you. Why do you want to force someone to be with you? That wouldn't get anywhere. Only way is for them to realize that they in fact want to be with you. If that doesn't happen, try to find someone else for yourself, no need to waste your time there. Remember, life is only time, nothing more, nothing less.
  12. Stop dating "kids/boyz" and start dating more mature people? Oh, wait, better idea! Enjoy your age, and when the time comes to get serious, do it. Why so much pressure into getting into a long term relationship, or even marriage, while being so young?
  13. Whatever floats your boat. I know there are people that can be partying every day of the week, staying up real late and sleeping only a few hours daily, I can't. There are different kinds of people, as simple as that. How old are you? I really questioned myself after that argument with my GF. So I asked everyone @ work about their sleeping habits. Guess we must be a group of 150 people, going from 23 to 29 years of age that act like 70 y/o people. (For the record, I'm in the minority of people that sleep 5-6 hours daily) Yeah, I remember highschool, getting drunk on thursday, stone drunk on friday and wasted on saturdays. Have a little hangover on Sundays and you're good for the rest of the week. Here you can't, a job is a test day after day. Don't meet the expected performance? Bye bye, its not like school, one week of exams each month and a half, where you only have to stop partying for a week. Welcome to the real world.
  14. I want it all my way? Sorry, but I'm the one doing 5-6 hours of sleep every single day, I'm the one subject to HER schedule... I'm already compromising my sleep time to be able to hang out with her. If you notice how I've arranged my time, I have no time left for anything, If I have to go to the bank (to widthraw money), go to the supermarket, etc. I have to do it in my "sleeping" time or skip gym. Not to mention that I'm not a very good "sleeper", as it takes me anything from half an hour to an hour to fall asleep. If I try to sleep from 7-9 I won't be able to sleep at all, and if I do, I wont' be able to sleep at night... This two last weeks I had to work overtime (because of the hurricane), so I left gym for two weeks to avoid compromising "our time together". By the way, by now it is not staying out late one night, it is staying out late everyday and one night staying out quite a bit later. So that leaves me with one day a week that I have free, when I can do whatever I was unable to do during the week, and I have to decide what I rather do, sleep or do what I was unable to during the week. Am I not compromising enough yet?
  15. So here I am, working (I'm off shift, that is why I'm here @ enotalone). Thing is, argued with my GF two days ago because at 9:30 pm I told her she had to go home so I could go to bed. It is the same thing everyday! I always try to say it nicely, but that day I was really tired, so I told her straight I wanted her to go home. He got all angry and all that drama. "Why do you need to sleep so much? I also have to wake up at the same time as you" That was her main argument. Then she came up with the fact that she wanted to go to the movies next day, with her friends, and wanted me to go with them. Her friends always go at 8 to the movies, and usually go to a movie that starts around 9-10pm. I start working at 7 am, so I have to wake up at 5:30 am. So if I want to sleep 8 hours, I have to be sleeping by 9:30 pm... So that made it even worse. Finally I told her that I dind't cared, and if she wanted she should find someone not as lazy as me that could stay up at that time. ----- My point is. Yep, shes in the University, gets off classes at 11-12am, so she goes home, sleeps a couple of hours, then goes to the gym and then we meet. That is our daily "schedule". Obviously, she is sleeping while I'm at work. And what can't be more obvious, at night I'll be tired and she wont as she had a nap. That and the fact that her clases start later on Mondays, and I also work 6 days a week... So am I supposed to sleep 6 hours all week and be tired all day long, while she is enjoying? Am I way off thinking that, well, basically, my job (and career) and her do not mix well? I'm not leaving my job, I'm on track for a really good promotion around December, that will help me achieve my mid-term profesional goals. I try to manage my time to spend as much time as possible with her. For example, I go from work straight to the gym so I can spend from 7-9:30 with her. Obviously, I get off work at 4:00, and could be done with the gym by 6, but as she comes to the gym an hour after that, because she was at home sleeping, I have to wait her 'till 7. I don't think I'm getting any recognition nor support from her side, she just complains about how little time we spend together, but I can't see any effort from her side. Note: and she thinks that hanging at my place or near my place is a lot from her side. However, the gym to where both of us go, is 5 minutes away, walking, from my place. Her place is around 20 minutes by car. So everytime she goes to the gym she is really near to my place. That and also the University is 5 minutes away from my house by car. All places she goes to are close to my house!!! Then she threatens me to have to go to her place.... (which would be a waste of time for both...) This is just one more reason for that relationship to end, and that is a huge list, with very few reasons to keep it going (maybe the comfort, and "love" is the only one).
  16. My take on this... What can be more sensual that the most sensual creature on earth??? Answer: two of those sensual creatures! I think men are plain ugly! When I see an atractive girl I can't help but think "how is she dating something as ugly as a man???" Obviously a girl will think otherwise... I would love to be a girl, to have such a beautifull femenine body, and be a lesbian, to be with another of those beautifull bodies. I know, I don't make half a bit of sense
  17. Onlyhuman... DO NOT TAKE ANTIDEPRESIVES!!! Take it from a maniac depressive guy. Been there, been taking tons of pills (usually a mix of antipsichotics, anxiety control and antidepresives) and at the end, they dont' fix anything... (Obviously...) But the side efects are, well, awfull. Any medicine that will increase your serotonin level will create adiction and resistance (as with hormones, if you are feeding them to your body, it gets used to it and stops producing them). Anxiety control pills aren't that bad, same goes for antipsichotics, but antidepresives are awfull. And if the side efects weren't bad enough, the withdawal is horrible. It took me almost a month before I felt OK after quiting the pills. Tried it two times, first time I didn't knew what was happening, just noticed the pills werent working anymore (and my doctor was happy to increase the dose) so I just left it all... Second time, I made heads and tails of what was happening. Lost my sex drive, lost ability to feel certain moods (that is good to feel them), etc. After two months I was just having the side effects without any bennefits. Tried to leave the pills, but the withdawal was so bad that I had to take them again. When I finally left them, I decreased the dose gradually until I was opening the smallest capsules to divide them in 4. Even that way it took me almost a month to recover... Do you seriously want to go down that road???
  18. Bitter aren't we? Women do have a mind of their own, aren't clayballs that can be molded, and are only persons. The way you aproach them and start a relationship with will mean a lot for the future of that relationship. You, being a woman, should know better than "she will decide who she likes" and realize the fact that the attitude of the guy when he aproaches you, how he behaves around you, etc. Will in fact make you feel attracted to him, make you feel indiferent, make you like him as a friend, etc. What he wants to know, if is his aproach would be better to make a woman realize how good of a guy he is without being in the typical situation, where rejection can come quite fast and easy. In his aproach the girl would be able to know him, know his qualities, etc, etc, etc. And you should also know, that if a guy aproaches you without "ulterior motives" you will accept him as a friend, and turning that friend into datable material is not easy. That is why his approach is quite wrong. It could work if he aproaches a girl, feeling extremely confident, preaching how he dislikes a relationship (basically playing the hard guy to get), but it still has extremely high chances to get him into the "friend" zone (ya know, all that "I love you as a brother" lies...)
  19. Whatever... He didn't asked about the morality of his plan... And even when you have ulterior motives, if you arent clear enough about them, at any moment you can go to the no return zone, the friends zone. You don't want her to EVER think about you as a friend, as making the move from the friends zone to the boyfriend material zone is extremely hard. So if you are trying to do this to make it easier to aproach a girl and easier to get her out to date you, you would end puting yourself in a way harder situation than if you had came up with your intentions clear since the first moment. Nope dude, thats an even tougher aproach than the usual one.
  20. Bars??? What are you supposed to do in a bar, just sit there, have a drink and go home? At least all the bars in here are places where people go, in groups, when they are not in the mood for a night club. Nightclubs are even worse, people go in groups, and often don't talk to any other people outside that gruop, or another group where someone knows someone in their own group. Its a little bit different in here how nightclubs work, you ARENT SUPPOSED TO GO ALONE to those places. Heck, I really doubt you'll event get to be admited to a nightclub if you go alone, you'll be left outside. Motorcycles are supposed to be a hobbie where you can meet a lot of people, and I've met quite a bit of people, but not people I can be really friends with, extremely different people with nothing in common, up to now. Girls??? Ha, thats a joke! Motorcycles are a "macho" thing, unfortunately.
  21. Had a bad fight with my GF. She got diagnosed with an early stage of diabetes, and the doctor happened to be my brother, so we had an argument and I haven't seen nor talked to her since then... (I think she broke up with me without "saying" it) (Long story, but as I can only open one post, maybe I'll leave it for later). Well, I have basically no friends at all. Sad but true. So these past days Ive talked only to people at work, customers and thats it. My "only" hobby are motorcycles, so I went today to an "open house" on a dealership close to my house. Hanged out there for like 3 hours, most of the time I was looking at bikes, talking to other people, etc. But then I came home, and well, I'm still bored and lonely. That wasn't fullfiling at all, it was just like killing time, but I wasn't THAT happy. How can I get to meet more people, make new friends... I want to get out of here!!! This hole is lonely, and I can't seem to help it...
  22. Even after the condom wraper, the receipt for drinks and all that, you aren't convinced he is cheating you??? Poor girl, being so innocent is only going to get you hurt, a lot.
  23. Well, I had a relationship for 3 years... But still don't have ANY friends at all, I can't make new friends, I scare everyone away from me. So now that that relationship has come to an end, well, I'm alone, and I'm sure I will for a long time. Can't get to know a new girl that I like, if I don't know anyone at all...
  24. I've never been in a situation where a girl I liked looked bad after we separated, or viceversa. In fact, my GF of 3 years was never atractive to me, I didn't disliked her, but I never thought her as a "hot gilr" just plain X, and when things wend downhill I started thinking of her a bit on the ugly side.
  25. It does not matter if I have to wake up to go riding on my bike, or if it is to work, I can't wake up! Obviously, If I have something really exciting to do the next day, anxiety will take its toll and won't let me sleep I've always been told you shouldn't excersice at nights as it will increase your adrenaline, and that won't let you sleep, correct? Also taking a shower at night doesn't sound that bad, but my schedule won't allow it, as it is the only chance I have to see my GF. Only thing that has worked for me was a pill that was similar to Valium. The thing would calm me down, so I was not thinking about how to fix the world and I could sleep like a baby. I miss those pills. But I won't take them anymore. I know they don't bring you anthing good at the end.
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