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  1. Hey acuraman and Mark, thanks for your comments. If there are guys like you out there, then I really need to take my blinders off and take a better look. Clearly, it's been my choices that are suspect.
  2. Süsser Tod, unfortunately, age does not necessarly mean maturity--the last one was 37 years old. If I were 20 years old, I would say you're right about the "pressure" of a long term relationship, but I'm not. I'm at a stage where I want to share my life with a man, but I seem to keep choosing boys in mens clothing.
  3. In my experience, men care more about finding out what works in bed than finding out how we can work as a couple. Why is that?
  4. Silly me...thought I was replying to a pm--didn't realize it was a post reply to grable. Sorry, new to this whole sort of thing.
  5. Hey, thanks! Picking myself up today and heading out to the gym. Time to start plugging back in... And how's your weekend?
  6. What a great source of encouragement and friendship all of you give to each other. I hope that I too will one day soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've had a few loves in my life, but have never been so torn, empty, and crazy at the loss of the current love. It seems that finding integrity and love for self is key to getting stronger. I'm working on that. Reading what you all have to say to Gradle is helping me too. Thanks. Gradle, it seems like you're doing good--keep it up!
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