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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. im sorry, i was only trying to help. maybe you should just listen to them.
  2. well have you considered asking her on a date, im not going to say that would be easy like i usually say to everyone, because now that i have to be faced with that i know it really always isn't, but maybe you could just consider asking her out.
  3. well it's not that small no. but the avg. (now this is only what i have heard for my ex bf and other guy friends) is 7 inch's. well how old are you?
  4. so whats the whole story cuz you kind of lost me. there just isn't enouph information. well what exactally did you tell him, what exactally did he say and how did he respond?
  5. yeah i have some advice, try and contact her and tell her that you don't really want to get back together with her, but you miss her as a friend and you would like to be friends again.
  6. oh my gosh, so i thought that i would just stay out of it all until i really new what was going on with "joe" and monica, but this morning on my way to 2nd hour i saw him. he is so beautiful, he is so nice and sweet, i don't know why i like him so much. i want to tell him but i don't know how. i always answer everyones posts like this saying go for it and it isn't as hard as it seems, but now that i am faced with it i don't know what to do. so to all of you whom i have said that to im sorry. i get butterflys in my tummy everytime i see him. but i didn't just see him, he went out of his way to get my attention and say hi, if he wouldn't have then i wouldn't have even noticed him. he was all dressed up in a nice blue shirt and a tie. i don't know why 'cause it's just a normal school day, but he was so hot. he is like the sweetest guy on earth. oh my gosh, im just so worried that i'll tell him and he won't like me back. i can't handle rejection right now. i just got over a 11 month relationship that i thought i was going to die coming out of. oh lord help me. i am afraid because the situation is extremly complicated. if you have read my last two posts then you will understand what i am talking about.
  7. why does it make you feel like that? do you act diff. or like someone you're not when you do that? just be yourself. if you are not that outgoing then don't be. really if she is going to like you then let her like you for who you are. im sure you are a great person. good luck.
  8. okay so this doesn't make any sense to me. i mean she says she likes you but she has a bf. well if she likes you then why is she with him. who does she like here? why don't you talk to her and clear it all up. don't let her play you either. don't let her think that she can just use you because you like her. good luck. love Qtpie87
  9. wow, im happy you are okay, my best friend just died 6 months ago in a car reck. bye, love Qtpie87
  10. you know something i want to help you out with this. i don't really have any ideas right now, but soon as i do i will pm you okay. bye, love Qtpie87
  11. well just friend huh? well maybe if you guys can just take eachother as that for now then it could turn into more later. well i am a big believer of being friends first, just so you know if more is what you really want. well that is the best opinion i have for you. sorry i can't do more. if you would like to talk pm me okay. love Qtpie87
  12. well my personal opinion is to sit down with him(if the friendship means enough) and tell him what you think is exeptable in a friendship and what isn't. now he is who he is and can not and shounld not completely change, but you two should express eachothers feeling to one another in a civil manner and then go about what you should do. don't let a good friendship go, but don't be in one that isn't real.
  13. so i was going to take the advice of everyone that posted on my post last night and tell "joe" (not his real name) that i liked him and ask him to the dance because my friend just cheeted on him, well i called her last night and she said that he isn't mad at her and that they are okay, but i have a hard time believing that because she found a note that was from him saying that he can't trust her. well at first i thought that she didn't really cheet on him and it was just this other guy being a pig and grabbing her, but then i talk to my ex who talked to "joe" who said that my friend (his gf) said she didn't stop any of it and that she didn't say like you shouldn't have touched me or anything, she went along with it and "joe" is okay with this? i know that he isn't. what in the world? well i really care about him and i just don't know if i should just still tell him or not. i mean maybe i should still tell him how i feel.
  14. wow it sounds like they want you to be perfect or accomplish something that they didn't. i think that you are being pushed too much and that is going to end up driving you so crazy that when you grow up you won't want to be around them as much. maybe you should sit down with them and respectfully talk to them about how you feel. you are only a teenager and no one can be perfect. being a teen is hard enough. well good luck. love Qtpie87 if you ever want to talk then pm me-k-
  15. well if you want to say it to him then you should, only i had that problem a while ago and i wrote my ex like a million letters and the reason for that is because i didn't think that he was really getting it. so i would write him again and again and believe me i can get a lot more out in a letter, but you know they might not read it. so i started to talk to him in person. now i had to totally controle my emotions or he would leave, but i noticed that if i was calm and i listend to him and asked him when it was my turn to speack to not cut in and just to listen that i got a lot further with him. well good luck. love Qtpie87
  16. thankyou for saying that frodo, that is exactally what i meant, only you said it much better.
  17. okay so your not a teen, so what, everyone flirts it's totally okay, my mom is alomost 40 and she flirts her little bum off. well she is shy, okay, well im shy and i came to notice that when guys are out going with me and they don't act like im dumb when im not totally out going at first then im not as shy. just because she is shy doesn't mean she doesn't like out going guys. so just be yourself, be kind of melow with her at first, start to make jokes and bring up things that you like, she will come out of her shell sooner of later. hope i helped. love QTpie87
  18. i agree, you should sit down and find out what the two of you both really want.
  19. well you could still be friends with him, you know, but this girl is getting treated really badly. i mean if he is so nice to everyone, then why would he be in a relationship and then treat her like that? he needs to stop using this girl.
  20. i don't think that it would be a very good idea at all to start drinking as long as you had a young child. i mean, no she probably wouldn't sense anything wrong, but sometimes babies do. and besides it's not a good idea to get drunk while you are taking care of a child.
  21. dude he is mean to her. is he nice to anyone? i mean you don't do that to someone that you are in a relationship with. she really needs to realize that she is better then that and that there are plenty of guys out there that would treat her better.
  22. yeah i agree with frodo. i think that you should just take it slow and see how things go. it is always good to know that you can have a friendship before a bf/gf relationship so you know that you really like her and she likes you. maybe you will end up going out someday, but for now i suggest that you really get to know eachother first.
  23. depends on the girl you like more then her friends, at least it would to me. well why don't you tell her how you feel about her and then in a nice calm polite way how you feel about her friends.
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