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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. well i was surfing the web trying to find out how to act or what to do on your first date, lame i know but i was only 15 and it was my first, well i came accross this page and i thought it was cool because everyone here was open and shared there problems and helped others. i thought about it and i didn't have anyone to talk to at home about any of my problems, long story, so i thought i would join and try it out. i love it here, i love to help people when i have an answer for them and i really think its awesome that people will help others including myself with our dificulties. well love ya, Qtpie87
  2. fallow your heart and choose the one you think you will love more in long terms and that will love you and never lie to you. to me honesty and true love are the most important things in a relationship. wanna talk some more about it? just pm me.love QTpie87
  3. i think by leaving it up to you he is thinking you have his best interists at heart and if you really love him you should. why don't you tell him that he may do what he needs to do and he should find out what he really wants in life, but if he decides he wants you then to come back, only you need to find out what else is out there also. you said it is your first love so maybe you'll find that you love him, but you may end up loving someone else even more. you should stay friends and see where things go from there. if you really do love him then ,and yes i know it hurts, but you will let him do his exploring and let him find out what he really wants in life. i am here if you need to talk. love Qtpie87
  4. HEy im a sixteen year old girl who goes to coronado high in henderson, do you live anywhere around there?
  5. i would be careful 'cause if this guy has a gf and is trying to get you to like him at the same time then he isn't the type of guy you want to get mixed up with, you know those types, the ones that play any girl they can. But hey maybe you could give him the benifit of the dought and think he might be not with her that much longer, but until then really i wouldn't get invoved, REALLY! im only a few years older then you, but with that much more expericance on guys and relationships please take my advice. He might also not even really like you like that and just be one of those people that like to have a whole lot of friends and flirt with all the girls and don't even see it half the time. i have a friend like that , hes really bad about it, i swear he would flirt with a dog in heat if the oportunity came up.lol. well good luck. Qtpie87
  6. okay now before your face goes like this and you have a heart attak realize that this question is not for my personal use rather a question for someone else. okay ready? now please don't let this affend anyone here but i must find this out for one of my friends before He really screws up and i can't talk to anyone else (like adults) about it or they will be freaking out on me and either make me stop helping him or just assume im the one that needs help. I don't agree with what he is going to possibly do, but that is why im asking. OKay so my question is has anyone here known anyone who has sold their sole to the devil? and how do you feel about it? i think it's totally messed up, but opinions and examples are wanted fast. Please help me on this one 'cause i didn't know how to explain to him what was wrong with it and i have never known anyone that has ever done that have you? okay well thankyou, love QTpie87
  7. i honestly have to say that i hate sideburns.
  8. HI everyone. i have a question, i haven't been on the web for about three weeks because i just moved to Henderson Navada right by las Vegas, like 10 min. away. well i go to this new school called Coronado High and i wanted to know if there was anyone here that goes there. well see ya, love Qtpie87
  9. well i feel like crap. i got this date to the dance finally. he is really cute and one of my old friends, but now he is acting funny. last night i called him and i wanted to know if he wanted to go to lunch with me today and he said that he had to stay after school and help this teacher put up a lab or he would, so i was like okay thats fine, but im in the school library right now and he is over at this table with all of his friends eating lunch. so i feel like he doesn't like me very much. it really hurts my feelings. right now i feel like the only reason he is going with me is because he doesn't want to be mean. well aaahhhh! i guess i was right most guys are lieing pigs (with the acception of a few).
  10. i would sit down and talk to him about it just don't get in another fight over it. maybe he feels like even though you say you're not pressured or just doing it 'cause you feel like you have to, that you really are. that is kind of weird though, i mean if he is doing that kind of stuff to you then why wouldn't he let you? well maybe he just doesn't like the idea of that , even though that would be the first guy i ever heard that from. i mean i used to doo stuff with my ex bf and i wouldn't ever let him do that to me. well just ask him about it. good luck, love Qtpie87
  11. you should talk to her and ask her to think about how she would feel in your shoes. i mean if you had a roommate and she had feelings for him and he had feelings for her then how would she feel if you blew up in her face and didn't want them to see eachother just because he was your roommate, you know. if you two like eachother then she should back off. she doesn't have feelings for him does she?
  12. depends on the person. yeah i got my old bf something for v-day last year, only are you going out with the person or what. do you only like him or are you dating, try not to over do it though if you do do something, 'cause the guy will feel like what he did wasn't enough, but at the same time make sure it's cute, like i got this way cute little, well i don't know what it was it was like a basket and i put candy in it and i got him a card. give him a big kiss, love ya, Qtpie87
  13. okay im sorry i wasn't sure if you wanted to stay friends or not, but in that case, i have a suggestion on what to say to her that would possibly make her back off of the guy, but for sure make her leave you alone. just tell her face to face that you thought she was your friend but she evidentally doesn't care about you or the friendship. tell her that she knew you like him and still went along with flirting and showing herself off to him so she can't really be a true friend. tell her that she can do whatever she wants because you have confidence in yourself and you believe you can get him if you want. tell her that you don't wan to be friends anymore because friends respect eachother and help eachother out in situations like that, they don't try to take the guy or flirt with the guy you want. i don't know if that is really what you are looking for, but that is what i would say. good luck. love Qtpie87
  14. these things happen all the time in relationships. well you told him not to call you so maybe he thinks you want him to call you back just so you can say how mad you are and yell at him, thats what my ex thought. i just had to basically go to him and tell him i was sorry, i didn't want to yell or be mean, and i just wanted to have a calm talk with him. maybe you could try that, it worked for me.
  15. hey i found you a post that really sounds like it could help you. read it all before you trun it down. good luck. im here for you anytime. this is the posts title---Help is Within You--- good luck, love Qtpie87
  16. that has to be the best advice i have ever heard of to get over a break up. i wish i would have heard that 2 months ago. well thats okay i can still use it because i still miss my ex like that sometimes 'cause we are best friends now. wow, that is a wonderful idea. thankyou. bye, love Qtpie87
  17. well i know what you are going to think when i tell you what you need to do, but take my advice i just got over a 11 month relationship and this is what helped the mose, you may think that it will be harder on you and yes it will be for a while, but in the end it is the best thing you can do for yourself. It is the no contact rule, people kept telling me for months to do that and i always thought it would be too hard and more painful, well when i finally did it i was right, it sucked, but eventually it helped me. and you know what he started to come around me and talk to me and now we are like best friends. she might not do that though and that is why you need to stick to the no contact rule incase she doesn't come back. well good luck that is the best advice i can give you. if you need to talk ever then just pm me. bye, love Qtpie87
  18. well maybe you will end up seeing her. i do worry about the age gap though, i mean do you know for sure that this isn't some weirdo that likes to mess with young people or not. im not trying to sound mean it's just im worried about you. but other than that i don't see a problem with going out with someone older, my mom and step dad have a what is it 8-10 year gap, something like that. well you're talking about a physical relationship though, bad idea for your age, be careful!
  19. well tell her. tell her how you feel about it. just be carful not to get into a fight because friendships can last forever, but boys will most likely end up leaving while we are still young.
  20. i would also love to help you all that i can, just pm me with your problems and i will do as best as i can to help. im always here to talk to just pm me whenever you need to talk or have a question. bye, love Qtpie87
  21. i think you have good writing skills although i think that you can use them to write thing that are not so mean. yes this person may have hurt you, but can you express it in a way with out cussing or telling them to go to hell, i think that you can. maybe write something with a nice nature to it. i am def. not saying that you don't have any talent, im just saying it might make you feel better if you expressed your anger but not so verbaly. try doing something like saying something and expressing yourself but making it so the reader can make what they want of it and maybe have to guess what it really means. good luck. love Qtpie87
  22. i don't think that would be a freaky thing, my mom and my step dad are 10 years apart and when you really like someone then it doesn't matter. how about you just talk to them about it. good luck.
  23. okay so this my decision. well i talked to "joe" today and i asked him if he would talk to me sometime on the phone or even today sometime at school if he had time and he said that was fine. well i have gotten the go for it from all of my friends and from people that know him and his friends. they all say just ask him he will go and everything. you know i feel kind of worried but at the same time im okay with it and i know everything will be okay when i ask him. he doesn't hate me even though me and my ex have been so weird latly so i guess he is still my friend. well im gonna ask him like this (this was my shop teachers idea) buy some big hunks (the candy) and say of all the big hunks i know i want you to go to preferance with me. well how does that sound. i want to do a little more, but im not sure what. but thankyou for all of your help and i just wanted to let everyone know that im going for it. love Qtpie87
  24. i don't think there is anything else you can do. you sound like a very loving, giving bf. don't worry about it. if she doesn't see it then there is something wrong. i guess all there is left to do is say it. tell her you love her and all. well you don't have to take her everywhere and buy her everything to show her that you love her, you could just cuddle on the couch with a movie and give her little kisses once in a while and tell her you love her and it would have the same if not a even better effect on her. well good luck. Qtpie87
  25. well if you are everything that he wants in a woman then why is he acting like this? did you ask him that? if (the same question as before) then why doesn't he want to or why can't he marry you? he wants to be with you, but doesn't at the same time?
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