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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. so may i please ask you if you have any idea what everyone is saying here. and if you realize how silly and mean you are being?
  2. my i please be a blonde and ask what CPs means?
  3. okay this is the last time i am going to tell you this so listen up. IF YOU LOVE HIM THEN LET THE TOE THING GO, YES MAYBE IT IS BIG AS HIS OTHER BIG TOE, BUT WHO CARES IF YOU REALLY LOVE HIM??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN! yes your children might have that same toe from his gene but if you loved them, WHO CARES? if you really love this guy then you will ecept him like he is , WHO CARES THAT HE HAS A 6TH TOE?!? do you really love him or what?
  4. i am sorry for this but now i am going to be mean. really you need to pull your head out and think about this. stop making fun of him here and all "how can i put myself in his shoes, they are 6 toe shoes?" who cares! if you really love him then it would be okay with him. honey, im sorry im really not a mean person, its only maybe he was embaressed about it. maybe he was worried you would act like you are now.?. well im am sorry! i wasn't that mean! really i wasn't! it's just you loved him when you didn't know he had six toes so that shouldn't matter to you. you know what i am saying. really just sit down for a moment and think about how you would feel if you had 6 toes that you were born with and maybe you were a little embaressed about it. you need to take it easy. love Qtpie87
  5. QTpie87

    Txting Back

    my advice is go for it, tell her how you feel even, only if you want. just be yourself and act like you really are around her. i would ask her to hang out though. if you wan't any more advice then feel free to pm me. bye, love Qtpie87
  6. well he can't help how he was born. you really love him right? well then it shouldn't matter. i know you love him because you talked about how you guys talked about marriage, but real love is unconditional, thereforeeee you wouldn't be spazing out because of his 6th toe. what if you were the one that had it, wouldn't you feel horrible that he felt that way? your children wouldn't have 6 toes for sure and anyway that shouldn't matter if you really love him. oh yes, im not trying to sound rub so please don't take what i said to be mean, i just don't know how else to put it. well if you want to talk about it you can pm me im here -k- oh, and the guy i like right now only has 3 toes on one of his feet. but i don't know why i said that, but hey pm me-k- love ya, Qtpie87
  7. hey, did you think about maybe asking him about it in a way that wouldn't hurt his feelings or get you guys in a fight. thats what i would do.
  8. yeah, i know what you mean about the whole cheering the bf thing up. you see while me and my ex where going out our best friend died and i was really really not okay but neither was he so i tried to act semi okay and i stayed there with him. well he always told me how thankful he was that i was there with him, but now he says that he really wanted me to leave him alone. i don't know what the truth is... probably he just said that to me because he was mad when he said it. but i would ask your bf what you can do to him. tell him you love him and how much he means to you and let him know that you are there for him. well i hope i helped. oh yeah and about that ho just ignore her. i know that will be hard to do but i have to ignore my ex's ho'esh sister everyday. well i hope i helped you. love Qtpie87
  9. okay so i finally got over my ex right. well it turns out i have feelings for one of his best friends and my ex it totally okay with that, he really is or he would say so trust me i have known him forever. okay well the thing is that my ex's friend (i'll just call him joe) has been dating a girl who is one of my best friends for about 2 1/2 months now, well the other day she cheated on him and to me honesty is the most important part in a relationship and i just want to smack her because joe is a very good friend of mine. well my ex is trying to get joe to pull his head out and dump her. well she found a note that joe was going to give her and it said all this like i can't trust you and everything. well so i don't think that they will be dating much longer. well while they were dating (she is so freaking young she is 14) she wanted me to take him to the school dance because she is too young and her father wont let her go. well i really like him and he used to like me a bit before my ex asked me to date him, well he is the sweetest guy, and i still want to take him to that dance, only thing is im worried he wont want to go with me because i just got out of a relationship 3 months ago with my ex who is his buddy. but my ex is telling me to ask him and he is all like go for it just ask him. so do you think that i should? i really like Joe a lot. im confused. and oh yeah it is on march 5th so i have a while to ask him and he should feel a little better by then so anyway it is a girls ask the guys dance so it will be my job, and we have to come up with a creative and fun or funny, whatever, way to ask, does anyone have any ideas. maybe i could use packers stuff to do it, because he loves them, only we have to come up with a cute little phrase with whatever we give them involved in how we asked them. do you know what i mean?
  10. i personally think it is best for two people to be asked that question either alone, or yes def. around people like crowds in the mall and stuff, just with no one really hanging out with the two of you. i think it makes it easier to be asked infront of people only like at the mall where you don't know them and they aren't like actually following you around and talking to you. my ex asked me on a date in front of people like that and that was fine, only if you ask to really go out (like bf/gf stuff) then that is when you want to be alone.
  11. sounds to me like he needs to wake up and smell the sunshin. he needs a new girlfriend
  12. well just take it slow, find a guy that you really like and then make sure you can actually be friends with him first. make sure he thinks you are the greatest person ever and treats you like a princess. then hey you're hooked.
  13. im going to tell you just to talk to them about it and see how things go. have they done anything (not your ex, but this other person) to make you not think you can trust them?
  14. yeah dude now you're thinking. that is a way freaking cute idea, its awesome. im a girl and let me till ya, go for it man. good luck, if you need anymore ideas pm me 'cause i also have a few that may help. good luck!!!!!! love Qtpie87
  15. QTpie87


    well this is only my personal opinion so dont' take anything wrong or like i think your opinions don't matter because i think that everyones opinions matter here-k- so here it goes- i really don't know that much about my religoun just because my family couldn't find a church that is close enough or believes the same thing, and then when we finally did my mother moves us and gets a job she has to work on sundays, so i can't really answer that part on religious beliefs, sorry. as for your other questions i think that they are kind of all the same in a way. i believe that abortion is wrong. I think of a fetus as a living thing even if it is only a few days old, to me something living is when that thing has the potentale to keep growing into what it will be someday. now some people say, "well it's only a few days old and hardly anything has happened, it has had no time to form, and thereforeeee is not living." but as i already said before it is living because it has begun to start to form a life. now about special cases- i think that the only time anyone should have an abortion is when the mother or the bady could be really harmed (like death) like if the mother has a condition to where it would kill her to have a baby or be pregnant. Or when there is something so wrong with the baby that they wont be able to do the things they need to do to live. now im not saying mentally challanged at all, i know people with downs syndrom in my school and they are always happy, they are some of the happest people on earth and i think they are blessed and just as good as anyone else. so what i'm really trying to say is, your baby will be born with half of their brain out and missing a leg, and will have heart problems for the rest of their life, stuff big like that then maybe, yes you could, but what if they were born with that and it could be fixed? then no way, they are a person and you know just because they would have chanllenges in life doesn't mean they won't have a good life. My little sister had a friend that was born with something wrong with her brain and she was always getting sick and that was really sad, but how could you make a decision to take someones life or not. they could have lots of problems physically and mentally and be one of the greatest, friendlest, happest people on earth and never want to gibe their life up, some people have a few problems and want to die, but some would like to take that challenge to make them stronger and better people. well i wen't too far on what i think, i think so sorry, i don't even really understand how to explain how i feel about it but i tried. bye, love Qtpie87
  16. no i guess not i mean you're only human right? well i don't really want to tell you to do one or the other though 'cause i don't want to be yelled @. oh yeah, how did you get those other smiles.
  17. okay cool poem then anyway, nice to see ya. love Q tpie87
  18. yeah that was good, why did you feel that way in your relationship though. are you a guy or girl? did you go through a break up?
  19. how long have you two been going out? i really want to know! and why did the relationship start going bad, what was happening? was there another girl? or what?
  20. i don't understand what is going on, there are two girls?
  21. yes, im pretty sure that she can. i don't think you really have to worry, but sometimes the condoms don't work like they should. well they are only like 99.5 or something like that percent reliable. but don't worry too much if you are that worried about it then have her take a pregnancy test. well and maybe you shouldn't stay in when you ejaculate anymore. your choice, just a helpful opinion.
  22. i don't know i mean that would kind of scare me a little, not in a horrible way or anything, but still i wouldn't be to exited about it. maybe you are just going though a faze and it will fade over time. well good luck. if you want to talk then feel free to pm me-k-
  23. yeah, i had that same problem a while ago, im not pregnant but hey i think you should maybe go to the DR. and get a test done there.
  24. im going to tell you just to act normal and like yourself and start a convo. with her. it's not really hard, just walk up intro. yourself ask her about herself and start talking.
  25. so wait are you broken up or what? how long have you been dating?
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