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Everything posted by Empathy

  1. I definitely think the face is more important. Pretty much anyone can get a good body if they want, but not everyone can have a pretty face. Unless they get plastic surgery, but there's only so much surgery can do. Plus facial features vary much more from person to person in comparison to body features.
  2. I'm really having a hard time letting go. Even though I know I'm not going to get him back, I still can't let go. It's as if my subconcsious is talking me into believing that he's going to come back to me. And sometimes, out of nowhere, I'll get this feeling that we're still together even though I haven't talked to him in over a week. This may seem odd but it's as if I've accepted it but I'm still in denial about it at the same time. How do you make yourself let go? Especially when you're not ready. What if I'm never ready? It's easy for people to tell me, "You just have to let him go" but actually doing it is a completely different thing. Isn't there a chance that I may never let go? I'm hurting so much and I'm so lost right now. I don't feel as if I've progressed very much as far as the healing process is concerned. I want to let go so badly. I don't want to love him anymore. I don't want to care about him anymore.
  3. Wow, Potts. You sound about as negative about the ladies as I do about the guys. We should have a talk to see if we can't cancel eachother's negative feelings out. lol
  4. I've always been told that guys prefer that girls make the first move. That makes it easier on me. If they don't mind me making the first move, then I don't mind making the first move.
  5. As for "the nice guy" in your class that you want to talk to, try talking to him before class. And what you were saying about not looking like a bimbo, that may be the case. If you're not dressing your self in a manner that says you're throwing yourself at the guys, they may see you as a harder target. Guys love an easy target. You're showing that you're not easy. That's definitely a good thing. That way you can weed out the pigs from the respectable guys. Just give it time. School just started. You have a whole semester ahead of you!
  6. How do I get over this petrifying fear of driving.? I'm 19 years old and I still don't know how to drive! I know from the little experience that I've had with driving that I'm not a good driver. I have adhd too so that doesn't help. And I have difficulty remembering the rules when I'm behind the wheel b/c I get so nervous. I'm always saying, "Can I go? When can I go? Should I turn now?" lol. But when I'm in the passenger seat I know exactly what I'm supposed to do (most of the time lol). I'm just so paranoid. I don't want to get into a car wreck that either kills me or mames me for the rest of my life. This fear is holding me back from a lot of things. I can't get a job b/c I don't have a way to get there. I have to take night classes so that I can make sure I have a ride to class. I can't move out of my parents house, and trust me I need out! Help!
  7. "I know that its hard to breathe sometimes. I know that the world seems too messed up to inhabit at times but please remember the ones who do care about you. Imagine what it would do to them. I know what it did to me. I felt as if he didn't care enough about me or my family to live for us. Suicide is a very selfish act. You're only thinking of yourself at the moment. The moment you pull the trigger, pop those pills, slit your wrists, whatever you may do, do you know what you're saying to the world and your loved ones? "I don't care about you." And that may not be at all what you intend to say. But that's what they'll hear. Everyone at this site cares about you. That's why we take the time to give you our advice. If you ever need anyone to talk to pm me and I'll give you my screen name and email address. Please take care of yourself." This is something that I left in a post for someone else a few days ago. I was talking about my brother that committed suicide.I'm telling you the same thing b/c I will always stress it till the day I die. Don't be selfish. When you start to wonder, "Why am I here? What do I have to live for?" as simple and petty as it may seem to you, you must remember that you're here to live for those that choose to live for you. If you ever need to talk, please pm me. Believe it or not the world needs you. As a matter of fact, today, Sept. 16 is my brother's birthday. He would have been 31 today. I wonder what he would have done with his life by now...
  8. Love isn't real. If you ever see "love" coming your way just drop everything and run as fast as you can until your delusions have been run out of you! It's not REEEAAAALLLL!! At least that's how I feel anyway. I'll never get him back.
  9. OMG! You said it. You definitely spelled it out. I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. Good job! You're making me miss that kind of connection... It sucks to think that just a month ago I had that connection with someone.
  10. Ok. I can help you, maybe. Vibrators are excellent. I like them so much that I want to get one of those vibrators that looks like a tube of lipstick so I can take it with me everywhere. Another thing that I like are those toys that can stimulate the G-spot and the clit at the same time. The most common one is called "The Rabbit." I used something called the Pearl Panther. ha ha. THAT'S a funny a title. Sometimes you just have to have patience. Take your time and don't give up. You may just discover an explosive orgasm at the end of your journey. lol. I hope I helped a little bit. Good luck!
  11. Yep. I thought about that too. Ghettocracker (ha ha, great name) could be right.
  12. I can really understand how that makes you feel. I hate to say it but in my last relationship I was guilty of what your gf is doing. I always told my bf at the time that there were all these guys that liked me and that drove him crazy. But the reason why I did it was b/c I wanted to let him know that I was a wanted woman and I wanted him to appreciate that. I was trying to make him hold on to me. But then I later realized that it was just driving him away. That's not why we broke up. I stopped doing it then things were fine. Anyway, I was just telling you that b/c it could be the reason she does it. Or you may be right. I know I'm not too much older than you but you are young. Maybe both of you should experiment. Being tied down so young when there are so many temptations and so much life to live can lead to a lot of heart ache. I've learned that myself. I was the 1st girl my ex bf had ever been with and we stayed together for a year and 9 months. Then he realized I wasn't the one. It tore my heart out. If you love her, then love her. I'm not telling you to break up with her. I'm just telling you what I've experienced so you'll know what COULD be in the future. Good luck with everything. If you ever need to talk, PM me.
  13. I have just a few questions that I'd like to ask all you guys out there. It concerns what you find physically attractive in a female. If you'd like you can also tell me what aspects of a woman's personality you find attractive as well. 1.) Tall or short 2.) Blonde, brunette, red head 3.) Green, brown, blue, or hazel eyes 4.) Make up or no make up 5.) Very slender (not much shape, not curvy) or hourglass. 6.) Small or large breasts 7.) Tan or not 8.) What's your favorite part of the female body? (Try not to be crude! lol ) 9.) Please add anything else that you think I might find helpful. Thanks guys!
  14. First, you have to ask yourself the question, "Does love exist?" I'm trying to figure that one out. Right now I don't think it does. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong someday...
  15. The cold heartedness being a result of pain was definitely not the case with my ex. I found out that he'd been treating me like crap on purpose in order to push me to break up with him. Instead of caring enough for me to just break up with me and save me all the pain, he decided to stomp on my heart until I broke. He obviously felt no pain about giving me up.
  16. Ha ha! I can only imagine what everyone thought when I used the word "inferior". Yes, I did feel dominated. But what I meant by using that particular word was that even though I had more experience than him, he really KNEW what he was doing. It's hard to explain, but there was something about the fact that he knew what he was doing that made him seem more superior to me. And I liked the way that made me feel. There was also more to the way he made me feel when we were together than just that. We never just had sex. It was always making love, even if there was no tenderness involved. There was always love and I could always feel it. (I hate being this explicit. It's kind of embarrassing lol.) The thing is, I have been in love one other time before him (assuming I even knew what love was then or even now.) The person I was with before never made me feel the way this particular person did. That's why I'm so afraid that I'll never find it again. That it's a once in a lifetime thing and I've already had my chance. Besides, I'm so pessimistic right now that I don't believe something that good is meant to happen to someone more than once. I've almost convinced myself that love doesn't even exist.
  17. Another thing that I just thought about (well I didn't just think about it, I just REALLY started thinking about it) was the sex with him was absolutely amazing. It's hard to believe he was a virgin when I met him. But I know for a fact he was. And it wasn't b/c he was just good at what he did. It was the way he made me feel when we were "intimate" with each other. He was the only person I'd ever been with that I could make eye contact with when we were "together". He just had this way of making me feel inferior (I'm somewhat submissive, so I liked that little feeling of inferiority) yet my pleasure mattered at the same time. And I felt so much love. I just had this connection with and feeling for him that I didn't think I could ever experience. It was the stuff fairy tales and romance novels are made of. lol. It was a feeling that seems like it can only come once in a lifetime. Now that I've had it I don't want to lose it forever. I don't think it's possible for anyone to make me feel the way that he did. Can anyone else relate to this problem? Has anyone ever thought they could never feel the same way again (about this issue in particular) but was later proven wrong?
  18. I can't say that I understand how you feel as far as the divorce is concerned. My parents are still together (even though I feel they shouldn't be.) But I can definitely relate to you as far as the "spanking" is concerned. I remember begging for mercy many a time and never getting it. Everytime my father picked up a belt I became terrified. Sometimes he left bruises on me that I had to hide from my shrink so they wouldn't take me away. I used to be very suicidal, I still am sometimes. But my views on suicide completely changed when my brother comitted suicide. I was 12 and he was 24. I know that its hard to breathe sometimes. I know that the world seems too messed up to inhabit at times but please remember the ones who do care about you. Imagine what it would do to them. I know what it did to me. I felt as if he didn't care enough about me or my family to live for us. Suicide is a very selfish act. You're only thinking of yourself at the moment. The moment you pull the tigger, pop those pills, slit your wrists, whatever you may do, do you know what you're saying to the world and your loved ones? "I don't care about you." And that may not be at all what you intend to say. But that's what they'll hear. Everyone at this site cares about you. That's why we take the time to give you our advice. If you ever need anyone to talk to pm me and I'll give you my screen name and email address. Please take care of yourself.
  19. Just out of curiosity, how did this cold hearted individual handle the break up?
  20. Once again, thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad I found this site.
  21. Many people want what they can't have. That's why playing hard to get is supposed to work so well. These theories don't apply to everyone. But it would seem they apply to most. That's just my opinion. lol
  22. I just wanted to say thanks for all the helpful advice. If anyone has any other helpful hints please feel free to let me know. Take care, guys!
  23. Cutting is not all about attention. Yes, some people do seek out attention and use cutting as a means. But to say that all people do it for that purpose is wrong. Some people cut themselves as a way to take their mind off of emotional pain; some see the physical cut as symbolic to the cut that may have been left on their "soul." They watch it heal and imagine that their soul wound is healing with it; Someone once told me that they did it because as they watched the blood exit their body, they imagined that they're emotional pain left with it. I used to do it. The reasons why I did it was b/c emotional pain was too hard for me to handle and the physical pain gave me something else to focus on or I'd cut myself when I felt that I needed to be punished. But I always hid it and tried to do it on places where people couldn't see it. I was ashamed of it.
  24. Well, I do mostly agree with everyone else. But I'll try and tell you something it COULD mean. I used to be into the interpretation of dreams. I read in a book that having a dream where you're cheating usually means that you're unhappy with your sex life. Maybe you two need to spice things up a bit.
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