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Everything posted by Empathy

  1. Ummm...I've had problems with yeast infections in the past and I never experienced the kind of pain you experienced. What you're describing sounds a lot like a primary out break of herpes. Have you had sex with anyone questionable lately? If you have, you might wanna look down south to see if there's anything there.
  2. lol. I wish I could help you but I'm in the EXACT same position as you too. I wish I could just snap my fingers and have a well written essay appear before my eyes. But I can't.
  3. I had a lot of dreams about us getting back together. Or I'd have dreams that we were still dating and he'd break up with me in a very cold manner. It was like breaking up with him over and over and over again.
  4. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in this forum but anyway...Here's the situation. My bf and I broke up about 3 months ago. There's a guy that I'm interested in right now. We just started hanging out and I made it known to him that I liked him and he let me know he feels the same way. I really do like the guy and I can see myself being with him, but sometimes I feel hindered. The problem is I know I still love my ex and I'm pretty sure there's a chance we could get back together. My ex will be coming in town this Christmas and I know that when we see eachother that's when we'll know whether or not we want to be with eachother. I really do like this other guy and I know that he'd be good for me. But I'm terrified of starting something with him and losing my chance of getting back the person that I really love. The thought makes my stomach turn. I'm also afraid that I could end up starting something with this guy then see my ex and realize that I'd made a mistake. I don't want to think of this new guy as a rebound even though that's pretty much what it sounds like. Sometimes I'll imagine being with this person in a relationship and it makes me feel wonderful. Then there are times when it makes me feel nervous and not in a good way. I've already lead him on. I don't know if I should tell him that I'm not ready for a relationship yet. In doing so I could miss out on a good thing. What do I do!? I probably should have never said anything to him in the first place, but it's too late now...
  5. I've never been a big fan of hairy guys. lol. The less hair on the body the better. But it wouldn't keep me from dating someone.
  6. HA HA HA...! ...I love this website. lol
  7. hmmm...I think I understand what you're saying. lol
  8. I was in an LDR and it failed. But that doesn't change my opinion about any relationship. If you're both willing to work hard enough and if you really love eachother then ANY relationship can work. I applaud you for your tenacity.
  9. HAHAHA! Comet and steel wool? Damn good one! lol. Anyway, you are right. As I said before, you shouldn't clean too thoroughly in the nether region. Some people even believe that you shouldn't wash at ALL but I wouldn't go that far. You should wash everyday but do it with a gentle soap. Nothing with perfumes or really strong fragrances added to them.
  10. My brother was on Paxil when he committed suicide. He was 24.
  11. Uhhh....You don't need to increase your size. What you NEEEEEEEED to do is let me give you my address and get your self over to MY place! hee hee
  12. Maybe there is something wrong with me but I don't think dating helps me very much. I've met a couple of guys in the past 2 or 3 weeks and I was actually pretty interested in them. But being around them just made me miss my ex even more. Maybe I'll just have to meet somebody that just absolutely blows me away. Otherwise, dating just makes it worse.
  13. A lot people have been saying to take bubble baths. I wouldn't do that too often if I were you. It can cause urinary tract infections. They're NO fun. At least that's what the good ol' doc told me when I was really little. I used to get UTI's a lot when I was younger and the doctor said it was b/c I was taking too many bubble baths. I stopped taking bubble baths and it hasn't been a problem since. Plus if you clean yourself too much in that region you increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. It kills the good bacteria that fights off the production of yeast.
  14. Interesting question. Yes it is true that the pupils dilate when someone attractive is in sight. I did a speech last week for my speech class on the science of sexual and physical attraction. It was something that I already knew a good bit about but wanted to expand my knowledge on. Interesting little fact: Women used to put something called Bella Donna in their eyes to make their pupils dilate. This is because men find dilated pupils more attractive. There was a study that was done not too long ago where pictures of different women were presented to men and they were asked to pick out the ones they thought were attractive. One of the characteristics that the more attractive women shared were dilated pupils. It is thought that the pupils dilate as a means of getting a better view of the person. As if they're trying to take the whole image of the person in at once.
  15. They do make sprays and stuff that are specifically for that purpose. I think they might sell them at sex shops. You can always do a search online to find something.
  16. It's really hard to lose interest in someone that you've thought of as the most wonderful person in the world; the person that seemed to harbor every quality that you sought out in an individual; the person that used to cheer you up when no one else could; who could give you so much life during the times that you didn't think living could be possible; the person who's name could just be spoken and that alone would invoke a whole array of positive emotions, a genuine smile. It's hard to free yourself of feelings that you had for the person you LIVED for. Especially if they, at one time, felt the same way about you. Something so good is hard to just leave behind, even if they left you behind with out a care or a second thought. People say "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," and sometimes I believe that. But if you've never experienced love then you wouldn't have to experience the torture of knowing what you're missing... But I have to keep telling myself that one day I will find someone else that is worth living for and the memory of my ex will become a tiny ember of what used to be and nothing more.
  17. I miss SEX! I am a very sexual person but I don't believe in meaningless sex. I'd have to have some kind of feelings for the person I was with. Otherwise it's pointless. Sex just isn't good unless you strongly care for the other participant. Plus I'm terrified of STDs. If any of you miss sexual intimacy as much as I do and find yourself in the same situation then let me know. Sometimes it drives me a little crazy.
  18. I know that exercise is effective. After all I did lose 30 pounds as a result of exercise. But the problem is I just can't get the motivation to do it. I will every once in a while. But I just don't have the fire in me that I used to. Now it's just a tiny little ember in need of some kindling.
  19. It is thought to be the leading cause of cervical cancer. It can also cause prostate cancer in men. If you do have warts and have them removed there is a possibility that they might never come back. But it is still possible to spread the virus without the warts being present. Just b/c the warts are gone does not mean the virus is. The virus will stay with you forever. Sad, but true. Trust me. I know how you're feeling. There was a time when I thought I could have had it but I ended up clean. It's a scary thing.
  20. I did. I just replied to it about 10 minutes ago as a matter of fact. Sorry it took so long.
  21. I'd love to talk sometime. But I have AOL. lol. If there's one thing that is really prevalent in these forums it's users on MSN or Yahoo. Not too many AOL/AIM users...
  22. I've seen better days. Thank you for asking. As you may remember I was almost atleast 90% over my ex. But unfortunately some things ocurred that put me right back at square one. So needless to say, I haven't exactly been up to par lately. But I know I'll be ok, and so will you.
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