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Everything posted by Empathy

  1. If you for any reason feel uncomfortable in a relationship and your partner is unwilling to understand and at least TRY to work things out then you might want to consider ending it. You can do what I did and keep trying and trying until you find yourself stuck in a hole so deep you don't think you'll ever get out....Basically what I'm trying to say is, the earlier you end it the less it will hurt you. I wish I had been able to do so.
  2. Well, from the marriage aspect alone, yeah marriage for you two could be considered a bad idea. Religious difference is in the top 5 reasons for divorce in the U.S. I do believe in taking chances. But I think that little factoid is something to be considered.
  3. Welcome to my world. Well, at least where the school work is concerned. I have a paper due tomorrow, well, actually today. I haven't even written a word for it. I know what I want to write about, I have all the points I want to make, but I just can't figure out how to put it into words. I'm so mentally exhausted that I literally feel it in my brain. My frontal lobe feels funny. I just want to break down and cry in hopes that it will help relieve at least some of the stress I'm experiencing right now. But I can't. I have a speech due Thursday and I'm worried about that. College does suck. I feel ya. It's so mentally exhausting that it's affecting me physically. But I have learned an important lesson through all of this: Don't procrastinate! Otherwise, it'll kill ya. I hope things get better for you. Good luck!
  4. Tell her you really like her and would love nothing more than to be her friend. Basically just tell her what you feel. It doesn't seem to me that you should have too much trouble with letting her down gently. You seem to be very considerate of her feelings and her fragility and I think that will show when you speak to her. Then again, if you really do like her, you might want to give it a shot. Didn't anyone ever tell you take chances? lol. Maybe you should get to know her better. She may not be as innocent as she appears.
  5. Thanks guys. I appreciate the help. Hubman, you're right. It could be worse. Sorry to hear about your situation. I'll quit whining now. lol
  6. Somebody answer this question ASAP! I want to know too. lol
  7. I've thought about bringing the law into it. Then I realized if I sued, in the end I'd be out more than $300.
  8. Ok. I'm at the end of my ROPE here! I need somebody to tell me if there is ANYTHING I can do. My bf and I broke up over a month ago. He still owes me $300 and I can't get a hold of him. I wish I could just go to where he lives but he's stationed in D.C. Everyone keeps telling me, "Sorry, but it looks like you're just going to have to let that $300 go." But I CAN'T. I'm in a really bad financial state right now and I NEED that money. He WILL NOT answer his phone and he WILL NOT return my calls. I don't know what to do. I've already reached the point of anger but now I'm getting to where I feel like I'm drowning. I'm about to start crying. I need that money and he refuses to talk to me. Is there ANYTHING I can do?
  9. Awe! If you ever need someone to call I'll talk to you. Just pm me and I'll give you my number.
  10. You shouldn't "type" to me that way. It makes me blush. hee hee. J/k. lol. The story had better be good. I'm in dire need of some good entertainment.
  11. Actually. It does sound like he could like you but I wouldn't be too quick to believe it. Maybe the friend he was talking to likes you. Maybe they both do.
  12. (Assuming soulmates are real) They are not your soulmate if they don't want to be with you. I think I need to modify that and put it as my signature. lol. That way EVERYONE will see it. No one has to believe me. It is after all just my opinion. I just hope people will read it, take it into consideration, meditate on it, and draw their own conclusions.
  13. Have you ever heard of the D.A.R.E. program? lol. JUST SAY NO! If they have a problem with it, then it's their problem. Safety is the key here. You shouldn't be partaking in so much sexual activity at your age anyway. I don't think a 14 year old is ready to be a father. Do you? And I really wouldn't want to catch an STD at your age either. Actually I would NEVER want to catch an STD. Who would? lol. Think about it. JUST SAY NO!
  14. Thank you. I always try to do my best and hope that it will be enough.
  15. Hey, hey. Looks like you're already puttin' the pedal to the metal! lol. You might want to slow down a little bit though. It's good that you're trying to move on but you don't want to get into another serious relationship this soon. That could cause a world of hurt for this potential object of your affection. I hate to say it, but this early in the healing stages, anyone you try to date is a rebound. Rebounds usually get hurt. When people first break up they are left with a tumultuous ocean of feelings and they have nowhere to direct them. So, they go in search of someone to transfer those feelings to. They think they feel strongly about that person in the beginning but then they later realize that it was all a mistake and then the other person is crushed. Those feelings are still meant for your ex. I suggest you wait until those feelings are at least pretty nonexistent before you find someone else. But that's just my opinion.
  16. I'm surprised that no one else has replied to your post. I can feel the sincerity in your words and it really makes me feel for you. I almost cried a couple of times. If you can't already tell, I'm very empathetic. lol. But it's also partly because I can say that I have been in your place. It was only a little over a month ago that my ex and I broke up and I remember constantly feeling exactly the same way you do now. I didn't think I was ever going to be able to live with knowing that I no longer had him to call "my love". But I'm actually quite surprised at how I'm handling it. Now I won't lie to you, I'm definitely NOT over it. I still wonder if maybe he was the only person I'll ever TRULY love. And even though I have a lot more up days, there are still moments when I fall right back to where you are. But with each passing moment, those times of pain become less frequent. That's how I know that they will eventually fade away for good. I can only hope that you will be able to reach where I am as quick as I did. If you ever need help getting there, just let me know and I'll do my best to be there for you and to help lead the way.
  17. I haven't been through anything like this but I do understand how you must feel. Although I do think you should have thought twice before you trusted a JOCK I still don't think what you did merits this kind of reaction from your peers. Just remember that you're still young. You're still at an age where you surround yourself with people who are immature and seek pleasure out of other people's pain (mostly because they have a lot of their own pain). I can't say how long it will be before the rumors die down but one thing I can guarantee is that they won't be here forever. They'll be left behind when you get out of highschool (which is where I'm assuming you're at right now). In the mean time, just try to ignore them and don't let ANYONE know that they bother you. Right now, by showing defiance and anger you're giving them exactly what they want. You have a right to deny the rumors if you're ever asked directly about them but don't deny them too vigorously or else it'll look like you have something to hide. I hope things get better for you. pm me if you ever need to talk to someone.
  18. lol. That is one thing I forgot. If you do tell her and she doesn't feel the same as you do, then you should continue to act as if the conversation never took place. Don't start acting all weird around her. That has happened to me and it does creep me out.
  19. Maybe you're not showing enough interest. You may not be giving THEM enough hints. As scary as it may seem, the best thing for you to do is let them know what your intentions are. I've had guys that have feelings for me tell me so and ask me if I feel the same way and it never bothered me. I've actually appreciated it. Besides, if these girls are really your friends, and you express your feelings to them they shouldn't be scared off by that. They may feel the same way but not have the guts to tell you. You can never be 100% sure how they feel unless you ask.
  20. Try a couple more times and if she still doesn't seem to be showing much interest then stop. She might be playing hard to get.
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