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Everything posted by mamamaria

  1. guys are about 0.0006% of what life is about. relationships are great but who needs a crappy one...one with more downs then ups...you got over him once you said, and you can do it again ...maybe for good this time.
  2. if you dont want to just be friends, meaning, if every time your with him as his friend you wish you were more, then end it. SOMETIMES its good to be selfish because if your being friends with him secretly not liking it because you want more but your just afraid of losing him, then in the end youll hurt even worse because after a while youll crack, and you know it, and when he says he just wants you as a friend youll be crushed. or just ask him whats going on, if he wants more then go for it if you want, if he wants a friends then move on, dont talk to him for a while and try not to slip up because the more you talk to him them ore youll miss him until you move on. basically, THINK ABOUT YOURSELF. what makes you happy, really happy. what will get your farther in life? i dont think the situation now will. good luck, marie
  3. i think cheating is doing anything with another person that you wouldnt tell your girlfriend, or wouldnt want her to know about...sometimes even jsut cuddling...it depends on the relationship...its anything you know you could never tell your girlfriend\boyfriend -marie
  4. ok......you said your accepting it, but it doesnt seem like you are. i dont mean to sound mean but you obviously have hopes of you two getting back together, and by the way you said she was talking..she doesnt. you need to move on from that for real. i did the same thing and it felt amazing. i spent all my time thinking we would get back together that i lost touch with what really matters...my life, my friends, family, job, fun, blablabla. then one day i realized and i thnk you should too...if its real, meant to be love, then no matter what you do it will come back to you. so live your life without thinking you will get back together it will hurt at first, i know, but after a while your mind will ease more then ever. youll get your life back. as for being friends with her, think hard about that. it will only ultimately set you back cause youll keep the 'well end up together' image, taht she does not share. you need to put your focus on other things in order to move on. and please dont hurt yourself over this girl. she sounds awesome the way you described her but she and everyone ielse in this world has no say or control over your life..only you can make or break you...dont let her do that for you. you have your own life...live it! or ill guarantee youll regret..dont regret. if you ever feel down, everyone on this website has no problem helping you anytime. try to make yourself happy for a while..thats what im tryin right now along with my friends and its hard but just think about the good, think to the day when youll be stronger happier healther and more then ready to start a new relationship with another person. its all really for the best. sorry this was long i get carried away. write anytime -marie
  5. this is long but please read it all the way through, i need help! chai714, why would you ever want someone to feel this way!!it sucks! and to otrebla, i am the dumper. i broke up with him because he was controlling and when i didnt listen he started a fight over it...constant fights. he was always jealous of something. he was occusitive with no reason, i never cheated on him..'oh your wearin that shirt out, do you want guys to stare at your t*ts all night'..blablabla..and when he did get mad he went psycho..i mean breaking car windows psycho. so i dumped him and weve had no contact until he recently started calling me out of the blue once he was upset cause he heard i wasnt happy with him(duh) then he was upset i didnt call him on his 21st birthday, then to yell because he found out about a guy im seeing. by his calls i know he still cared but he is seeing other girls too, who by the way have reps which i dont get cause my ex has no respect for those girls. i always had this hope that we'd get back together after he learned how to be in a relationship then one day i realized, with the help of evepm and some of my friends that..why do i even want him back? he made me miserable and i deserve more i shouldnt wait until he changes cause that may never happened. buttttttttttt i still find it hard to get him out of my head..him with other girls, him even just with his friends, if hes having more fun then i am, and how hes holding up without me..i dont know someone give me advice i am lost!! ps...i know this probably sounds like a tiny problem to a lot of you but it really is driving me sick, literally, so anything would help
  6. ok, i get you a little more now...micheal2 had a good point...the first step really is to stop blaming other people or society. if you keep doin that then youll never get over it because youll just keep being bitter towards them instead of getting help. you dont want to be intimidating..so dont be..that probably sounds stupid but it reall is THAT simple. just realize that were all people, no better then the other...some just stupid, haha. try to lighten your appearance, by yeah as much as you think it sounds stupid, smiling. dont do it if your not feeling it but if theres someone you wanna talk to then a smile definitely does take some of the intimidation away. also, maybe you make the first move..i dont mean if theres a guy you like, but with anyone you wanna be friends with. just try and make the first move at saying hi or whatever so they know your not as intimidating as you might look. make a joke say whatever. the main thing is just to always be comfortable. if your not then you act weird, or i do anyway. you gotta learn to make any situation as comfy as you can get that way your not as intimidating, scared, nervous, weird, etc...i dont know how you could do that cause everyone has their own ways. i dont really know what else to say. write back though if you have any questions -marie
  7. i feel like i say this so much on these posts but its proven to be so true. sometimes the best thing in relationships is to be selfish.i dont mean, i want this i want this blablabla. i mean dont do something you know will 'set you backward' for another person. this goes for a lot..if you do something you initially arent comfy with or dont want to do for another person then it shows and then it turns out to be the wrong choice by both people. you cant keep giving yourself to someone thats trying to move on. its gonna make you feel like crap in the end. i think, just so there are no regrets, you should tell her how you feel. that you love her and your sorry it took you so long to show it but your more then ready to now. get everything out and say this is why i cant be friends with you it wont be good for me. get her response then move on from there. and i mean move on! write back and good luck -marie
  8. good for you! doesnt it make you want revenge though...for ever putting up with all of their bull all the time? anyone else feel that way?
  9. ok, as some of you probably read, i just broke up with my boyfriend a couple months ago. i decided to move on instead of hoping wed get back together but im having trouble. i still wonder what hes doing, how much fun hes having, and who hes having fun with. him calling me doesnt help either. i know thats probably normal but i hate it. every once in a while ill read his 'livejournal' and i end up completely upset but i cant stop.right now its saturday night and im not goin out until 9 so i find myself spending all my time wondering how he is spending his. someone help me! how do you get your mind off that guy even when you know your notttttttt getting back together with him! write to me! -marie
  10. one word..dont do it. he seems like hes using you, and i think you know that or you wouldnt have put it in your post..you want a second opinion? it really seems like he lacks a lot of respect for your feelings and is usuin you for things he wants. let go and move on forget about getting back with him altogether..itll make you feel better after a while..focus on your friends and try and be happy without him -marie
  11. people change. shes not the girl you fell in love with.maybe since you realized that, itll be a little easier to move on. i really believe that real love never dies, but if the person you love changes then thats an exception because that person doesnt exsist anymore.and you said she made you who you are..shaped you. wrong. she probably helped you, no doubt, but YOU are the only person that can really make or break you. i know its hard too, after a break up, especially if she was the only girl you ever felt for, to move on because you miss being in love and want it back but everything really does happen for the best, ill guarantee that youll look back when youve found some other happiness and laugh at it. maybe you just need to be alone for now. -marie
  12. hey, i know for me...my ex was like that, always called me a natural flirt and got completely psycho whenever guys hit on me. he never understood and trusted me enough to realize i would never cheat on him. although, i never went as far as your girlfriend does, i know that sometimes when a guy yells at us for stuff like this it makes us want to do it more..in a way its like a test for you..and when you get all weird for it, it feels like a threat to our freedom which makes us want to do it more. like i said though, she seems to go alittle further then i did, so i think i might feel weird if i were you too. you gotta let her know that you trust her, and really mean it, but ask her, out of respect for you if she could stop flirting ...ask her how shed feel if you flirted with other girls around you all the time -marie
  13. hey, as for talking to people..you gotta stop caring so much. i know thats easier to say then to do but look at it this way-if you go up to someone and say something stupid, just laugh it off..they probably will too.and sometimes you wont even see that person again so whats the worry for. about your looks...dont lose weight for other people, thats not healthy and its in a way, stupid. if losing weight will boost your confidence then do it, it will also make you stronger and healthier..if you dont lose too much AND DONT GET OBSSESSED WITH IT, worst thing you could do. dont jsut lose wieght to get guys. ive had a guy like your ex so i know how you feel..like you gave everything and didnt a thing back in the relationship..controlling, blablabla..so if you ever wanna talk just contact me. just learn to be comfortable with yourself..even if you do lose weight you might still have social issues, their hard to let go of.. just realize that everybody wishes they could just be themselves so if they meet someone who isnt putting on a front or trying so hard, they LOVE it. dont worry so much, if you wanna say hi say hi, dont try so hard...say whatever pops into your head, if it comes out stupid, atleast youll both get a laugh out of it. -marie
  14. i know what everyone is saying sounds harsh to you but i think its because its one of everyones fears in a relationship..and you did it. im not tryin to be mean at all but to stay with your husband for money is a poor excuse. you could find other ways and you said if you told him he might say sorry for everything and try to work it out. what makes you so sure? if he found out maybe hed want a divorce. you stayin with your husband till this all blows up in your face will be more horrible then just telling him now. you say for your kids but im sure your kids would rather you guys be on good terms after the divorce then not like im sure it will be if he finds out from someone else. your using your husband by staying with him for money...something that will bring him down even more. you didnt deserve what he put you through before and he doesnt deserve this. if you dont want to be with him, if he doesnt make you happy then you both arent making your kids any happier. dont do this to him or yourself. maybe you too insecure to be on your own? everyone has to learn sometime in their life. you need to learn now cause no matter the excuse, there is ALWAYS a way to work it out in life and nobody deserves this. fyi, the commitment phobe, ive had one like him, it probably wont work out and then you will be alone until you find someone that you love and wont cheat on or with. you need to start thinking harder...your not happy so your kids arent happy and im sure theyd like it more if you told them then someone else so atleast your and your husband could work it out mature instead of fighting. -marie
  15. nonon...i think you could be gettin fooled but nobody knows that...you guys dont understand girls...and shes not cheating on him because they dont go out!!!..you just need to find out the clear truth before you do really get hurt. she seems sincere but confused. you gotta get an answer
  16. i thhink you should try and get a clear answer from her before you go any further...you might regret it if you dont for lettin her mess with you. she sounds sincere to me too, but confused..i think you should tell her you wont wait, and not to push her but you want to know whats going on -marie
  17. yeh a lot of people say they wait for love or will only do it if love is invloved but a lot of people slip. for some reason a lot of guys think its cool to do it yet when a girl does it, their a wh*re...but their a wh*re that those same guys would still have sex with...i dont get it. im with you though..i have had sex but it was with a guy that i love and other then that...right now anyway, id like it to stay that way.
  18. you seem like a really nice guy, maybe she sees how great you are and doesnt want to hurt you by being overly happy about her boyfriend...not all girls are mean.or maybe she does have feelings for you.honestly, the only way to really find out is to ask her, sounds crazy i know but think about it...if you ask and she says no then atleast you put yourself out there-no regrets. if you ask and she sounds unsure then your still confused but its probly a sign you need to move on..find something a little more clear. anddddddddddd if you ask and she says yes then you got what you wanted. sorry if this didnt help. let me know what happens -marie
  19. thanks....but i am not proud.he always told me i changed him actually-made him more comfortable to be himself and helped him to take more chances-now that were broken up i hate that i helped him in anyway as wrong as that sounds.i actually just saw him down the shore and he came up to give me a hug and i nicely blew it off. we talked for a little then i left-once again he called me. the only times he calls me are when hes upset. once cause he heard i wasnt happy with him, then to yell cause he found out about a guy im seeing, then he was upset i didnt call him on his 21st birthday and now cause he was upset i didnt let him really hug me and to tell me it felt uncomfy. whats with it? i found out about a girl hes seeing, who, not to be mean, but has a reputation and he has no respect for those kind of girls...i know hes only with her for the sex or whatever but it still hurts to know that he can yell at me for moving on but hes trying to do the same thing..ive decided to let go of him for good..including the hope well get back together cause all his calls and this recent girl made me realize i deserve a lot more..i want to be a queen ...haha write back if you have anymore info or advice please!!! -marie
  20. 'live well, love much, laugh often'...thats your quote, try and live by it. this guy doesnt seem like a bad guy at all..just confused. maybe he wants to stay in cali for the job and knows it may not last with you two if he does. he seeems just confused. as for you, i believe you love him, but jsut because you love someone doesnt mean they are the one...im sure you loved people before and probly said after meeting a new guy, i dont think i really loved him..that happens alot, maybe it will happen with him. you need to think about yourself, sometimes its the best thing for both people if their a little selfish. if he hadnt been then hed still be poor and in ohio. and if you dont start, youll be cryin over him for a lot longer then youll want to. live your life, there seems like you got a lot to live for...your family and job for starters or else you wouldnt have brought them up in your post. try and keep busy. talk to people get it out and try to laugh things off..it helps if you ever need to talk feel free to contact me -marie
  21. blue skittles, i know you got a lot of advice, but your story reminds me a lot of my own. so i just wanted to give you some advice as to stop you from learnin somethings the hard way. i was the same way after i broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. i was so used to being with guys and saw some of my own friends who were dependent on guys and how miserable they were and i didnt wanna end up like that. so i decided to just have fun and hook up with guys like at parties or whatever...sware off serious relationships. before you know it you might miss that feeling so much you look to these random guys for love..haha. im basically just writing to tell you that even if you dont make it to a year cause that is long, try and hold your ground until atleast your healthy again, atleast long enough to know that you CAN do it on your own ya know?or else none of the relationships you have during that time will work. true love comes when you least expect it. sorry this was sso long,marie
  22. hey i agree with drydupfob?...there arent really strategies, try and stop worrying would be my only advice..be yourself, if you say something stupid the chances are youll never see them again anyway, or they'll think its funny. 'dont think, just do' -marie
  23. whats done is done, you know you didnt mean it, and thats all that matters
  24. i think you should ley her make her desicion on her own and respect it. if she comes back to you, make sure to show her your appreciation and remorse for what you did. make it up to her, in a good way. if she doesnt come back, respect that...maybe it is too much for her to go through and shes scared something bad could happen again..understandable. you did something out of line as far as love is concerned...its awesome that you realize that though...alot of people dont. i hope your sentence isnt too bad. anyway, goodluck, and try to let her do this on her own.
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