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Everything posted by jurupa

  1. I find this very odd and I won't say that she is cheating, but something is up. Not likeing your friends or family is understandable, but the other stuff isn't. Its like she wants you to run after her while she runs you over. I know you want to be repectable and not be the bad guy, which I don't think you are, but if you are still interested in her or just want to know why then you should talk to your old co-workers. I bet they know some stuff that your ex is hiding from you. If you do talk to your old co-workers you should keep your side of details to a minim becuase they may tell your ex and it may make things worse. Also what ever you do do not contact her in any way what so ever. If you do then she knows she still has power and here she seems to have way more power than she should have. I am not saying she shouldn't have any, but she seems to control the game from what you have said.
  2. I wasn't sure where to put this, but I thought I would ask this as I ran into this last night on Halloween and it made me think. So here goes. I work in Laguna Beach (a city that has some serious money) at a small shopping center. I was out side in the cold talking to a couple of guys from the Vons pavilions. This car parks and abotu 5 girls jump out and 3 of them run inside to goto the restroom (they yelled this out to their friends as they where running in). As any group of guys would we where checking them out as they where good looking girls that were going to some party. When the 3 girls came out one of the guys yelled out "Hey sweety" and I yelled out "hello". One of the girls instantly yelled back "Shut the *HELL* up". One of the guys said "Laguna girls" and we crack up laughing. I know what we did may seem rude or mean, but we where board as heck and had nothing better to do and it was in good fun. But what made me think was that here where girls from the upper class that have money and then you have a group of guys that are not so lucky and have to buy a lot of things on their own, and have to work for most things. I am not trying to label anyone or trying to be rude, but obviously there is a clear seperation of social class/level here. My question is would you be open to date and even talk to a person from a lower or higher social class than you? And would you try to be socially polite or would you be your self and treat them as everyone else or would you treat them differently?
  3. Interesting replys from the females. It seems alot of things are the same with many females. One is intelligence. I find this interesting becuase it seems all girls want this, but when I show off my intelligences it seems to just baffle them and they are lost until I explain it to them. But I think is more has to do with the way I think than anything else.
  4. Looks like someone wants to learn very quick lol. I will answer you 100,000,000 questions. The difference between flirting and a compliment is how it is delievered. No, guys are more likely to forget names for various reasons. He may be nervous or shy or plain out forget or even try to flirt. Most likely he wants to be more than firends with the girl if he does this. He may have other things on his mind or the converstation was boring to him or didn't get his attention. I would say its a usually thing that happens. It normally happens when two people don't know each other very well and don't know what to say. As far as it being awkward it depends on various things like the people involded, the enivorment, mood, etc. Usually is best to get contact info when the converstation is rapping up. Another time is when your planing to meet up later on, ie making plans. As far as trying to get contact info as soon as possible when a guy/girl likes a girl/guy it depends on the person. I tend to hold out and see how things play out, but others try to go for it as soon as possible. Shy people tend no to ask for it at all as they fear rejection. Your welcome.
  5. Dude your wife is using you for finical security and for a place to sleep at. If I was you I would tell her that she either tells me the truth if she wants this relationship to work out or face a devoice. I would be playign hard ball with her by now. She seems to have more interest in spending time with her friends than with you. She didn't even try to make an effort to invite you to the b-day party at all. She more blew you off than anything else. She got her friend to lie for her and is comign up with excuses that do not connect and they (the excuses) contradict them selves a lot, let alone changing from day to day on the same thing. I see no reason to stay with her. You may love her to death, but she is treating you like crap and you are letting her use you. Don't worry about her living on her own if you devoice her. She seems to have plently of friends to goto for help. I am pretty darn sure the court will give you full custidy of your child as your the stable parent.
  6. I think your reading to much into it. She may have found it rude that she went out of her way for you and your actions didn't say thank you. She may or may not have any interest in you at any level.
  7. sole - I was like 15/16 when I learned about girls checking out guys butts and chest. Back then I bearly knew anything about girls. Now I know a lot more, but I am always learning new things and I normally learn them from interesting people.
  8. That is weird and odd. It sounds like he is trying to be a player or something and hit on you in a very odd fashion.
  9. jurupa


    Only if it is part of her job. Or the guy is working and she needs to ask a question or make a comment. Very few girls will go up to a guy they don't know and say hi. Its something that almost every single guys wishes, but knows it will most probably never happen.
  10. To respond to the oringal question. I think the same question goes for girls as well. Why do girls check out guys butts (When I first learned that I was shock) and our chest? Beucase it is what the opposite sex finds attractive. On the hair legs and "boots" thats plain sick.
  11. I also notice the same thing as you do, K8tie Kool, but I don't let it bother me. Usually if I don't do anything for awhile in a group someone will notice me and say something and the person who had all the "lime light" trys to take it back and I just laugh. But normally when I do say something people listen. If the person with the "lime light" doesn't allow me to do anything with out actting upon it I usually talk to someone else in the group. But normally in the groups I am in no one has the "lime light" for that long as it gets shared pretty evenly.
  12. You should call her out on it, becuase there are signs that she may be cheating on you. I understand that she wants her own friends and all, but not even mentioning them and contradicting her self and make you look bad when you ask her about it doesn't look good. If I was you I would most probably break up with her. In a 5 year relationship there should be enough trust to at least mention who she hang out with.
  13. I tend to like and go for girls you are 6' and taller. But I am also attracted to girls who are shorter as well.
  14. No problem. The one thing I have learned is that the person you ask to help you out with getting a job at their company is to be carefull that, that person you ask is on the good side of most people in the office. Even tho I never have work in an office environment I am sure office politics play a part in getting a job. And I agree that there are a fair amount of people that are self taught now a days with information so easy to get now.
  15. Why are you even being friends with your "girl friend". Just walk away and not bother talking to her nor your male friend. She is just keeping you around for her own uses, what ever that may be. Why are you keeping her until you find another girl friend? Girls normally don't like it when a guy does this. It would be better if you just walk away and find another girl to date.
  16. I haven't even try to get an IT job. Most of the reason has to do with my age. Being 20 years old with no cert or degree most companies would most probably think I am joking about what I know about computers. I know all windows os except NT, 2000, and 95. I also familuar with Linux, PHP, MySQL, Networking, Wi-Fi, and know how to fix most computer problems. Did I mention I self taught my self. I was able to get a job as a "security professional" (basicallly baby sitting land and company property). So I am hopeing this can lead me into a computer security job since that is where I would like to working in. But without the needed knowledge it may take a long time. But I am glad I know people who are in either high places or in places of where they can pull strings and what have you to help me get a job.
  17. I agree with Scout. Find a way to put the word boyfriend in a funny and/or coc*y sentance and see what happens. I had a simular thing as you in a class I took. The girl seems to be interested and was asking me some personal questions and she total me some personal stuff as well, even when I didn' ask for it. She miss a day of class and I ask her why she miss class (in a funnyish manner) and she said that her boyfriend from some state (I forget which one) came down to vist her. After she said that she knew she messed up. After that conversation she never sat next to me again and bearly said anything to me again. I would be carefully with this girl becuase it seems that she is self centered, but I am not there so I can't say for sure. But I will say its worth trying a boyfriend line and if she doesn't have a boyfriend then go for it.
  18. I never knew this. I playes the trumpet for 4 years and the tuba for 4 years as well.
  19. Sounds like she is trying to get your job. She is either hopeing that the amount of touble she causes you will make you quiet or get you fired. Instead of going up to her and telling her how you feel, just ask her straight up whats up with her and why is she doing what she is doing. Tell her how you feel about thats going on will only let her know what she is doing is getting to you and will only increase it.
  20. jurupa


    Some guys are insecure and don't know how to act. Others do it becuase they are shy and are afraid to show their feelings. Being distant for shy guys is usuaully a way to hide. Guys may be distant becuase they are not interested in you as a girl friend.
  21. Since I actually live next door to an all girl high school I help you out since I have seen many things done by the girls at the all girl school. First of do not try to change who you are, but be happy with you you are. So what if you are not exroverted. I think the point that is being missed here is that guys don't see you as a fun person to be around with. I am not trying to get down on ya, but it seems that your shy enough that your real self only comes out when your having fun and are in your confront zone. I use to be the same way, but I have grown a lot out of my shyness so in time you will be able to do the same. I am curious as to what topics you talk about with guys, becuase some topics guys your age don't want to talk about at all as they are not on the same level as you yet to talk about such topics. So you may want to try more general topics and only talk about the more presuring topics everyonce awhile. Now as far as trying to meet guys there are some things you can try todo. If there is a public high school near by you can goto to football games or anyother sport events, but football games are usually better as ther will be more people and you won't standout as much. Another thing you can try is joining a group of some sort that shares an interest of yours. Also if there is a mall of any decent size you should go there with your friends and just walk about looking at stuff. If you are curious the name of the all girl high school that I live next to, its Rosary High School. There web site is: link removed
  22. You should keep the vist as short as possible. You should also keep her from exploring your pad as much as possible. The reason for this is that she will look for signs that you have moved on. If you have back yard and a side gate that accesses the backyard you should take her thru the gate to the back yard so the dog and her and reunite. Be ready for her to ask to come in the house and say no (make up some excuse, like the house is dirty or your cleaning). Also this may be hard for you, but do your best to show no interest in her what so ever. If she sees any hint of interest from you in her she will know that she has you connered and you haven't moved on.
  23. skyteph I respond to your post as it has some opinionated stuff and some sterotype stuff in it. Have fun reading it. I be more than glad to show proof of some of my responses. ~Your but is never a factor in a job interview if you are male You can file for unfair employement practices. But most of my job interviews are done by females. ~Dry cleaners and haircutters don't rob you blind if you are male Never knew that, but I kinda find it hard to believe ~Men never get a Period (this is something that we have to live with) True but guys are more likely to get depress than girls. ~Or PMT, PMS (cramps, mood-swings and other period related sight effects) See above ~Men never experience Child birth (and although this is optional, women are born with a need to reproduce) True ~All of a mans orgasms are real True ~Men don't have to lug a handbag of useful stuff around everywhere you go and worry about your tampons falling out True ~Men don't have to worry about tampons at all True ~Bathroom lines are always 80% shorter for male restrooms False, it depends on whats going on. For example a football game will have more guys than females so the guys have a longer line than the females. ~Mens last name stays put Times are changing. Put it is part of the naming process tho. ~Men, the garage is all yours Not always true. ~Women are expected to clean the house Depends to whom you ask. I don't expect females to clean the house. ~Women are expected to raise the children (sadly this is true) Again depends on who you ask. I would never let the girl I marry to raise any kid we have alone. ~Men get treated like royalty when they are sick I don't think so. ~Men can be showered and ready in 10 minutes True, but I think this has to do with how we plan things ~Men never get a reputation about how many times they have sex I somewhat agree ~Women have to take care of all wedding plans Most women want to so I don't know why you listed this one. ~Underwear for men can be as cheap as $10 for a three pack I have seen the same for females. ~Men don't have to shave below the neck I think it would be better to say "Most men don't have to shave below the neck ~If you're female, single and in your 40's everyone notices The same with guys ~Alot of countries won't let women be president True, but I believe for the most part it has to do with the countries culture. Aslo isnt there countries with female presidents? I believe so ~Men can wear a white shirt to a water park So can girls, but you have to wear something under it ~Middle aged, big gut? No problem if you are male Uh actually there is a problem, its called cancer. More and more guys who are over weight are getting cancer ~Car mechanics tell the truth to you if you are male Ya if you goto Jo's Auto Repair and your a female that doesn't know anything about cars. ~Hotwax never goes near a mans pubic area Its choice ~Men never have their virginity 'taken away' False. We guys tend not to want to view it in the same way as girls do even tho it means the same thing to both sexs ~Men have the same work with more pay This is delcining and girls are getting equal pay ~Most insults like wh_re (etc) can only be used to offend women True, you can thank our culture for that ~Gray hair and wrinkles add character to a man I don't think so, but I am a guy so. ~If you're a man it's OK to marry a girl much younger than you if they have money The same goes for girls as well. This one is double sided ~If you're male people never glance at your chest when you're talking to them And girls never look at a guys chest or our butts? ~Men can never be too tall Depends who you ask. For me I am too tall as I have trouble in small places made for people under 6'1" ~Men can fart and not be labelled gross by their friends It comes with the terrority. But I don't label a girl gross for farting I usually make some comment on how good it was or how smelly it is. I do the same with my guy friends. ~Men are expected to stink if they work out I expect females to stink to if they work out ~Women's clothes cost more True for the average male, not true if your a tall male. A plain t-shirt cost me $20 and a good shirt cost me $36. Shoes are always $80+ as I wear size 15 with a width of 4E. But I bet you if you shop around you find cheaper clothes. I do and I basically only wear one brand of shirts and t-shirts and for shorts and pants its what ever I can find for a good price and for shoes I am basically limited to one brand. ~Men can sit with your knees apart no matter what they are wearing True. I am sure if you wear pants you can do the same. ~Men can eat whatever they feel like and not be considered a pig Semi true. ~Men on average have less body fat then women (less risk of cellulite) True. I will respone to the other girl that has made a list of why girls have it harder. I think females and males both have it hard in various ways. For example guys are not allowed to display emotions at all and we must hold everything inside. Guys are expected to fix things on their own even when we don't know how to fix it.
  24. jensus - I don't kwow where you are going to school at, but you may want to try "dressing down" and see what happens. The reason I say this is that I am quite tall, 6'6", and my clothes tend to be expensive so I never really considered getting any nice looking clothes. Some of my friends said that I should try wearing better looking clothes. So I said what heck why not and got a couple of nice looking clothes. Now when I wear them I have much better luck just having a good conversation with girls in general. Its worth a try and there must be something casusal or dressed down in the fassion word.
  25. Sounds like she wants to keep you around while she "shops" for another boyfriend. But seeing how old she is it does sound like she doesn't know what she wants who and is most probably confused as to what she wants.
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