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Everything posted by jurupa

  1. I am sorry, but 5'10 is short, lol. I am 6'6" so tall girls are not a problem for me at all.
  2. "If only ugly guys approach you then you are ugly" What type of logic is this? Becuase this makes no sense. Why would a guy approach a girl that he does not find atracitve?
  3. Right before class you may want to let out a yell. From what I understand yelling when you are nervous/stress helps releases some of the nervous/stress that you have.
  4. I don't reconmend this, but sometimes when I run into these people I agrue with them but use their own argument against them or find holes in their logic and point it out to them. They sometimes get mad at me when I do this, but it does shut them up and they tend not to want to talk to me anymore. Or you can just tell them to shut up or be quiet if you want.
  5. There is no way to stop it. You could "stuff" your brain with so much info to analyze it you will get bored and go back analyzing relationships. Trust me on this one. It is something you have to live with. I am much like you guys.
  6. There is already a good chance that her friends know about you. So when you see this girl just say hi and go from there. She may invite you in her group of friends right there and then.
  7. First off how do you know guys are not physically attractive to you? Quite frankly if there is no physical attraction for both parties then the relationship doesn't go that far (meaning no sex and a high chance of no kiss on the first date or no kissing at all). To me you sound good looking and have a body that sounds killer, but the way you are expressing it is what is causing your problems. I bet you that guys are attracted, but you are not seeing it becuase your to focus on your looks and not who you are. Why are you so worried if you are physically attractive to guys? I understand the need to feel that you are physically attractive, but your putting to much need into it I think. For one thing smile more. Also loosin up as well becuase you sound tense and most probably have put up "walls" blocking you from having any connection with guys becuase you are so worried about your looks than you are not looking at the guy that is in front of you (figurely speaking or literally). Another thing, looks are not everything. Just becuase I see a good looking girl doesn't mean I will flirt or hit on her.
  8. lol, I am glad that I cured you.
  9. I seem to have run into a girl that goes into circles when ever I ask anything about her. From her body language it looks like she doesn't want me to talk to her, but she would say bye, hi, and start up converstations with me. I also found out that she has been studying me which I have also been doing as well. I am pretty sure she has yet to figure me out besides that I am interested in her. I have thrown some odd balls at her and so far it has gotten her off guard, but the last one she caught on fast and threw it right back at me. She also seems to catch on quicker and quicker on what ever ways I try to find any info about her directly from her. But one interesting thing tho is when her boss was leaving and she was picking up trash that fell from a rip bag her boss said "Oh look its your budy". I offer to help her pick up the trash, but she said no. Later on she hrass me in a joking manner on how I didn't help her with the trash and I said that I did as I repeated the exact line I said to her when I offered to help her. She wasn't ready for my comeback and knew that I did once I repeated what I said. She then ask me why I got defensive, I said I didn't then she copy my voice and contuine the coversation. I am being to think that she likes the chase and the attention she is getting from this, but if this was the case then there will be no need to study me that much. I also think that she may be just teasing me or just flirting for fun as well and during the process she is reading and studying me on how I react to it. I am thinking of going to her co-workers and see what info I can get. I sure be able to get something out of her co-workers to use to get the upper hand (hey it does help lol). But the one thing I find the most interesting besides going in circles and even chaning the topic on anything I ask that deals with her is her body language. Her body langauge says "I don't want to deal with you" or "I don't want to talk to you" or "Leave me alone". But yet she talks to me as if this is not the case. As you can tell I have no idea what is up with her and hopefully someone can give me some insight. I can provide more info if needed. Right now I plan on talking to her co-workers and talking less to her and see what happens.
  10. I think your problem with your fear of making mistakes is that you are not learning from them. You instead turn to your world and just wait for someone to "attack" you. I bet you if you just stop for a moment and look at what you did worng and see what was the best way to handle the mistake and learn from it you will be much better. Also don't be afraid of making mistakes, that is apart of life. I know I have made a ton of mistakes, but I learn from them and contuine on with life. Just becuase I made a mistake doesn't mean people will come after me. Ya people have gotten mad at me for my mistake, but when it happens it happens.
  11. Actually not really. It more depends on how it is said and what you say afterwards. I have used this line on girls before as they have done something to look different and none of them thought I was saying that they where ugly.
  12. I have read thru most of the posts here and some interesting logic and reasoning going on here. My question is why so many guys playing into a girls looks? By the time the girl is 20-21 she will basically know if she is hot or not. The girls that know that they are hot tend to use their looks to get away with things, and I have first hand experience with this actually. I work at a strip mall as a security guard. Last week I ask this woman, that was very attractive, to move her car out of the fire lane. She began to flirt with me as soon as she rolled down her window pleading me to let her go. I told her to move her car as the mall was very busy and the way the mall parking lot is designed any SUV creates a mess. I have ask and told numerous attractive girls to move their cars out of the fire lane many times. Some of the guys have said that they are ugly. Have you ever given the thought that the reason girls reject you is becuase the way you present your self to the girl? I think not. Becuase I have been able to get girls that where being hit on by guys that where much better looking than I to check me out. I consider my self average looking, but I am confidnet. I also don't care about girls (hot or not) checking me out all the time. If a girl thinks that she is to good for me and wants the guy that is better looking than me, fine by me. That is one less girl to flirt with, which means less work for me. She may or may not like the guy, but thats her problem, not mine. I just be my self and thats it. And when a attractive girl trys to get her way with me, she normally doesn't. I will either play games with her until she gives up (I love doing this) or be upfront and tell her she has no chance of getting what she wants from me.
  13. Question, is the 8,000 dollars per month or per sale or what? Becuase 8,000 per month is a lot of money for a 19-20 year old, but if it is per sale it may not be that much depending on what they are selling (if they are selling anything). But on your suitation. MBA's is a degree that get mix views from various people and companies. I know some compaines, like Disney, love them, while others hate them or just don't care about them. I see no point in a MBA, that is just me. As far as degree verus work experience that is totally up to the company and the type of job your going after. Some people value the degree more than the work experince, while others want someone with work experince than a degeree. But it also depends on the type of work you have done and the degree you have. Studying for 6 years is a long time, but there are other people (primary in the medical field) that have to study much longer than 6 years. But do you think it is worth your time and effort? You will be giving up a lot and there is a chance that all this work/study will give you what you want or it may not, but that is the risk of doing this. Plus you says that you can't be working while you study? Also why are you so worry about money? Yes you need money, but money isn't everything. Trust me on this one. And why are you looking at your friends that are making more now. Who knows what they will be making down the road.
  14. I don't mean to kill your tips Hasie, but I notice somethings that need to be added to and taking away. I am not claiming to be some pro at conversations as I tend to be the guy that listens and talk very little for the most part. First off is the cockyness. For the most part stay way from this. Unless you can show that you are joking when you are cocky. Another thing. A lot of guys go for the cockyness and it shows. Just go to any social gathering and you can most probably see it. A girl can only take so much cockyness in one night. Next is the pick up lines, espeically the ones posted, be creative with them for god sake. And never never use lines that hint sex. Girls may just think you want a one night stand. Yes some girls do look for guys to have one, but not all. So it is best to read the girl as best as you can before using a sex pick up line. Another thing with pick up lines, don't use ones you can find off the Internet. Most of them suck to no end and plus they are not oringal and creative. You will impress a girl a lot more and get her interest higher with a creative and oringal pick up line. This alone can make you stand out in the girl's mind. One thing that was not mention is the way you look when you approach a girl or anyone. You should have clothes that generally show how you will be acting in the soical setting you are in. If you have a old shirt and jeans on, people will generall think its landuary day for you. Or you don't really want to interact with people. A good way to learn about what clothes you should wear to how you think you will be acting is to look at any girls in the soical eviorment your in, or just in public. The reason I said to look at girls is that girls tend to dress to how they feel and where they are going. If a girl is wearing street clothes, not even casual ones, she is most probably running around getting stuff done. If she is wearing more casual clothes she is most probably going to hang out with friends. To see the difference in the two just drive or walk by any coffee shop and stores that will have girls in them. Hasie is right that you need the right attitude when you talk to people, espeically when you are picking up girls. As far as attitudes go, don't have a big ego and think that your all that becuase a lot of girls don't like that. It is ok to be a little macho as it shows that you are being a guy, but don't over do it.
  15. I think the more important question is that did you clock out after you where a seater then clock back in as a cashier? If you did this then yes you did work to seprate jobs.
  16. I know the person is young, but it seems that she wants to express her self and her parents are not allowing it. She mentioned that when she buys a cd her parents must listen to it. When I was her age my parents basically let me buy what ever I wanted as they view anything I bought was with my money. Unless they saw a problem with it (like spending to much which I did a couple of times), they left me alone to manage my own money. And you know what happened? I watch my money a lot closer than most 21 year olds do. My parents let me be my self when I was a teen. Ya I got into trouble, but I learned from the mistakes I made that I was allowed to make.
  17. I was going to answer your question, but you did it before me.
  18. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I think you answered your own question:
  19. People make mistakes all the time. Some are bigger than others. Some mistakes are with you for the rest of your life, while others are a one time deal. How you handle it after you made it makes all the difference.
  20. Welecome to the new world. To many people listen to the media and want to fit in. Some times people view me as an outcast becuase I don't buy into the latest and greatest thing out there. Heck I plan on buying a rotary telephone becuase it is simple and most people under the age of 40 would probably not know how to use it. This brings me to my next point. We as humans have become lazy and let technology take over our lives. Look around you and see how much techology is taking over. Pratically everywhere you look something is operated by a computer or a computer like device.
  21. Sorry to burst your thinking here, but what you just posted is what the media wants girls to think what guys want. Yes there are guys out there that want the barbie, but most guys want a girl with some fat and a body that says she eats. I won't deny it the barbie look is attractive, but I don't go for those girls. Heck I don't go for girls that try to fit what every image the media is putting out. Girls that try to fit into the media image have problems. This part of the reason why I never dated in highschool. I would see girls left and right fliping thru some mag that was as thick as some text books wanting to look like some girl that was in the magazine. To answer the question I go for girls that look healthy and look like they eat food every day and keep tabs on their weight (for heath reasons).
  22. Also stop talking to her as well when you haev talk to your boss about this. The more you talk to her the more info you give her to use against you and the more she will come after you. Hopefully she gets fired for this becuase you came here legally and seem to have done nothing worng. It is possible that this woman is jealous of you or goes after you becuse of her views on imagrants.
  23. True. I will see how she acts on Tuesday if she is there. At least I have something to talk about lol.
  24. I seem to run into a very interesting suitation and I have no idea what is going on here. So here goes. There is this very good looking girl that works at the shopping center I work at, lets call her Girl A. One of the employess at Pizza Hut talk to the hot good looking girl that work with Girl A, lets call this other girl Girl B. The Pizza Hut guy said that Girl A has a boyfriend. So I thought that Girl A wouldn't even try anything. Girl B on the other hand is clearly extroverted and tends to flirt. Today when Girl A was closing the store I walk by her and she gave me a very friendly smile. I did a double take. But I thought she was being nice as I have bearly said anything to her (basically "hi" and thats it). Then I see her going to her BMW but as she is walking to her car she checks me out. A few minutes later she walks out of StarBucks and I say good nite to her and I get a very friendly smile and she says good nite very quietly. I don't know if it is just me or I make girls feel confrontable or she really doesn't have a boyfriend or what. I am just a bit puzzled thats all.
  25. Dude, why are you still asking why and questioning the emotions you have? We have no idea why she is acting as such. There can be numerous reasons why. Why are you letting one girl that has treated you badly get to you? There must be other girls you can talk to. Just leave he alone and don't talk to her. She has made it pretty clear that she wants nothing to do with you, so why contuine to go after her? Another thing what you are going thru is called life. People act and behave differently. Juts becuase some good looking girl is rude to you, doesn't mean the next good looking girl you see will be rude to you. Secondly not all beautiful people act nice. Trust me on this one. I had some good looking girls treat me like crap and where quiet rude to me, but I did nothing about it and let it pass. I never ask why they acted like they did, becuase I don't care why. Sooner or later it will come back to them and they will learn their lesson. Another thing I understand your reason to want to explain everything by logic. But there are things that can not be explain by logic. These things are just are. There is no logical reason to them. This is a part of life. You can try and think it out forever, but you will never get your answer. So it is best to leave it and just accept it.
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