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  1. thanx guys for your replies. what i was really interested in is, for the sexually aware girls, what does a guy do around you that you look at him in a sexual way and not the just friends way. i mean that sort of guy youd like to rub bodies with. thanx
  2. i was talking with a lady friend the other day about what women find attractive in a man. i asked her a couple of questions. 1 what makes a man sexually attractive to you, like makes you want to rub bodies? you might want to think this over before you reply. eg, body language, expresive of his feelings, including sexual... etc. 2 how often have you met a guy who is sexually attractive, understands women, and has his life going for him? do you think he exists? 3 if you could make the ultimate sexy man, i would like to hear you discribe him. pm me if you like for more on this.
  3. nice we are a step closer. i should show her im sexual interested. how to you act around a woman that makes her feel you are a sexual being and not some steril friend.
  4. hey i love running and i try to run when i can. recently i just ran a little more than usual. i noticed some pain in my right leg and some swelling as well. anyone experienced this or know what might be going on? help pls, i need help asap. thanx.
  5. thanx dragon girl , preciate it .
  6. well dragon girl, im not trying to be someone im not. i just discovered all the selfdefeating behaviors i used to indulge in that kept girls away from me. like being too nice and complementing and things that makes you girls totally turned off. so i just decided to learn what i was doing wrong so i would do those things, and it worked. the thing is, im ashamed cos i think she will think of me as a loser who has to read dating stuff. im even more afraid that she will tell everybody. im not changed, im just enlightened. i ve been avoiding her since.
  7. sorry dragon girl, im a guy and i just got found out. i feel exposed and embarrassed.
  8. i think i know what your talking about. does it look like thin streaks like something scratched you at nigth? well if that is the case ive had a lot of friends who have experienced this before. i really dont know what it is but i just want to let you know that your not alone.
  9. i have a question. what if, lets say your a girl, you find this great guy who just knows how to push your feel good buttons and makes you laugh and just knows how to handle himself. and you start going out together only to discover after a while that all that he is are stuff he learnt from reading a tonn of dating guides and tips. that is you found his pile of dating knowlegde. would you lose respect for him and dump him?
  10. say something. make fun of her for watch she did in a playful way. you two now have something to talk about. good luck.
  11. hey you say you can talk, that is an assest. inner beauty right there my man. next, you have to realize that women like it when you are interested in them and actually try. so be confident that being the aggressor is the right thing. look deep into the eyes as you talk. pm me and let me know where you stand. hear from you soon.
  12. yeah tell me ladies, i hate it when im talking to a girl and then she later on comes behind me and touches me with the boobies. ladies, this would even drive gorge clony nuts making him sing "man of sorrows". what the heck does that mean.
  13. i dont even know this guy and im missing him already. not gay though. i feel your pain. your not bad for wanting the relationship to work, actually your a heroine, is my spelling correct, for that.
  14. if you want to blow it, then go ahead and ask him. asking him will make him feel cornered to say yes. cos if he says no he will be seen as an a hole. so pls dont ask him. flirt with him, throw hints, but what ever u do, dont tell him.
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