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Everything posted by goddess23

  1. trust is important i agree. now this was a one time thing but i think that her actions just didn't seem right. she may have just wanted to make you a little jealous....(im not sure why though) or maybe she wants you to come and figures this way you would! look if you're really concerned about it why dont you go with her? i think you should be worried if she kinda kissed this guy for 5 secs. i agree it didnt sound COMPLETELY FORCED however it hink the reason she may have actually done this or just said this to you could have been to try and get you to come iwthout sounding like a nagging gf. leave this one alone and next time go with her!!!!
  2. i agree. however...im going to take it to another level. because marriages usually dont sustain the sweat palms and butterflies-heck not even a one year relationship. i think real love is when those intitail feelings of INFACTUATION (non stop thinking and dreaming and really happiness) somewhat die and you still want to be with that person. you realize that they're not perfect (unlike in the beginning when you think they're flawless) and ACCEPT THEIR FLAWS. when you know you would want their happiness no matter what (even if they werent with you). its taking it beyond the "classic" signs. thats why true love requires time. because time is what defines the different fazes, which is why most relationships we go through end because at first we felt those OMGGGGG IN LUVVV feelings but eventually those cute things became annoying. or after you've gotten through all the awkward cute moments you're left feeling bored. so to know its for real, you need time. to see how you feel after that initial in love. thats my two cents. if you can use this and mean it" forever in my heart always in my prayers" (my personal lil luvv thing) then i think its probably the real thing. including after a fight or breakup or something.
  3. wow thers way too much going on. trusting hhim should be easy unless there is some specific reason you shouldnt. if you dont trust him its not good to be with him. as well the fact that you know you're dependant on him is good reason to take a little breka. try and stay away a little. dont ignore him or anything just slowly start to stop being the first one to IM him or call him or make plans. just play it a littel more cool until you get used to it. good luck with everything. now this possibility of pregnancy that must be driving you mad. figure out whats happening with your body before anything else. but other than that i think its time you give it a break. let him know what he has. tell him that right now you like him a lot and you find yourself too attached (and vice versaa lol) and that you need a little sapce to get back in touch with yourself.
  4. as a girl who wants to keep these "wonder" years at least somewhat documented, i can tell you that i would never throw away some of the things from my childhood. ive only had one bf who i am with again....but even after the brekaup i know i would never throw out things from the relationship. however, i dont really keep it all in one place its juts i never have the heart to throw something that once meant so much and did make me who i am today. i wouldnt stress it however if this person is someone she still interacts with a lot or something then MAYBE there would be some reason to worry but even then tehre would need to be more detail to the situation. us girls are like that...we keep things to remind us of the past. to us we take it as if u thought we meant nothing if you throw things out. see how we're so different. dont stress it, if she has feelings for this person looking at these "momentos" would stir up significant emotion whether of pain or happiness.
  5. ive noticed that too (i was getting rubbed). except the time it happened i was in an awkward position and i think iahd too much weight or osmething on that leg. and then the good feeling mixed with it causes you to shake...i think its more the position you're in and if it feels good then that will happen
  6. thanks everyone! and yeah, i would love to hear what you guys think about it! is it amazing, or just foreplay to you?
  7. if you guys see eachother in the hall say hi. but i say keep going the way you're going. no initiating converstaion. it seems that you're very hurt. i recently went through it. but you know what, this is the best thing and later on, much later when the time is right you can tell him how you really felt and everything so that you have complete closure. good luck! time really does heal all wounds. its ok.
  8. hey don, well i know that if you're a STICT VEGETARIAN, like seriously that it will taste a little sweeter but honeslty how much sweeter is it going to taste?? and as far as your penis i dont think you need to do anything. i mean as long as it's kept clean right? btw, as far as vagainal odor or anything like that is there anything that a girl can do? i mean i clean pretty often and what not but i find that i have a lot of vaginal discharge and the fresh feeling only lasts so long. is this normal?
  9. whats the pepper grinder technique?? wait is this self explanitory lol? well still explain that one
  10. hey everyone. ok i gave my bf oral a couple days ago for the second time. the first time was about 6 months ago (we broke up and are now back together). anyways...this tiem i probably did it for about....4 minutes? and i thought i was using alot of different movements, licking the tip, up and down the shaft, mixing kissing with sucking....but he didnt cum. i was wayy too tired to keep going my jaw really tired lol. but im just wondering how long on average does it take to cum from head? im not sure what im doing wrong....any tips would be appreciated.
  11. hmm....he seemed to have been interestd in you and maybe thought that by saying he met someone else and giving it time you might get more interested. just a thought. lol...not sure though, i woujd just say meet him see whats happening. however are you even interested in the guy?? lol if you are then just go for it and see waht hes got to say.
  12. listen. i hate to say this but this excuse shes using is probably a genuine reason as well as one that is associated with others. look, it seems she sclear on the fact that she doesnt want a romantic relationship right now so i would suggest to just give it a rest. show her that you want to be friends.
  13. honeslty this one has too much cold to be hot again. he is confused a little bit but relaly hes prety much made up his mind. he pretty much knows that he doesnt want a relationshp and may not want one later on. hes telling you straight up to move on. so you should do that! put your mindset to "its over. thers no hope" even if there is. trust me on this one! i went through it. so ya i would definitely say move on. if later he wants a relationship and ehs positive great. maybe by then you wont want that because you've moved on! either way you win!
  14. hey. look with all honesty ive said this before and ill say it again that when it coems to age gaps during these teen years it makes quite a difference. the thing is not so much on the level that you think, you probably have the best conversations with this girl then any girl your age. trust me ive been through it. but there are differences in lifestyel that make it nearly impossible to have a relationship. such as the fact that shes in high school and her daily stresses are very different from yours. her relationship with her parents is probably much more strict meaning dating is going to be a hassle. and yes sex, while you may want more, she may not. ofcoures this is generallly speaking. but those are the facts. and you say you can wait and i believe that you really do have those intentions but the fact is its two years from now. two years. think about that carefully when you say you can wait. now im not saying dont date her or what not, give talking to her parents a try, and see if its going well. it is totally possible. but be prepared to face the facts that come with this age gap. but for now its still early just give it a shot. try talking ot her, to her parents see what happens. but dont get too caught up because this age diff does cause problems.
  15. props for saying what you said!! that took great courage. and i think you did the right thing. as much as this made you smile he was a jerk. and clearly that hasnt changed. have as littel communication with him as possible. this guy is just bored and trying to get with you because the other girl left him. hes PURELY using you. this guy is totally crap. and i say you move on and find a guy who will appreciate you completely!
  16. you may feel good right now but the health problems as mentioned are endless. yes you'll lose weight doing this--in an unhealthy way. you think you'll look more beautiful? wrong. this type of physical abuse causes a bulemic looking body which is extremely thin and bony and completely unattractive. it also causes your skin to look pale, acne to occur, your hair to thin. and you may feel you have in control when in reality you're losing control. you're becoming addicted to not eating, to laxatives, to throwing up any time you eat--this is what will happen. you lose all control. eating properly is really having control--you know that thrill you feel from throwing up, you'll feel it after eating a healthy meal or a good workout, trust me! without the horrible after taste in your mouth. your body image is completely distorted. if i saw you right now i would probably see the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. plz try and look for more help, anyone. please realize that you are an amazing person and you're worth so much more then this severe abuse you are inflicting upon yourself.
  17. hmm...well at this point i wouldnt get TOO WORRIED. but i know whats it like in the sense that my ex and i recently got back together and in a month we've spent intimate time together 3-4 times which is pretty low (like making out basically cuz we're both virgins but i still understand where you're coming from). same thing--we have alll the wonderful luvy duvy stuff but then what about the physical. and we as girls are brought up to believe that for us to feel this way is wrong. that only guys WANT IT. so the moment that they dont feel like it we start stressing about WHAT IS WRONG WITH US. but these excuses that you've mentioned probably do play a part. think about actual oppertunity you guys have had seriously. and if hes romatnic in other ways like kissing you passionately in the grocery store then i wouldnt stress too much. if you guys have a lot of good oppertunity where you give out signs and he still doesnt wnat to then it would signal some problem. the fact that hes sensitive when you ask worries me a bit, however what do you mean by sensitive? if hes getting really jumpy and attacky on you lol then again it would worry me. but it seems like there is just stress in the relationship right now. now i dont know about the cheating thing but im assuming thats pretty much on the back burner and really doesnt matter. its done whatever it was. so give him the benefit of the doubt for now but if its osmething that you feel is necessary in a relationship (i agree) then do talk about it and if hes still super jumpy then say maybe its better if you guys are just friends for a little while.
  18. honestly i dont think you need advice you know exactly whats happening. your ex is confused and you dont need to put up with that. you have a great new guy that you're in a serious reltaionsihp with. forget the ex as far as getting back with him. you said yourself he was never all that wonderful to you. but you still feel guilty and just depressed with yourself. i still think about my first love and i think im over him but then i think if he came back to me would i want him? and i dont know that answer and it kills me inside. when i see the first snowfall of the year i think of him and when new years rang in i thought of him--not my bf. honestly i dont think you ever truly move on when you loved someone. they are always part of you no matter what. and i think we confused these eternal feelings of care for love and infactuation as well. but really its all in the passt and wonderful placements in our heart forever that have made us who we are. but bottom line, logically you know what's best and now your heart holds someone new. you will probably always love your ex. always think back and smile and pray that hes doing well-i know i do. and i think its a nice feeling ot know that the ex wants you back, its just this rush of unexpected events and emotions thats got you wound up. because you see mto know that he wasnt that great and you are with someone wonderful. try not to beat yourself over it, its ok. he was special to you but as long as you can realize that it is just that-a part of your past then its ok. if this feeling continues for a long time where your ex and you start getting really close and feelings start to "redevelop" then you will have something to realllly worry about. but at this point i say stay away. hes confused, and this is causing a lot of stress for you.
  19. thanx for all the responses. im kind of scared cuz i no at the time it wasnt like when i was "freshened up" ya no what im saying?? and we werent in a very great place to do it either. so ya we're meeting at my house like in a couple of days so hopefully it will be much better but im kind of scared i probably tasted relaly bad lol!!
  20. hey. well it seems that right now she really just needs a little air. but at the same time if she calls and wants to meet dont ALWAYS AVOID HER but what you've done is good. show her that you're not waiting for her calls like a puppy. but at the same token you're there when you have time. so if she wants to meet i say go for it, if she wants to i say yes. but i advise that you dont push the issue of meeting at anytime. if she suggests it i think its fine if you do. just act cool like you're appreciating the air as well but at the same time you still want her and know that you just need a breather (even if thats not the case lol)
  21. hey just a question to you guys out there: is oral sex something that you enjoy or is it sort of disgusting. my bf and i just treid it for the first time today and he started but couldnt for long and he was sort of like me the first time i went down on him "shocked by the taste" lol. but i asked him if it was horrible n if he didnt want to do it anymore and he said no but im not sure....im just wondering if generally you guys find it a lil disgusting.
  22. wow kind of similar situation just recently. i mean my bf and i were IN LOVE, in a serious committed relatioship for 9 months and then he wnt on vacation and came back confused not sure. at first after the breakup we were still very close and acted like we were still together. then we started to drift and the first tsep was to lose hope even though technically tehre was (considering we're back together now). i ahd to set my mind to say that its over and even though i never stopped liking him i told myself there was no chance of getting back. you have to just pretend you dont really care either that you're moving on with your life. showing him that you love him at THIS POINT WILL DRIVE HIM AWAY. you have to set your mindset on moving on because with all honesty at this point he has no intentions of really getting back with you and if he is showing you any signs right now its probably out of pitty and i know you dont want that. be cool. and try nc for at least a little while if possible. as you said you cant force it and you know by pretending you dont care eventually that will become how you really feel. just try to move on. tell yourself its totally over and that behavior will be the best thing you can do no mtater what you want. it will help you to get over him and it will help you get his respsect. if he wants you back later on at least it will be something not otu of pitty!
  23. hey although im not familiar with a gym atmosphere i think its jsut a good place as any to flirt. make if fun and working out will feel much easier lol. i think its prety easy, start a converstaion with the equipment, or compliment the perosn on their skills. i think its the prefect place to flirt and start something up!
  24. now she could like you. but if shes close to you as a friend these signs dont really say crush. touching, blushing, complimenting, these are things you need to really look for at this point!
  25. wow...well concerning the age difference. i just turned 17 and my bf (hes my first and im his first gf) is going to turn 16 in a few months. basically just over a year age difference. now let me tell you something. i went out with the guy for 9 months--an amazing 9 months and we went to the same school! we broke up and now we're back together for like just over a month now. now the age diff is not impossible to get through. but i know right now at our age it does make a difference. points to ponder: as the girl ive noticed i often feel as if im the guy in the relationship. hes super shy and me being older doesnt help--our first kiss was 2 months after officially being bf/gf. now after that first kiss i often have to make the first move because he wants to be "sure" i want to. and it does become annoying. or i have to make all the decisions. and for you maybe you'll feel that the girl is thinking about things that you wouldnt. for example in my case while i have my license and thinking and stressing about university that just isnt whats on his mind. so there are obstacles...but honestly nothing that is really that tough, a basic relationship, but keep in mind the points i mentioned it might help, dont be super shy about kissing her if she likes you she'll like this kiss!! now the long distance i dont know how that is really goig to work. you guys are both young and im not sure about how protective your parents are but for me its pretty bad. so if your parents are anything like mine its going to be tough. but if you guys are happy then no biggie. a cheap date: well...there are tons of stuff, the fac that you guys dont see eachother often means anything is like a date even just chilling on the sofa. but there are movies or just going to the mall have lunch, go to the beach, go to a park, um....ya i mean a date doesnt have to be expensive.
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