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Everything posted by goddess23

  1. lol i completely understand that!! its just it seems like as soon as this happened he lost interest ya know what im saying?? obviously we have our own interests and what not but considering the situation what do you think.
  2. ahh okay. i need just some advice. my ex and i just like RECENTLY got back together sort of. anyways, we ended up making out for a good hour yesterday and it was great, he didnt even want to leave, his mom called him at least 5 times till he finally was like dammmmmitttt i HAVE TO GO and then told me that he loves me! anways...today he said he was going to go play bball. honestly is this normal? to play instead of make out with a girl?? the thing is we decided to take it really slow and just see how it goes. no RELATIONSHIP just if we feel like it fine if not fine...but would he not feel like it so quickly. it was obvious he had a lot of fun yesterday--i dont know....im so confused. any replies are very much appricated!
  3. stressing about it is going to cause you to be late for your period and cause you more worrying. just relax, chances are EXTREMEMLY SLIM, especially considering that you probably had just finsihed your period when this happened. meaning chances are you weren't ovulating yet or were close to ovulating. chill out!
  4. wow....i must say your post ilse really hit me. with all honesty i know that i dont care for a serious relationship i really do just want to have fun right now. however i also know that i would be interested in a relationship if it came up with HIM. maybe i am just doing this so we can be "together". im not sure...maybe its a bit of both. the only thing that i know in our situation it's not about anyone else. just...i know lol. we go to the same school and all and are really straight up with eachother. it really is this strong physical connection right now. but im scared....because there are also really strong emotions involved. i just wanna have some fun. but i know its not that simple...i know its not about getting over someone or even seeing how we feel its pretty clear. its just like today he had to go and whatever and it feels like hes not interested. lol but then again, i have to remember our "situation". anyways...any more experiences would help or any general help thanks!
  5. well ive loved twice and ive told one. we would say it at the end of a conversation or a heavy makout session lol...hmm....yeah. thats about it. so on average when we were dating it would be about twice a day....sometimes more but say twice.
  6. thank you all so much so far. yes i know, obviously we will take it slow and the thing is i know its not like "ill keep you around till something better comes along". let me explain, we went out for 9 months, first relationship for both of us. it was really great...everything was pretty perfect....obviosuly there are small flaws but nothing major. he went on vacation and came back confused needed time, the relationship was getting too serious. so thats why right now both of us are like dont want a serious relationship. and i know that the i love yous shouldnt happen yet...even though i feel it, even when he said it i didnt say it back because i thought woah...way too fast for wanting to take it slow lol. so yeah...im just not sure what happens when we do get really serious. basically our breakup was that we were too serious....hmmm.....lol more replies veryyyy welcome.
  7. hey everyone. exactly 6 months after our breakup my ex and i are SORT OF back together. we had a long convo about how we felt. that we like eachother alot but we dont want that serious relatoinship. so we ended up doing some serious making out and it was fun, i mean our relationsihp is a lot of fun. he didnt want to leave and what not....like it was really romantic and then he said i love you. and i was in shock. we told eachother i love you before. but after 6 months of craziness this was woah. anways i said to him "are you sure" and hes like i duno or something cuz he had to go. anyways just now we had a convo and i asked him if he meant wat he said--i love you. and hes like it just slipped out, i was thinking why did i just say that. so i was a little disappointed because with all honesty i do love him. but at the same token i rather him be honest. and i got the feeling it was just the heavy make out that made it slip out lol. the thing is we're not officially "dating"...we're just "going with the flow". im fine with this at the moment....but do you think its possible for us to end up being an official couple. is this right? am i setting myself up for hurt? and has anything like this ever happened to you before? any comments are greatly apprciated. thanks!
  8. hey you need to realize that those things were done with no thought at all. they probably never though you would even remember it. thats how naive people are. ofcourse its possible for you to have a peaceful life. but maybe it would be in your interest to talk to a professional and really get a proper understanding. maybe just the "talking cure" will help. best of luck, and remember that you are much more then insensitive people could ever aspire to be
  9. aww thats sweet. well you could always get her a nice gift, piece of jewellery. you could write a poem put together a mix cd...there are tons of stuff you could do. but it does concern me a little that you say you dont think about anything sexual with her. i mean you need to have a strong physical attraction as well as the other aspects. otherwise shes just a great friend. but im assuming you just didnt explain that part properly.
  10. hey listen i think at this point you need to show her you're not there at her beckon. i mean she is taking you for granted and just holding you when she isnt sure, it isnt fair. she seems very confused, if you think she has some issues right now in her life, try to help her as a friend, try to keep the sexual aspect of the relationship out of it for now. act as her friend if you really need to be there for her. otherwise the best thing would be to act like whatever. see how it goes. but if you think shes going to break up then she probably will. maybe it's best if you just give it a rest, stop boggling your brain, (I KNOW IT AINT THAT EASY IM TRYING TO PRETEND WATEVER WITH MY EX, VERY HARD) but try. just think shes not your gf, you are on a break! treat the situation like that. see what hapens. go with the flow.
  11. well at this point you need to truly figure out what you want and acccordingly react to her actions or talk to her.
  12. definite flirting. you should talk to her though if you want to get back with her. this bf thing seems like a joke. i mean if she wants to "do" you then obviously you two like eachother to an extenet lol. if shes fine with being friends with benefits then fine, but make sure that the terms are clear. i dont know the history of who broke pu with who and what not, but it hasnt been ENOUGH FLIRTING to really make any drastic moves. if it gets crazy then you need to tell her that she needs to realize that you two are not dealing anymore. she needs to make up her mind.
  13. my best tip for acne which is affordable: black soap. its amazing, its this african thing, it looks reallly weird but it creates a foam just like soap and you rub it on your back when you go in the shower and rinse it off. it should really help. do a little research and you could probably find out where you could get some near you.
  14. i just wanna say...for ME i like to dress sexy for MYSELF. andim not lying. ofcoures when i get attention from a guy i LIKE its great. but really i dont like all the attention. its juts i like to feel good. at night when im alone in my bedroom i probably look sexiest, for who? no one...just my own satisfaction.
  15. one thing: wouldnt you consider yourself an exception. and lets change the word stereotype with generalization. maybe that will make it a little less harsh. i cannot change opinions, at least i dont expect to, but it is my belief that age does have a lot to do with who we are. ofcourse there are exceptions, honestly i consider myself one. but i can still say that most people my age are irresponsible and fall in and out of love. i also know that there are a few that dont fit into this generalization. but thats why its a generalization. chew on that.
  16. VERY GOOD RESPONSE lil lady! i agree! ill put my two cents in-ive said it many times and ill say it again, stereotypes are GENERALLY TRUE, thats why they're steortypes, thats why they exist, everything has exceptions including science!! it sounds wrong when i say it like this, but i think stereotyping is a part of life. and if it takes on a disrespectful connotation then theres a problem. i mean most age limits seem ridiculous--we can go into the army at 18 but cant take a drink--what is that??! but its very true that age is part of experiences which is how we gain if not knowledge but wisdom. and that relationships can sometimes suffer because of a few years not because of interests or maturity (which is often veyr similar) but because of where the two people are in thier life. for example while I in high school am thinking about my physics test tomorrow, or the guy at the basketball game, someone at 19 is either working full time or in university/college and has a completely different lifestyle. we can talk for hours on the phone about our ideals but when he can go anywhere anytime i have parents that are still very much in control. while hes thinking about sex, im thinkking about just making out. and that could cause a problem. ofcourse there are exceptions but thats just an example of why age is a big part of life, especially relationships.
  17. without getting too psychological, im going to say that it is normal to look at other women. however if you're not feeling SATISFIED then it is a problem. however, i think its unlikely that sexual satisfaction is the real problem (im just guessing, maybe it is lol) it seems like commitment phobia over anything else. i think the reason that you're thinking of sex with other women is because maybe this isthe first time you have had a SERIOUS relationship that seems overwhelming. with all honesty you should talk to your partner...maybe taking a break to see what else is out there, maybe you need a little break and see if you really want to be in such a relationship otherwise it's being unfair to the both of you.
  18. ok well in my case our brekaup is still unclear. he even said "maybe im a jacka** for doing this". he went on vacation and came back confused. i mean our relationship was perfect but basically this little vacation made him question his feelings. so yeah...in my specific case the only thing im afreaid of is that the same thing will happen again.
  19. you know i was thinking to start a thread of the exact same nature. i think its all psychological...we all love a chase. maybe thats why most high school relationships die because it gets "boring" because you "have" eachother. i mean right now with my ex, now that im not giving him the attention like before and acting like whatever, hes always around me and flirting. maybe its that simple. but do i relaly want someone like that. hmmm lol. but ya, its kind of sad, we always want someone who is unreachable, it is psychological because its a challange, and alot of times someone who is unreachable is someone of popularity (generally at our age) meaning it would change our status. that could be a reason as well. but still sometimes it has nothing to do with that its just about unrequitted love. maybe thtas the strongest one of all.
  20. hey. you know what usuallythere is one form of communication that just doesnt work with two people. as long as its just one its ok. for example some people just cant realllly talk on the phone, some cant through email or IM, and some in person. as long as its just one of the three, its OKAY, although time should help that problem...but phone and IM is really not that important, its how you can communicate when you're together. the best thing you can do is try to think about what you would sya if you were online talking to her. think about a story or something that you would like to tell her. ask her questions that you would like to konw, or start a converstation on a small one you had online and elaborate. dont worry its not a big deal. im sure it feels painfully awkward when you're having the converstaion but it should get better. its stillearly and if you must then just keep it to the computer for most times until you do decide to meet or whatever.
  21. hey. listen, dont get too depressed im sure its very easy to get in this cycle. but there are a lot of possibilities. take a few extra courses, do a little research on something that you're interestd in like counciling. or start with a job that has potential later on, although not very impressive right now. like work as a teller in the bank, and if you do well and upgrade you can easily move up in that department. there are tons of oppertunities, im sure its hard right now. i mean im 16 and im FREAKING OTU about course selections. im this total nerd and i feel as if life is over if i dont get accepted to UofT. so i know its hard to jsut say "get over it". but really, by working in this factory but a little aside for savings. take out a student loan and try taking a few courses. do alittle reasearch. like i say for you, i think a good thing would be to do something like a teller in a bank or something like that where the qualitifications are not VERY HIGH, yet there is a lot of oppertunity for improvment. dont worry, you're just a little down right now, and hey if it pays decently then that means you can probably put a LITTLE aside for savings or what not.
  22. hey everyone. i was just wondering how many of you have ever gotten back with your ex. im just wondeirng how many of you think its ok or that it just doesnt work. as well my ex and i have been getting cloes again and im scared to open myself up or just have hope for something that maybe i shouldnt. thanx!
  23. lol ya...thats how it felt at the sleepover thing. lately honestly like this past week it seems as if hes starting to like me agian. like hes very interested in ME. honestly like things havnt been like this in a LONG TIME i mean about four months. so maybe he is starting to like me again...but then that leaves the question if i should go out with him if the oppertunity arrose. however, i know if that did happen it wouldnt be for at least another coupole of months (im pretty sure) so for now i plan on just going with the flow. ive stopped complimenting him and giving him all that attention. maybe thats whats keeping him "interested" ughhh the confuzzlement!
  24. hey to any of you that wanted to kept posted. well last night was the sleepover thing but i had to leave at midnight. anyways...when i got there, i had a lot of friends chilling with me and whatever. so i went in the gym and i noticed my ex was kind of wherever i was. some guys were trying to show me how to like shoot a PROPER basket and what not lol and then he started to like take over. so i sort of just ditched him A LIL lol, so he was just nearby. then later we played with the ouija board, me a few friends and him. so then just me and him played and we were alone. so i asked if i loved him and if he loved me and it said "yes". then i asked if i love him n he loves me and it said yes. and he didnt say ANYTHING...neither did i and i just asked about other guys lol and whatever. so we kind of connected and whatever and he stayed with me until i left. it was strange...i thought he wouldnt give me the time of day...and then his friends were asking my friends "wheres ____(his name) gf...i mean ex lol. it was like we were still going out. so ya that was another up of probably another couple of downs lol. any comments on this??
  25. honestly ofcourse the main thing is if she has AT LEAST SOME FEELIGNS FOR YOU. but really personally the approach doesnt really matter to me. i find it cute and charming when the guy isnt "smooth". if hes the guy i can wtach from afar and say wow hes pretty cool then thats what matters. like i mean if a guy likes me i dont expect him to be "cool", when hes just playing sports or talking to his friends and his personality comes out. so the actual hitting on or telling the girl you like her, the approach means very little. i mean if you're like a stalker (you know what i mean lol) and you dont know this girl AT ALL, like dont go to the same school or work place or whatever and you're going to try to get her number then ya your approach needs to be refined. otherwise not being super smooth is cute. if you're too smooth i would assume you do this ALOT and wouldnt be too impressed.
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