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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Ok so she has your numbers and she has not called,Well I would say either she is playing hard to get in her own little way or she is just really busy and has not had the time to call you,Mabe she is afraid to call you or nervous could be many things just give it some more time.To me it seems like you really like her
  2. Raindrops drip slowly from within my heart, Underneath all this pain I had from the start. I gaze up to the sky and feel the wind blow, I take a breath of air to deal with what I know. Starting to walk I come accross a flower, But dont forget about my heart shower. People tell me to look within my self to be, Like the sun that is shining over me. I take somemore steps a thundestorm is on its way, The clouds become dark is everything ok? The lighting strikes I begin to melt, The sun goes away and this boom I felt. I begin to run away to find somewhere to hide, I go through this tunnel that is called pride. Im at the end of the tunnel I slowly realize, There was no sun it was all a disquise. I continue to run to hide from this place, This place with no light no flower no trace. I look around to see why im here, I look above to only see clear. I am trying to make it to a place I feel good, Do all the things I know I should, A place where I can say that I have found me, This place to where I can be what I want to be, They say to love you must love within, Everything in me is beginning to spin. Where am I going how did I get here, I am tired of trying and holding in that tear, Why dont everyone leave me be, Stop trying to make me what they want me to be. Why cant people love someone just for them, Why do they have to be a flower built by someone elses stem My heart is crying because I did nothing wrong, Cant I just feel like I belong? Is it so hard for the storms to go away, For this sun I never see to come out today? So in your life please listen to me, Be whoever you want to be. Go through the storm it will make you stronger, Take more time to stay in the sun longer. Do not let someone take you for granted, Be the flower of life that you planted. Dont ever feel like you dont belong, Everyones music in lifes song. Love the people that are there for you, Be true to yourself even if your blue. When your down just smile and say, I love myself I will be ok Anyone have there opinions please leave some I am not very well but I try
  3. Thanks alot Just wanted to post somemore of my poems to get ppls opinions thanks for the reply
  4. I feel you so close to me right by my side, I feel your heart beating why must you hide, I see you standing there looking at me, I deny the pain of what must be, I whisper your name in the dark, I feel the fire from this spark, I feel a teardrop down my face, I cannot find you I looked all over the place, Where have you gone this is not a game, Are you here or haunting me is it all the same. I wonder why u disappeared, When all along this is what I feared. I just seen you again in my dreams, Is everything what it seems, I still feel your heart beating is this a test, Or is it my heart beating in my own chest, I feel you get closer yet slip away, Were you even near me today, I just want an absolution I just want to know, Is this the end of everything I show, I hear the tears dripping on the floor, I feel not you anymore, I believe in love at first sight, I believe in the end holding on with all your might, Why must you hide and run away, When I thought u were right next to me today, Why must you tell me this is not the end, But leaving me behind is the message you send, So what is it now your far or near, Is this your heart that I hear? Is this a dream or is it your mistake, Am I sleeping Am I awake, I cant figure out what is going on with me, I cant understand if this is a dream or reality, I must know if I turn around, Is it you could it be your hearts sound. So when your near and nothing seems real, Just know that this dream tells me I must heal.
  5. Hello, Well your 18 years old and this is something that you have to do so dont be worried,Im sure since it is your first time your probably nervous and thinking the worst but really dont be scared there is nothing to worry about,It is easy and it only takes a little bit dont mean to get and reply so personal but you needed the advice so I am here to tell you dont worry!
  6. Thankyou so much I have been trying my best to do that Anyone else have there opinion
  7. Well be glad u did it and that she told you the truth
  8. Ok so here it goes me and my ex were together 2 years he is 24 I am 20 and we broke up about a month ago,Let me start with this he told me when he broke up with me was because he was not ready for a relationship that he wanted to live his life and he wanted to not feel like he was in a relationship,So to go on he told me that he is not done with me for good the day we broke up that if he did want to be in a relationship it would be with me,He also told he he didnt want to lose touch with me stay friends until he is ready and that he would call here and there and come hang out here and there,Well since then he has not talk to me very much cut contact on messanger slim to none,I have to admit that I am doing alot better then I was at first but also I still miss him very much and I am still not sure what I should do about this,I know he is forcing me away and I know that when we do talk most of the time I initiate the contact through phone or Im and that is because I start to feel like im going to never talk to him again and that is the last thing I really want,Well I have seen him once since the breakup and we he was here he told me see my feelings have not changed I still love you and said he would call me back that night and never did and it went back to like it is now,Since then he does not really talk to me and im just wondering if it because he is taking his space or does he just not want to talk to me anymore I talk to him the night b4 last we had a great conversation and I smiled and was so happy but the next day once again it went back to barely talking and hardly any communication what can be making him do that?Just last week he made a comment on the phone that I told you if I wanted to be with anyone if would be you and that made me smile but his actions are showing me diffrent mabe im a bit confused but im really letting everything out on here hoping someone can give me there opinion or advice.I have my on and off days about this situation and sometimes it gets really hard,I mean I have been going to friends,working more,doing things to keep busy and things to make myself a better person,But he is still in my mind,I dont want to give up on him because I love him and I dont want him to play games with me either I cant tell but I hope what he did tell me is the truth because that is what I want more then anything,Does anyone have advice on what I can do from here I know everyone says NC but as soon as I start that I start feeling insecure with myself thinking that I will never talk to him or see him again I know it might be foolish to think that way but that is how I feel inside,I am so sorry this is so long but I need as much help as I can get right now tonight is not a very good night for me
  9. Why is that it that u have not went out and dated is there any reasons be a little more specific and mabe I can help you out a little bit
  10. What I can say to this one is that I think mabe she is flirting with you from your post,I think you should call her that is the only way you can see if she really does by her reaction to the call,Then once u conversate ask her to the movies or out to dinner,I dont think u calling her while on vacation is being a leech because she asked you to call,I would def ask her out and see how things go good luck
  11. You cannot control how he thinks or feels,He is aloud to talk to whomever and just because he talk to her does not mean anything,Are you a bit jealous of her?That's what it seems to be mabe that is not the case but if it is why be jealous?Be worried about yourself.A little chit chat is nothing more then what it is and if there are no signs of anything else why worry?Dont analyze the situation to much you might be making yourself feel this way.Just calm down and stay cool with the situation.If there are other signs then talk to him otherwise just dont worry
  12. In my opinion you dont know what u want or your not sure what u want so your out looking which is fine but dont go overboard cause any of them 3 may not work so your in a tough situation your not cheating cause your not together so have fun but dont mess with there minds to where they all 3 think u want more then just a date go by the dates you will be able to see if any of them are worth taking a step more or just hanging out just dont play mind games good luck
  13. I think that is a great idea and a smart choice
  14. Hey, To start off with im so sorry you are going through this u must be in alot of pain and hurt and I hope you feel better and wish you the best of luck,The only thing I can tell you is to talk to to him tell him how you feel im not really sure why u are seperating and not sure if u had talked to him but be a little more specific
  15. I want to know the same thing?!I never had that problem with myself or my signifigant other but I would like to know as well good question
  16. Aww see I know what you mean im going through a breakup to its hard and it hurts I know that if I found out he met someone else I would be devastated also because of the things he told me so I know how it is,We just cant let ourselves get to that point where we stop everything for them and completely put all we got into them and nothing for ourself we will feel drained hurt and when they do meet someone like your ex did it will crush us so I know if my ex met someone I would be so mad because of things he told me but just stay strong girl dont let this get you down more then it already has It really sucks that this happen to you though I hope that everything works out for you
  17. Really I wrote it about myself and someone else but thanks so much for the compliment that was very nice alot of ppl are going through this and I love writing so when I start to think I just type it out and put it on the board it helps get out what I really feel but again thanks
  18. I agree with you
  19. Ok with this in my opinion you cant really put all the blame on him and say why did he do this because you let him,You let him cross them lines and play with your mind which is wrong but you had the power to say look you cant have your cake and eat it to I bet your really upset because it does hurt I would just move on try to keep yourself busy mabe she is a rebound either way work on yourself make yourself happy try not to think of it and do not call him because he should not have used you like that and you should not have let him just my opinion stay strong and learn from this
  20. The only thing I can tell you is that you didnt lie because he did not ask,You did nothing wrong by going out having fun with your friends you did nothing with him more then a phonecall and hanging out there is nothing wrong with that,There really is nothing you can do because your getting married but you are already with someone and are you really ready for marriage?By your post it seems as if your not only because you like someone else I mean you can like someone else but in my opinion and with me if im with someone I do not get my self in a place to even be able to like someone else if u know what I mean.Anything can happen but its all up to how you feel inside,Do you like him a little more then what you say?Now your soon to be husband probably would not be to happy about the situation.If you go about telling this guy that your getting married and that you do like him you will just being setting yourself up for confusion.Sorry if I didnt help to much just wanted to tell you my opinion good luck with everything though.
  21. If you can just walk away, Should I wait should I stay. I am giving you the time and space you need, I am growing inside and planting a new seed. To grow into a beautiful flower, To show that without you I still have power. I know that you want us both to grow, So that with eachother we will finally know. That our love is strong and true, That I can live with or without you. But time has passed and I can see, That with you is where I want to be. I know you might not feel this way, But hopefully you will realize this oneday. That im not just holding on to smile, My happiness with you is worthwhile. I am loving myself but loving you to, Now what is it that I can do. I cant let go I refuse to walk away, But not because of the things you say. I look within myself to see, That this love was meant to be. Now that I have seen it alone, Are you ever ready to come home. To this heart that is whole, Loving you mind body and soul. Just think about what I have said, Think about what you just read. Can you see that I love you, That this is me telling you. This flower still growing strong and bold, Learning to love with a heart of gold. So when your your ready to come back and say, I love you everything will be ok. I will smile at you this is what I will say, That I found it out on my own today. What do u think about that any opinions would be nice
  22. I agree with cutie and im glad to see that you are giving the time and space she needs and you are accepting this,It's so hard to do that when you care for someone so much and it hurts throughout the process,Give her time and if you dont you will push her away,If you dont want to lose her and you do get a chance to talk to her on nice terms slowly tell her how you feel but dont be pushy or overboard she knows you care about her,Take things slow stay strong and dont push her away try to give her the time she needs as hard as it is
  23. ang3l2004


    My opinion is u are probably social phobic which means you want to stay to yourself as a way of kinda hiding from ppl,But you need to go out live you life find things to do and if there not fun and you seem boring make yourself do things that make you happy and other ppl with notice that as well U cant change who you are also for the likes of someone else just get out take the risk do things that make u smile and the ppl around you might even want to join just live you life and be happy you have to do things or u will never be happy Start working out go to the gym then the aftermath of you losing some of the weight will make you smile Try to go to a bar or club just sit around and then join ppl talk to them GET OUT AND HAVE SOME FUN!!!!stay strong
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