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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. AWW that is so cute lol I would say that its normal to have a crush on someone and you are young so just tell her you like her and good luck
  2. I would say keep yourself busy with work after your done your work then go out and have fun with your friends you have plenty of time to do that so look at this as your future work hard!!!!
  3. You do whatever makes you happy not everyone thinks that way,If you want to work out then go ahead and do it and it will probably make you feel alot better,I would say if ppl dont look at you like your a geek why do u feel like you are?Good luck
  4. The only thing you can really do is talk to her because she is the only one that knows if she really likes you,When you talk to her just ask her if she does and honestly just tell her how you feel what do u have to lose? Goodluck
  5. Thankyou for reading and replying that was very nice of you,It is so hard and I know how it is as well as you do to and im sorry your going through what your going through.I feel that by no contact is 1-making him believe im over him and him not knowing how I truly feel 2-giving him what he wants in a sense and me getting hurt everyday by it I understand it takes time but how long does it really take for someone to realize what they had was good,I know what you are saying as well and I know I have to start somewhere but what else can I do I am breaking slowly I am hurt as it is and I just miss him,Is there any other way I understand no contact works for alot of ppl but I fear that it will hurt me even more in the long run if you can understand that.
  6. Hello, I am not really sure what to tell you but I can ask this why do you have such a bad feeling you have c's now?You might be just paranoid then again if you do have you been really stressed lately just try to do your best in school but do it for you a's and b's are good but a c is better then an F make sure you keep up on your work ok to your mom when the report card comes and let her know that you will try harder next time dont be mad at her she is just looking out for your education which is good
  7. Hello, I have a question Why does everyone say no-contact makes the ex miss us?I am a bit confused by that.Wouldnt that make them think well shes/he is out of sight and out of mind?I just think no contact is a way to help yourself heal but I also feel that no contact makes the ex think that you dont want them anymore so why would they call you back or call?Mabe it is because I dread and fear it,But I was just curious on others point of views on this
  8. My heart is beating and is so pure of pain, electricity flowing sparks flying we are one, I feel you close to me even when your far, There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Mind body and soul I love you, No words can express what you mean to me, Fire blazing deep in my soul, No water can put it out no matter how blue. Slowly gazing to the stars that remind me Sparkling high above everything Wishing loving and hoping Sitting on the beach our love goes deeper then the sea. Feelings of you gone would hurt me so As my heart and yours beats as one Powerful happiness and joy all around me Only you and I both know. As you gently touch my face and whisper in my ear, I feel the heat I feel the love I place my hand on your chest and feel your heart beat, As I look into your eyes I begin to tear. As the sun rises so do we, Holding eachother all night in ecstasy, The feeling of never letting go, This is how it is supose to be. I dont know if u can undestand this but please post how you think this sounds thanks
  9. I am really sorry that you are going through this but it is better to realize it sooner then later,I think you should talk to him about this because this is how you feel,You mentioned that you are really close so im sure he will listen,I understand where you are coming from but are you really sure that this is what you want and this is truly how you feel?Good luck with this and pm me anytime you need to talk im here
  10. I think since its been so long and you have both had your space and time to heal what had happened I think that mabe a text msg would not hurt,You never know unless you try,If you want to try to be more then friends again you should take it really slow,I think that being friends would be a good idea and go from there,Just dont be texting her non stop and calling her to much take it slow,Good luck with everything keep us posted
  11. I would say that if she is shy try to talk to her and open her up make her laugh a little or smile ask her out sometime or you could email her a friendly letter explaining that you think that she would be a good friend and go from there
  12. Hi this must be really difficult for you because this is a baby your talking about.My question would be are you ready for another child and if so would he be there for you and that baby?Me on the other hand I dont believe in abortion but that is just me,Now another thing is this is you and this is your body do you want to keep the baby?I understand that he wants for you to get an abortion or give the baby up for adoption but what do you want?It is up to you on if you are ready he will be there or you want to get an abortion or give the baby up for adoption,I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you in this hard situation.Please PM me anytime if you want to talk about anything!Good luck
  13. There is no excuse for sleeping with someone else if you already have someone and if your in love then its just wrongggggg There are no excuses for it
  14. Aww it's gizmo!!!!I dont know if I could depending on the situation if they slept with someone else then no I would say you wanna play you go be with them and that would be the end of that story,I dont like games and I dont cheat and I dont understand how ppl say they care and then go out and do something so foolish like that,If you want to meet someone leave the person your with first to spare them more heart ache in finding out,I just think cheating is a stupid little childish game and I would not put up with it!
  15. My opinion would be mabe the reason you get so paranoid getting off the phone is because you fear you wont talk to her again or see her because of the distance,Have you told her the way you felt?Talk to her about this and tell her how you feel I dont think this subject is strange because everyone is paranoid about something in there life at some point so dont worry,Just talk to her and slowly start letting her off the phone or she will begin to feel like your needy or to pushy so good luck
  16. Well I dont think its right of them to do that at all they have no right to come into your house and tell you to get off your phone when your on the computer,That is just rude.Talk to your mom tell her you feel that you dont have any privacy and that you feel these girls boyfriends girl or not are walking over you and its not fair,You seem to be very angry about the situation and I would be to,Just talk to your mom about it and if it does not stop be nice and calm and say can you wait till im done on the computer and I will let you use the phone how old are these girls anyway?
  17. I have to say that post above was funny yet true and why cant I think like that
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