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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Sitting here,Thinking,breathing,Living, I feel isolated by the words that im given. I want to break free from this pain, My heart is going to go insane. We started something that you cant finish, But you can run and try to make it deminish. I want to be safe I do not want to fear, Fear what im doing can someone else steer? If I continue to let my worries take hold, I will lose myself forever this is what im told. How can I just run away break free and smile, Why cant my life be worthwhile. All this time I have let it inside, Soon enough I wont be able to hide. All the things that went on with me, When am I going to be able to be free. When I was younger I was so sad, I thought growing up I would be glad. Now that im older I still see, Bottled up things are taking over me. Noone can help me I am all alone, It will be that way till im engraved in stone. Let me know what you think of my poems thanks
  2. Ok so I contacted my ex tonight never really stopped never in the 2 years have I not called or messaged him within a week,Im really stressed and still holding on.Im not sure what to do at this point because no contact I fear I dont know why but I really do,We had a good conversation just as if we are friends but hey thats what we are now,I dont know if he still cares or if he is over me already because he acts fine and seems like everything is ok but I dont know if that is just a cover up or what im not really sure.I am a bit depressed,He mentioned still taking me out for my birthday though which we planned anyway before the breakup,I am so miserable honestly I am,Tonight is one of my bad nights I guess,What do I do is there anything that I can do im just so miserable and down right now,we have been broken up for a month now because he does not want to be in a relationship but he told me over and over that if he did it would be with me and I believed him and still do is that wrong of me?But his actions are like your just a friend and his signals change mixed I would say,I really love him and after this break up I have learned a few things but im still confused,He's flying away and im standing still and not because I want to its because I feel that what he was telling me was the truth so im basically waiting he means alot to me more then any words could ever say,I wish he would just realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side its just I have always been there for him and I have never tested the no contact but he has because I am the one to always initiate it, What do you think he is really trying to do?He knows that im here for him also.someone please help me!!!!!!
  3. I agree with the post above by xx
  4. WoW,I am sorry to hear what your going through to start off with.I know what its like to but about your story you are not alone im sure you have friends and family there for you and also yourself try to stay happy and always smile,I dred the no contact rule not saying I dont believe it I just dred it well your ex may have just called to simply see how you are doing or just wanted to talk never know or he could want to try again but dont call him back if he wants to talk to you since he called in the first place he will call back when you talk to him tell him how you feel dont be pushy with words good luck with everything I hope everything works out for you
  5. thanks so much everyone wanted to let everyone know how I felt about this site and I think everyone feels the same
  6. I would just like to say thanks to the people that are here, That give there input on things we dont see clear. It amazes me how ppl you dont know care, Telling us to stay strong or even to beware. Enotalone is to help to make it through, When your sad,mad,angry or even blue. Many troubled ppl many hurt at heart, Many need advice or need to know where to start. This site always brings a smile to ppls face, Many people need to be put in there place. But really what it is im trying to say, Is I want to thank everyone who has helped me in someway. So many ppl like to give there advice, Even though they dont know you they dont think twice. So thanks to the creator and the ppl on here, That bring a smile to ppls face everyday of the year. Tell me what you think...
  7. Sorry I could not give you much more then my opinion but your welcome hope everything works out for you and good luck
  8. Well to start off I think one reason your insecure and jealous is because she had did it with a previous boyfriend that she claimed to love which probably has your mind going.Honestly there should be no reason why she wants to talk to other men at clubs because like u said that is a place that you go to meet someone and you know that yourself,Me on the other hand only went to clubs to dance and have fun with friends not to meet someone...But if you have a funny feeling something is more then just talking talk to her about it and tell her you feel uncomfortable about it make sure you let her know how you feel there is nothing wrong with going out to have fun but I dont understand myself why she wants to talk to other guys at a club
  9. I would say every person is jealous at some point mabe a little or mabe alot,Mabe she is just trying to have fun and you have nothing to worry about.Has she ever cheated on you?If so mabe that is why you have this type of issue with her,If not mabe its you being insecure but either way have you told her about this?I mean how does she react to the situation?
  10. Ok im going to give you an enotalone makeover lol 1-your 20 years old in school making something of yourself and old enough to make your own decisions 2-mustache well never had one but you can get it waxed off or something wear make up 3-be cofident get dressed up and start going out finding friends even if your parents think its not such a good idea tell them this is something you need to do for yourself to be happy 4-in order to date you have to be around ppl and staying home all the time is not good anyway so start talking to ppl everywhere you get out and can go make friends have fun 5-go shopping get some new clothes shoes makeup whatever make yourself over and feel confident and oh yes try to get to a club to dance some of your frustrations away 6-Why is it that you feel you need to date at this point in time?Why do you want to get out so bad?Only you know the answers to those ?'s so get out there and answer them girl have fun ~
  11. Sorry I forgot to mention that is just my opinion
  12. Ok it could be many reasons why he is not telling you he is talking to this girl or who she is,It may be just a friend of his not to mention mabe even a co worker or just a friend never know On the other hand why is he telling you it is none of your business that sounds rude to me and very wrong to say to his wife why cant he just tell you who she is if he has nothing to hide my opinion would be not to let him talk to you like that dont put up with it dont try to force anything out of him or he will just hide everything mabe its a man thing no offense lol but no mabe it is just a friend or mabe something more only you know if you can trust him in that sense because you know him good luck
  13. HEY MIX MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLDDDDDDD lol no but go back ask her out she does not really know why you keep coming in there so dont worry,If you are interested go again and ask her out its simple "hey lets go out for a date sometime you seem like a really cool girl"something like that lol no but go for it!!!No reason in giving up because you have not got the chance to really talk to her to see where it would go!good luck
  14. Hello I have read your post and you must be going through alot,What has caused you to want to do these drugs and take these pills in the first place have you had it rough?Well I would like to say mabe you should get some help from someone talk to family and friends or come here to vent but you really need to stop doing this.You have the power to control what you do and you know that this is not healthy for you and it is not doing you any good,You said that you pass out and you feel ill that is not very good your only 18 and you have a whole life ahead of you and you say you love life so you should start getting help now you should talk to someone and you know that you need to stop taking these pills,Start slowly but you really need to get yourself straight and im here if you ever need to talk about anything,But since you discovered that this is a problem which it is you need to start fixing it now and you can do anything you set your mind to and you should start by getting help I know this must be hard for you and really tough but you must stop doing this to yourself and take steps to getting better please reply thanks hope everything works out
  15. you seem to really like her but dont lose hope if you know that she may like you but dont over analyze her not calling it may be a number of different reasons.Just give it some more time this is not really about losing hope because if she does not call why worry because you barely know her u know what I mean just give her some time.Dont think because she does not call you that she does not like you,Just a question why are you so worried about her calling you?
  16. Your exactly right its what you want to do and its what is in your heart if you feel that you can move there and be happy either way if you want to do it and you think it would be a good decision then do it if not think about it and talk it over with her something will work out for you I wish you the best
  17. I would just like to say that you are a really good man to give anything up to make her happy it would make you happy to but you are willing to go to lengths for her so u must really care for her a great deal.In my opinion if you can find a great job there what do u have to lose you will have1-a good job 2-be with the woman you love 3- be living together to get to know eachother more then ever since you are long distant,I would say its a great idea in my opinion but go with your heart and do whatever makes you happy good luck to you and her and I hope things go as you would like them to,But one more thing if things dont work out how would it make you feel in the long run giving that your willing to make a huge step in life for her and yourself?Just a question But really good luck!
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