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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. You are in my heart I feel you in my soul, I see you through your eyes this is starting to take its toll. I hear you down the hall I close my eyes and pray, That this everlasting haunt will find another way. I want it to leave me alone I want to feel love, All I get is a push away sometype of hateful shove. I miss you and I love you and I want you to see, Even though you left im not going to change me. I fight with my anger I hold back my tears, This starts to take over me it brings back all my fears. Cant I feel love and feel like you are there, Can this be a two way street with us as a pair. If you dont want to try this once more, Please stop haunting me and walk out that door. Know that I love you and Know that your in my heart, For even when theres nothing left we will never be apart.
  2. hahaha girl you are crazy yeah your probably right nothing we can do but start our own cha cha cha cha cha CHAAAAAAAAA reminds me a part in beetlejuice lol
  3. I know we are and by that who knows who the hell is tango dancing now lol inside joke
  4. You dont care about me you dont care if I heal, You just want to be happy and watch my life stand still. Have you thought about me thought about my pain, Have you thought that leaving me would give u things to gain. Oneday your going to miss me oneday your going to see, That you were just afraid and felt you had to flee. What if im not here when you want to come back, What if I look past the love and all I see is darkness black. Have you thought to call me or stop by to say hi, Have u been there when all I have done is cry. two years of my life I have loved you so much, Have you thought about the times when we touched. If it was over why did u start a game, Start a game of lying playing with my heart was lame. If you really loved me why couldnt u treat me good, Treat me like a lady treat me like you should. I was there for you through thick and thin, I was looking for a life with you to start over and begin. But you left me and you hurt me and I dont know what to do, You told me that you loved me and that you would be here for me to. You tell me its not me that its you who needed this, Then you come over later and bend down to give me a kiss, Which way are you going are you here with me or not, Please stop the games and stop trying to plot. I have left you alone so you can be free, Hopefully you will realize the good person you see, Remember I love you but you need to return, Or this fire of love u will just let it burn tell me what you think
  5. Mabe you 2 hanging out kinda scared him and even if he did call u that so what dont worry about it if you know you didnt do anything wrong go up and talk to him he may not have even said that because you heard it through someonelse just talk to him good luck
  6. Mix that is one good poem I liked it alot and you should continue writing them,I think you should call it why? just my opinion I think it was very well written and I understand the poem well,such a good job!!!!!
  7. Hi I am sorry your dad is going through this but he went and got the help he needs for whatever reason which is good,I wouldnt even be able to handle hearing those things in the backgorund either because that is your father,I wish you the best of luck just know that once he is done getting the help he needs he will be alot better,I can understand why you posted because this must be really difficult for you to see this,When he gets better you will beable to sit with him and tell him all the things you feel and mabe start a new better kind of relationship together,Stay strong and if u ever need someone to talk to just pm me
  8. I would say call her and tell her how you feel mabe she took it the wrong way or is thinking the same as you just talk her good luck
  9. Beautiful poem I really like it,When you get a chance right somemore you are very talented
  10. Once again thanks for everyone reading and replying there opinion!! Appreciate it
  11. thankyou heartbroken thanks for replying everyone it makes me smile to know that some people like reading my poems and enjoy them I appreciate it
  12. Not much I can say I am going through the same thing sorry your going through this though alot of ppl are alot of ppl will have good advice for you about this situation u just have to give it time that is what im trying to do
  13. Only thing I can help you out with is give eachother time and space and do what you feel is right in this situation cheer up and good luck with everything
  14. If you really like this girl then just talk to her tell her how you feel and go from there good luck
  15. Everytime I think about the day that we first met, Eye to eye no looking back I knew my heart was set. Do you remember that first kiss when I began to melt, How we held eachother tight and love is what we felt. Do you remember when all we could do is stare into eachothers eyes, We shared so many things happiness,anger,sadness and cries. I still see you in my dreams and here you ring my phone, Even though we broke up I still dont feel alone. All the things we shared throughout the years Should I be happy or should I remain in tears. Thinking of our memories and all the things we shared, I knew from the first day and still now that I cared. When your done flying because now you are free, Make sure when you land you land right here with me. Make sure that you know that I still love you, Hoping that till this day that you love me to. If this is the end of our love for good, I will be here for you and you know that I would, So now that you have opened up and flew away, If your wings breaks remember what I say. I was here then and I am here today, So fly high above me until you find your way. Tell me what you think??
  16. I am not like that but everyone has there ways and ppl can be like that but I dont think it is right I think that money should have nothing to do with who your friends are your friends are your friends because of who they are and not how much money they have right?I just think some people look down on others which is wrong.I never look down at anyone because everyone may not be the same but we are all living in a world together why not just live and stop trying to be better or think down or judge there is alot to this but in my opinion I dont see why someone would look down on another for having less money just my opinion
  17. The only thing you can really do is talk to the sister,It should not really matter what she thinks of the situation because really its between you and him,But if you feel she says these things and heard she has talk with her about it and tell her how you feel pm me anytime
  18. Hello, There is not really much that I can tell you because I cant really help myself with my situation,I wanted to post you though because this is kinda tough for you,I would say do what you feel is right and if you feel that it is not a good idea then dont go through with it,Only you know how you feel about the situation and you are the only one who can decide what is right for you,So I would say think alot about it.Good luck with everyone sorry that I could not help out as much as I would like pm me anytime u need to talk about anything
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