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  1. 1) How long were you together? We've been together for about three months 2) Why you ended it? The same reasons as edgecrusher96. My ex physically abused me once, but abused me emotionally multiple times. He lied to me about his age, later finding out that he was 12 years older. Mine was also an interracial relationship, so there were many culture clashes. He was really jealous, so the relationship was off to a bad start. 3) Do you regret ending the relationship? Not at all, I regret not ending the relationship after the second month. I felt relieved after the breakup, so I didn't go through the pain most people went through after a breakup. 4) Did you get back together? Nope, getting back together isn't worth it; if it didn't work out in the first place, what are the chances of it working out the second?
  2. I probably have the same taste as Maggie, totally-defined six packs aren't really appealing. But that's my taste though, I don't like men who are bulky. I'd rather see a somewhat-defined, flat stomach, not too muscular but not too flabby. And to me there is nothing wrong with a guy having a little meat to grab on to. I'd rather poke a guy on the stomach and feel something soft than end up poking him and hurting my finger.
  3. How many of you have good/close online friendships? Unfortunately, I've lost contact will most of the people I met online thru chat rooms or websites. I now have one close online friend, and hope that the result will not turn out to be like the rest. Do you write letters back & forth to each other? "penpals" Yup, we've been doing that for a while now. It's more like E-penpals though, with the addition of E-greeting cards. Talk thro Ims/emails? or even maybe talk over the phone? We talk through IM and E-mail, haven't considered talking over the phone. Have you ever felt really close to somebody over the net like so much you actually think of them as your real life friend? (even tho you never met) Yeah, it's ironic how it feels that we've known each other for a long time. You're always looking forward to hearing from that person, and you actually do think of them as your real-life friend.
  4. At this point she just wants to value your friendship. And it sounds as if she really isn't interested in seeing the friendship evolve to something more anytime soon. I mean, you asked her out four times already, and you had many arguments, so she wants to see if you two can get along as friends. If the friendship goes along well, then she'll come around, but the better thing to do is to give her space and not ask her out. If continuing to do so, the less chances you'll have of actually going out with her. Enjoy what she has to offer, because who knows what the outcome will be.
  5. ComputerGuy is right... her past will always be with her, so accepting to be her boyfriend means that, although you do not accept her past, you helped her overcome it, making her a better person. Don't think about regretting a breakup if it were to happen, think of it as an experience that will make you stronger. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and your girlfriend is showing that by putting her past aside and staying committed within your 10-month relationship. The worst thing you can do is to be afraid on where the relationship will go, preventing you from enjoying the relationship. If you feel uncomfortable about something, let her know... communication might lead to a stronger bond between you two, w/o the doubts. Good luck Ryan!
  6. It's difficult to determine whether your best friend is being set up for failure without knowing either one. I used to believe that one cannot fall in love with someone else over the internet. But everyone's different, and I know that there are actually people here who have had experienced or are experiencing online love; a close friend of mine actually married her online boyfriend of two years (she met him at the age of 16), and they've been together for 5 years now. Your friend has only known this girl for three months, so the girl is probably still hesitant about meeting him in person, not knowing how or what to tell him. That can explain why she "lost" her flight and the passport, and why there were many failed attempts to meet in person. ~Tinkerbell~ was right, your best friend shouldn't come up to such a drastic conclusion and should keep his guard up, because a successful online relationship requires trust and open communication. And as for her parents encouraging her to leave for a month, that is fishy, especially coming from parents of a 17 y/o! It takes two people to make a relationship work, short- or long-distane, so if she continues to make excuses on why they cannot meet without being honest, then he should think twice about wanting to stay in a relationship with her. He is setting himself up for failure if she continues to make fishy comments such as the ones posted. Wishing your best friend luck!
  7. It's been a couple of years since I've written a poem, which explains why the following is short and somewhat predictable. But I hope you enjoy! ========================================= To a Wonderful Person, you know who you are It's amazing seeing how deep we fell Seeing how our relationship has progressed so far The sublime feelings we bring to one another Our thoughts as if coming from one mind Our kindred souls immediately clicking Is nothing else but a rare find Appreciating your selfless support Despite living miles and miles afar Enjoying our understanding toward one another Is what makes me cherish who you really are I would not change a thing about you It's you that made my life so bright I would never forget the words exchanged That kept us awake each and every summer night You question whether nice guys do finish last You reason to believe that you'll be stuck in one square But eventually a lucky person will come to her senses And will shower you with devotion and care And although I may not be your One Time will determine what will really be You helped me clear my mixed emotions So thanks, my friend, you're worth more than what you see.
  8. My take on this is that "Mary" may have a serious case of self-esteem issues. Acting like a model helps her deal with rejection from other people, so she uses status as a way to earn respect. She thinks that having a flashy car, taking a modeling course, and having a lawyer as a father will bring her admiration from others. So she isn't considering the fact that it's her personality that impresses people, not her prestigious status. Mary probably doesn't realize that her arrogant behavior is offending your group of friends, which is why she reacted the way she did after reading your E-mail. I mean, you stated that she was one of your best friends for four years, so has she changed to a different person after taking the course? You did the right thing by letting her know how you felt, how her actions were unpleasant and inconsiderate. True, ending your friendship with her will help you and your friends not deal with her unpleasant attitude, but what will she learn from this? Honestly, I feel sorry for the girl because she lost a group of friends and doesn't have anyone to confide in, anyone who can show her how to focus on things other than herself. Hopefully sooner or later she will realize what her ego is doing to her.
  9. If a relationship is meant to last, you'll be happy with that person anywhere, not just at a certain spot. Her lying to you about working on a Saturday night means that, like joshs_badkitty stated, there is more to this. She hasn't called you during the weekend, so are you sure that you want to go through the relationship again if it wasn't able to work the first two times? She says that she loves you, but then again she said that she no longer wants to stay committed and, according to her, you pressure her. It's okay to feel miserable, and it's okay to not hold in all your emotions as you will feel worse. Don't blame yourself, your actions were done for a reason. Give yourself time to think about wanting to continue to be involved with her. Don't pressure her, meaning don't call again as you have already left a message. Give yourself time to think and look at the bigger picture. Yeah it does suck, but life will get better. Good luck James. It takes time to heal a physical wound... it also takes time to heal a broken heart.
  10. I understand that it is really difficult to move on after breaking up with someone that is compatible with you in so many ways. I know I'm posting this after the 27th, but just to let you know, you're not alone. No longer seeing her face, no longer feeling her warmth, no longer smelling her aroma, feels as if love has betrayed you. There's a reason for everything, and you choosing to be there for your sister in times of need doesn't mean that you are a terrible boyfriend. Don't add more of a burden to your shoulders by blaming yourself. Your sister trying to kill herself isn't something that can be taken lightly. It's good for you to let it all out, to post your feelings here and understand your situation more thoroughly. It's really difficult to move on because of the violation of the NC rule. Her E-mailing you her feelings about loving you keeps you in one spot. She has admitted of loving you as a friend, so the best thing to do is to enjoy your life. You love her, so you'll want to see her happy. If she is happy with the person whom she is with, and if she knows that she values your friendship, then let it be. Pursuade to yourself that you will move on, because you are going to move on. It really does hurt, but time heals all. Take as much time as you need to heal, as getting over her will not happen overnight. I hope I helped. Take care Mazxs. It takes time to heal a physical wound... it also takes time to heal a broken heart.
  11. I'm sure that the answers provided also gives insight to those thinking about making the "first move." Yeah we're all afraid of rejection, but how can girls make the first move if shy guys aren't giving a subtle hint of interest? Thanks Phil for answering the majority of the questions. I was planning to ask a really quiet person out for coffee or lunch, but when we talk it's usually work-related, and he's afraid of opening up. I have picked up signals that he's interested (or maybe he's just a nice guy overall), but other times he just brushes me off. ](*,) Maybe next time I'll just bash him on the head and tell him that I'm attracted to him. Then I'll see what happens. It did help to get some insight from others. Thanks! It's surprising to see only two post replies out of 40 views (so far).
  12. I've read many posts that deals with a shy guy getting advice on how to ask a girl out, how to get a girlfriend, how to be outgoing, etc. But I can't help but wonder what would happen if the girl is the one that is approaching you. The following questions are for the shy guys, especially for those who consider themselves extremely shy. Here it goes... If you are attracted to someone you know but don't talk to, and if she were to ask you out, would you reject her invitation fearing that she wouldn't like you? Would you reject her invitation because you feel more comfortable playing hard to get? If she says hi to you or initiates conversation, would you pretend to not like her and act as if you're not interested? If she starts to talk to you, would you get nervous and stay quiet, risking the chance of getting to know her and seeing what could happen? What subtle signals would you send out so she can know that you like her presense? Sorry for the list of questions. I would really appreciate your answers! Thanks so much in advance to those not shy enough to reply to this post!!! If you ask people out, odds are that some will reject you, but those odds will be better than those odds of you doing nothing. Take care!
  13. Once the color coating came off, your mouth is reacting like so probably because of the overexposure to nickel. Cheap body jewelry contains more than the recommended limit of nickel, which is why some people permanently stain the tissues around the piercing. Like psipro posted, we can't see what's going on so it's best to consult a doctor. Sorry, not much help! But hope it all went away!
  14. There is no emotional pain greater than the pain the broken heart gives us. By getting involved with someone we are accepting the risk of going through heartaches, but it is the heartaches that teaches us how to grow into stronger individuals. Focus on taking each day at a time, let it all out, grieve, because one day you will wake up not thinking about him. Many of us here know how you feel, so you're not alone... You did realize that the hardest step of getting over your ex is to "accept" the fact that it's over. Your ex isn't coming back to you, so it's imperative to believe that it's over. It's painful because you are battling with yourself. Hoping for the relationship to work means that you'll never move on. As for the family, don't lose faith in them. They will always be there, in good times and in bad (and not by choice). If they didn't want to see you happy they wouldn't be offering advice, or continue paying for a therapist in that matter? You know that you have the power to be confident, so let your ex know that you need time to clear your thoughts. You are smart enough to know that the best way to move on is with the NC rule, so continue to have time to yourself, be glad that there is distance between you two. If you cannot see him with another girl then you're not ready to continue staying in touch with him. aLLie, you are the one who knows yourself best, so listen to yourself and do what you think will help you move on. If your ex is a negative impact to you then try your best to stay away. You have the capacity to be confident, so stay strong. Don't cherish the past, live for the future. Good luck and let us know how you're doing. Wishing you the best.
  15. ImfeelingBlue, even though you're young, those were excellent words of advice. I also agree that if you really believe that it's meant to be, to try to work it out. And if things didn't work out, then you learn from your mistakes and you know what to expect for the future. Love goes out to you as well. Take care.
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