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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Thankyou so much for your advice everyone it does a great deal of help just wish I knew what was going on at times I am really confused I also know that if he wanted to be with me he would but there are reasons why he does not and it has to do with him I still love him and I would give anything to make things right between us but im letting things go naturally and letting things go how they go but thanks so much again for your generous input really appreciate it
  2. Ok so here it goes im single now been single for a month im hurt and im still on and off about the situation after 2 years can he just forget me like that after we broken up he told me at the end he would still call hang out but really dont do that ,he wants to live his life he does not want to be in a relationship but he told me he loves me i have talk to him but its not the same it seems like i was always the one to iniate the contact he told me that this is just the end for a new beginning for us fresh start but his actions are diff mabe he is just tryin to live his life without me in it now but he told me that when he is ready that it would be with me cause im the perfect girl for him now he seems fine i dont know if it is him covering it up or what but he seems ok what should i do im doing alot better now working alot more hanging out with friends but still i want a absolution because i still do love him very much should i believe in his word and trust that when he is ready he will be back should i let go which i cant should i start nc and keep it strict even though he said he is not letting me slip away that easy anyones opinion or advice would help out alot!
  3. Ok, Only you can control your feeling and the way you felt about the situation.He may have provoked it and hurt your feelings for whatever he may had said but mabe what he said is an issue that you need to work on If not mabe you should tell him how you feel tell him he made you feel akward and insecure and you dont feel right about what he said,Tell him exactly what you put in the post that you dont want to talk to him because now you feel not good enough then mabe he will try and understand your point of view and talk it over with you Im not really sure what you can do just keep your head up your probably a really good person and should not feel down just try to talk to him about the situation try to see if he will listen and understand how you are feeling u dont want to hold it in though cause you dont want to be angry with him good luck hope ya feel better
  4. I like your poem it was very nice please write somemore when you get a chance
  5. I am holding on because I am true, True to the feelings we once knew, I am holding on to this love, You and I were sent from above, To let you go would break my heart, The heart that you had from the start, So stop trying to make me forget, My heart and mind are already set, Go ahead and try to make me see, That you and I are not meant to be, But I will just look at you and say, Never have I not yesterday or today, So I will watch you live and watch you grow, But I will be right here and you already know, Dont think that because you leave i'll fall, I already have in the beginning afterall, Holding onto you might not be right, But this is a battle that I have to fight, So always remember that my heart was true, True to the feelings we once knew.
  6. Pain Is that what it takes for you to know that im here For me to be alone and shed a tear Gone Is that what it takes for you to be happy within Can I tell you that this love is no sin Tears Roll down my face after 2 years How can I let go of my fears Lonely That is what I am without you But are you lonely without me to? Eyes what I have that are mine to keep In my mind to see you before I sleep Pain Is what I feel in my heart Missing you dont want to be apart Gone Were you ever really here? Did you even shed that tear? Tears Still rolling down my face never stop What will it take to make us on top? You Are in my heart till this day Will be with me again I pray I Still have that love and I still care I will forever and always be your pooh bear Your opinion does matter so if u like to give it please do so i never really posted a poem on here so i just made it from my heart and i would like some feedback please
  7. Hi there is not really much I can say because I am going through a breakup as well,I can only tell you to give her time and space as ppl are telling me,What causes the breakup?Keep your head up and try to stay strong that is the only thing I am trying to do now,I know your probably really confused and in pain right now and it hurts,But could you be a little more specific,Where there alot of problems throughout the relationship or did it just happen?Good luck with everything try to sort everything out in your head step back and look at the situation and see if you think mabe this was a good idea,If you do think there is any chance of working out mabe you should try no contact even though its hard I was told nc is the best thing to do.Sorry im not that much help only telling you what many ppl have told me on the forum
  8. I may have posted this in the wrong forum sorry if that is so but i just want as many ppl to give me there opinions or advice or anything they can add thanks
  9. How do you know after a breakup if an ex is playing games?Or if he really does still care?Are there signs of game playing and if there are what are they?Sometimes ppl cant tell weather after a breakup if an ex that is saying there is a chance or giving hope or still calling whatever the case may be what are ways you can try to see or realize that one is playing games -still cares-using you-or wanting to get backtogether?If anyone could give there advice input or opinions I would be thankful
  10. First off this is not about his friends,This is about what you want and how you feel and how you go about telling and showing him how you feel without his friends getting mad.You should not even worry about them because if he is single then why do they have such a problem with you?I would say become cool with them mabe they just dont know you that well and have you got any signs that he likes you as well?If you do like him just tell him because if he is single then friends have nothing to do with it unless you did something to provoke it just talk to him
  11. its a really nice song mabe if it was not so into saying i miss you blah blah lol but i thought from a girls point of veiw it would make someone smile
  12. Well the only thing that I can think of is when you go with her out be very friendly with her dont pressure her to talk to you about it just be calm and cool and just tell her how you feel about the situation if she really cares for you and you care for her then it is worth talking over mabe you can ask why she did it and when and if u do ask nicely dont be mean or try to get alot out of her because you probably wont in my opinion it is just so wrong to do that i never done it myself and never will because if u care for someone that is not something you do I would say talk to her about it calmly and dont get mean and loud just make her feel comfortable talking to you and mabe she will open up to why she did it and why it took so long to come out with it Good luck with everything I hope that you will be able to find out why and mabe u 2 can make things work past what happen
  13. I dont know if this might be a bit overboard but you can try I miss you by incubus
  14. Hello my ex broke up with me to tell me this would be the best beginning we have and that this will be like a fresh start for us we broke up about 3 weeks ago and he came down this last weekend we were acting like friends the whole time until when he was about to leave he said i love you i told you my feelings havnt changed but then said he would call me that night and didnt well we talk on the phone here and there and online but as soon as he left and he said that were back to talking here and there nothing more then like friends would talk i really miss him and want him back but i have been cutting back the calls and i have been trying to figure out whats going on why would he tell me that then act as if he was b4 he came?why do u guys think that he would still be talking to me after breakup here and there?i really want to know what i can do because i know they say NC makes them miss us but why does it take that i really hope someone can help me out i have been going to friends working alot more and just trying to stay busy but its hard because i feel like a part of me is missing my feelings have not changed for him at all he seems fine about this but i dont know sometimes men hide how they feel any opinions or advice that can help me out mabe thanks
  15. Thankyou for your advice if you ever want to talk about anything or if anyone wants to please feel free to pm me I can understand what everyone is trying to say and how they say no contact will work but if i do stop gettin on messanger wont he think i am over him and make things worse for me because really all along i was not i can manage without him but i can live without him to the thing is i dont want to i can be happy with myself and him as well he just thinks that he is my main source of happiness and i have taken a step back to look at the situation and i can understand where he is coming from because i did smother him always question him and his love for me and always called now he seems to be fine but i dont know if that is just a coverup I really want things to work out between us and I want to be with him,I think that if i do the no contact then it would make things worse i asked him if he dont know how to use a phone and he told me he cant he dont have long dis on his phone and i said oh ok i said im beginning to think u dont want to talk to me and he said no it has nothing to do with that if and when we happen to meet up again what should i do how should i act im so confused plz reply back thanks
  16. thankyou for your advice i just dont want to lose him for good i can function without him it is just that i dont want toi really miss him and i want things to work i dont have no idea why he is telling me he still wants a future with me but if anyone has advice please give it to me thanks and thanks for your help twizod for reading and replying
  17. Hi I have posted here before but im still so confused and I need some advice,My ex bf of 2 years broke up with me last week it did not end bad he told me he cant be my main source of happiness and that He wants to live his life and wants me to live mine as well.We talked about it and he told me the more we have a present the less we have a future and told me that he wants to do this so that we can both say to eachother that we are ready to talk about marriage im so confused he told me to think of this as a new beginning for us and that he wanted to remain friends that we will talk 2-3 times a week and hang out here and there since we broke up he has not called me at all I get on the comp to talk to him everyday and have called him twice acted happy and pleasant and just had anormal convo well he seems fine he doesnt call i am the one always iniating contact and we went from going out 2 years to next day broken up and friends but when i talk to him he seems like he is fine and just talks to me like a friend the day we broke up he told me he does want a future with me and i asked if he was letting me go and he said no he doesnt want to do that but since then i have been making all the contact why wouldnt he call?why does he seem ok?Is it just a man thing i have no idea im 20 and he is 24 I really miss him and I love him but have not told him because we are just talking as friends im so scared right now because i dont want to lose him for good i actually want him back and i dont know how to go about doing that I really need some advice im trying to keep myself busy but i cant control how i feel about him yes we broke up yes i talk to him with me contacting him but its so confusing how can i get him back?Why would he tell me all those things and sound so sincere about it all he said he thinks this is what we need a fresh start should i believe this i cant let go i dont want to either what is he trying to do?what is he trying to make a point of can someone please give me some advice and there opinions please i would be so grateful thankyou all who will read and help me out on this but i have been giving him space in a way we use to talk everyday on the phone i have only called twice but i do talk to him on the comp and he says that he doesnt want to cut that off what should i do?
  18. Now im a bit confused He told me after we broke up that he wanted to stay friends and about starting over and all that well since we broke up which was last tuesday we have talked on the phone when icalled his mom since then he did not call me so i called him lastnight i was happy on the phone told him i went shopping and blah blah well he said he was goingto call me 2-3 times a week but has not initiated any phone calls.....we talked just as we were friends nothing more but we just broke up last week im really confused now when we talked i was the first to say i was calling to say hi but im going to get off here he said are u going to get on the comp tomorrow basically to talk to him and i said if u want me to then yes if not no and he told me to shutup as in i guess he meant that was a stupid ? well im cofused by me acting happy and all that with him wont that make him be like she is really ok and not care by me doing this is so hard what should i do next???????
  19. How is he scared?I mean I dont get that but thankyou so much for replying i really needed a guy to put there advice out there for me I understand what u are trying to stay i talk to him friday on the comp and he has not yet contacted me but it is the weekend he said he is going to contact me 2-3 times a week and he hasnt yet called me the new beginning could be from space and mabe true but im so confused im trying to not be upset but its hard we went from breaking up to "acting as friends"no i love you nothing just simple convo on comp in one day and im not sure how im taking this he told me that he is doing his part by living his life he told me that the way to look at this is a new beginning he said what makes u think i want to be with someone else when i dont want to be with the one i love which is the space he needs he has not called me yet so now im getting a little worried and afraid and im the one that is scared i dont know how he is he is probably having a great time ya know i just wonder if he is thinking of me at all we went from calling eachother everyday talking i love you and i miss you and hi hunny to boom talking as friends and he said this is the only thing we can do that is best for our future together im so confused and hurt thankyou mattt for your info will you please reply thanks
  20. hey jenn well one thing thankyou for all your help well even though i still feel im acting all crazy about this lol but u were born in the same week as me and we are the same age lol so u probably been through this so then what if i do what u have said i should do and that is not worry and in the end he completley cuts contact then what because my love for him is deep
  21. yeah but could it be that he is just doing this to let me down easy so that i get over him could that be it i understand what your saying but in the process i dont want to lose him so i am worried
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