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Everything posted by isisastaria

  1. *sigh* I wish people would keep their virginity longer these days. Why is everyone is such a huge hurry? Be young! Have fun!
  2. He deserved the punches from the men. Where in the world do you live, hon? I need to understand your culture. I have no idea where you're coming from.
  3. I think you only got two responses because new posts kicked yours off pretty quickly. It's good you started a new one. Get on with your life! You'll see him, who cares? Just find someone who can love you when you're back on your feet!
  4. He shouldn't kick you. But do you see where anything physical goes? No where good. You shouldn't hit anyone for any reason. Unless you need to defend a life.
  5. May I ask what country you live in?
  6. Sure! Let me explain: If someone says something, and they are completely honest...good for them! Let's say they are dead wrong and totally off the mark. So then it won't affect you at all. You will say to yourself,"Oh well...whatever". If they are right, and you are just in denial...it will make you so mad because you know it's true! If I called you a blue frog would that insult you? No? Why not? Because you know you aren't a blue frog. So you would give me a weird look and move on. If someone says something that really hits home, people react and get angry mainly because they really believe it. So my point is, we need as much honest feedback as possible. If it's not true...we would just give them a polite "'thank you " and move on, right? Does that make more sense? please ask more questions if need be. I've rambled...
  7. I know I'm posting a lot...my apologies. I just had a thought. Something I am aware that you are working with is this: If you come into the picture after the age of around 5, you cannot be the main disciplinary. the child (by nature) will rebel and it will backfire. It's just the nature of the beast. Her mother should be the main disciplinary or she will just get worse. Guaranteed!
  8. I would definitely check out the "moving in accross the street" thing. If you get the facts on the laws, I'm sure she can't force you to move if you were there first. Isn't it kind of dumb for her to move that close after filing a restraining order? That doesn't exactly scream,"I'm terrified of this guy!" I'll bet she has no good reason for that order. Otherwise she would be in another town. Chances are a judge will see it the same way.
  9. Yep everything has to be taken into account. I don't think it would be wise to move closer if you're not that serious. Sorry if I gave that impression.
  10. That's my main fear of it, honestly. Doesn't mean I wouldn't do it tho.
  11. She's keeping you on the side for her convenience. At least she's honest, though. Just see other people and don't focus so much on just her.
  12. I can tell you what I did with mine. We moved closer. If you don't, things just don't get extremely realistic. I would try to get closer. Otherwise, what is the point?
  13. Please allow me to make it clear that you will grieve for the rest of your life, but this does not mean it will always feel like THIS. People tell you that you should be over it in a week or two. People who says this just do not understand. Or they may tell you that now you are the man of the family. Or they may just not seem to care. Just know that we understand and we know. Ignore comments from well-meaning people who just don't know what to say.
  14. I lost my father 14 years ago. You will always grieve. For the rest of your life. Right now it is so new and shocking, that it seems nothing can make you happy. The sun WILL shine again. You WILL come out of this. You will also gain SO much strength. Now you have tools to help others and connect you with others who may need YOU! The people on this forum have come together and shared and thereforeeee have connected. This heals. This helps us understand life. And with this we gain strength and become very powerful. I believe your father watches over you. He loves you. Just as my father. He understands if your family cries, gets angry, or falls to the floor. Just remember he is there. With you still.
  15. Oh, sweetheart...go ahead and cry if it helps. Just remember to think good thoughts and laugh too right now, K? I think you first of all need to ask yourself if the guy you're with now is treating you right. I don't think calliing you a *ahem* is good at all. That can only get worse. Why would you put up with that? People fight...that's normal. But cutting down your self esteem is only normal for really sick people (sorry). Just ask your heart. What is your heart trying to tell you? Go look at some of your baby pics/old school pics and ask yourself what you want for that little girl's future. Let us know how things are!!! *HUGS*
  16. I just have to say this: Sonjam: you nailed it. You should be a therapist and work with families. I'm serious. You're awesome!
  17. Jstan and duffy: is there a support group that may help so you know you aren't alone in your community? Are there therapists that can help? I think education is so important right now. Read books books and more books! Are there classes on the subject you could take to learn a few pointers on how to deal?
  18. Welcome to the forum! I hope we can help you! Sounds like a very frustrating situation. I have to tell you that siding with you helps no one involved and actually only hurts this child. Sonjam: I agree with you 100%!!!! Labeling doesn't help anything. I myself have an 11 year old child who has had many many behavioral issues. He was diagnosed at 9 years old (finally!) with Asperger's syndrome. We didnt know what was wrong until then. I am lucky to have mental health professionals in my family who have helped immensely. I have to say that I know this is a very touchy subject, and NO ONE is a perfect parent. But children DO NOT behave that way (diagnosis or not) unless it is modeled for them or they do not have very structured surroundings. Being consistent is so important to children with behavioral issues. I do not think it is appropriate to even have an attitude to call her names. Children DO not become overweight or lazy in a way that is separate from their parent(s). They are either allowed the lifestyle to become that way or are provided foods that allow them to become that way. Children CAN'T eat what isn't in the house. It is impossible for them to watch tv and eat all day if it isn't allowed on a consistent basis. I feel for you, but mostly I feel for a little girl that is obviously hurting.
  19. I love it when people give their honest opinion. Even if they're dead wrong, it doesn't hurt YOU any since you know it. Make sense?
  20. It's really normal for (esp. women) to cry after sex. It's very deep and spiritual. It's very emotional for women (or at least should be when it's healthy). So, don't worry about it. You're normal. I have cried quite a few times after sex.
  21. You're just feeding a huge ego. Get out and go find a nice girl who will respect you. That's the best revenge and the best thing for you right now. Or you could always just be single and not worry about this stuff for a while.
  22. I just think you're SO young!! Is there anything else you can be worrying about right now? Could you join a band? Do you like theater? Can you try an instrument (guitar, maybe?) Please don't grow up too fast. It can only hurt. That's just how i see it!
  23. hazey amber has a good point!! Would your parents be okay with that?
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