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Everything posted by sandyv

  1. So sorry brooding, I agree that this seems wrong, Yes, she may have lost a brother, but you are his future, It isn't quite right that he flys the coop in order to help her with this at the risk of loosing you.... I say go with your gut feelings here.... he's gotta think of you.......
  2. I think thats awful, when I've been in love, anything from someone I loved would have made me very happy, and I'd never need a rock. I think maybe you'd better take some time before taking vows with this kind of person, she will more than likely walk all over you if you allow her to do this to you now. Sorry, I know you must love her, but that kinda love is the killing kind.. Be careful... Sandy
  3. "The purpose of life is not to find a mate to live happily ever after with. But rather, to enjoy the time that you have on this earth, whether or not there is someone else in your life or not. And I am now a firm believer that you can't really be happy in a relationship until you are happy with yourself." Donster: I've followed your posts for a very long time, and have felt quite inspired by much of what you've had to say... sounds strange I know, but you have given me some insight into my own situation, and I admire the way you look at things... especially the above statement. Needless to say I hope someday to have the wisdom that you do, reading your posts helps me to see what I hope some day to accomplish emotionally... as you have... Don't stop posting... I love what you have to say. Sandy
  4. No Is, its good you can be honest like you are... I have a hard time letting things out... I feel hopeless sometimes although its been almost 5 mths.. I miss him... still, foolish me, I totally understand how you feel.... Sometimes wish I could turn back the clock... and maybe I could have saved things... but no... that could never be....
  5. Hi all, haven't meant to be a stranger, but I've been struggling with the demons mostly, I get sick of myself whining lately, I even get bored with me.... can anyone understand that? I miss the ex lots... but still am I really helping myself obsessing on it?.... But yet sometimes still... I need to rant... other times I just make myself shut up... ya know... I'm still confused and lost even. Got asked out by a guy a couple days ago.... nope not ready for that.... I still have a pain in the brain... y'all prolly know how that is... just want everyone.... specially Shoes, just want you to know I haven't forgotten.... no, not at all... Shoes I'm there with you, ya know? ....
  6. Red: 5 months later, I still get my sad days, and angry days, but more are angry now.... and thats the feeling that motivates us..... you are doing great, keep going and don't look back... (its hard I know).......
  7. Yes the getting mad stage is the beginning of recovery..... From here you'll see a big improvement in how your feeling.... good for you ...
  8. Hey Teddy, been there, done that, and my son is now in his teens. I think you've been mature about this.... but he hasn't.... If he can let other people sway him, when you and the baby should be the most important people in his life, well so be it.... you can do it if I did....... And CONGRATULATIONS, you'll be a wonderful mom, I know...
  9. Well said Ren, I'm one of those people who has "lost it" on occasion, yes I did some things that now seem silly, yet quite funny...... You can't toast someone for being hurt and acting in an irrational way, as long as they didn't actually hurt anyone, why not? I say whatever gets you through the night.......
  10. Right On Hope, thats all we can do.... someone should put warning labels on creeps like these I'm thinking. Hmmm. ....
  11. Yeah Melis, better sooner than later, but that doesn't stop the hurt I know. Something you said.... made that horrible night of my own come back to me. That word "shocked", god I was soo traumatized, I couldn't even cry myself. Couldn't eat, sleep, nothing... I was useless at work.... At least you have a good outlook on things, you sound like you won't back down, and thats all to your benefit... good for you.... doesn't feel like it right now, but believe me you'll be fine.......
  12. Melis: Thats what they do (rotten guys) they try to make themselves justified in hurting you as they did, but deep down they know that they are idiots, and may even feel guilty in time. I know my ex does, he's tried to make amends, I'm still hurt, and prolly will stay that way for a very long time. I still love him, but thats ok, It will die a slow death (the love) I mean.... yeah it does damage to us, that kinda pain. Lets hope Karma bites these guys in the butt...............
  13. Yeah Melis, I went through a VERY similar situation when I broke up with my ex, and I really feel for you. I felt at the time I'd been hit by a truck and kicked to the curb, like some roadkill.... very hurtful stuff I know. But having said that, I know he is a jerk, and it had to happen sooner or later... be glad he's gone.... and yes I know it hurts, it will for awhile, you will be o.k. I'm living proof of that, I went through that kind of garbage about 4 months ago. Don't let him do it to you again.... Rant here, you will feel better....... Sandy
  14. Hey Sasha thats really horrible, how crummy is that ...your friend and your ex.... Oh My, that sucks I think your doing the right thing, get them both outta your life, who the heck deserves that kinda disrepect???? NO ONE .................. I know its hard to believe, but it will get easier, time is the only way that it will though... hang around here and rant.... it'll help you too, alot of us have similar situations as well Sandy
  15. AntiLoveSuperstar, I felt much the same way lately if thats any consolation at all, little things make me soo mad I wanna smash things.... I don't know if its because I'm stressed out or what. I also have a really, stiff neck, which is awful........ almost unbearable, it isn't nice, but I do know its all related to how I'm feeling... You'll be ok, just keep in mind its a thing time will take care of.... personally myself, I have chosen to hibernate lately rather than take out my rage on friends and others..... Sandy
  16. Rose do ya mean you are still living with your ex?
  17. Sorry Shaker, Shoes and Parsley, and everyone else and a big HI to SD....been crazy around here, but I'm back!!!! I've never thought of myself as strong, but I'm working on it
  18. Hi all, thanks for missing me I've been sorting through a whole pile of troubles around here..... my son is a pain in the but, my financial situation is a nightmare, oh and last but not least, my ex is still on my mind alot.... On another note, its sounds as if many of you, shoes, TJones, etc. are really improving, its by no means a quick process, I've for sure been learning that as I go along too.... I have seen my ex walk by my place many times recently, I usually turn around and go back the other way, I know that I do need the distance from him right now, I'm not feeling indifferent yet, so for now I am forcing myself not even to have a small conversation with him.... long may I stay strong... and all of you as well...... Sandy
  19. Yeah thats a good attitude, so do that, and I'll be hoping for the best for you.... at least things will change or you'll have to begin NC... no other way to go.....
  20. Do it, I wish you the best... I will be around, even PM me if you want too... don't be walked on either though ok????
  21. Inloveandwaiting, yeah I think thats what your gonna have to do.. maybe... but then you'll need to do some really heavy NC, bc things will never change unless you do you know?
  22. I understand, I'm still going through all kinds of crap myself, my old relationship doesn't seem to have ended yet..... and he's still the ONE....
  23. Helloladies21, aww, Inloveandwaiting is hurting.... I understand that feeling all too well...... and Inloveandwaiting, he's only trying to help... its hard to know all the time... how to help?
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