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Everything posted by sandyv

  1. Heloladies21, Well said, a guy can always speak to another guy better than a wussie girl like me.... but its a tough situation too though
  2. Inloveandwaiting, Well I'd say she does love you then, who would want to say that if it wasn't true right? But still you can't force her hand... take some time and let things flow naturally, you want her to want you on her terms too right?
  3. Inloveandwaiting, Its really hard to say what can be on her mind, but regardless you really would be wise to try to distract yourself right now..... she will be back if she loves you... and if she isn't ... she wasn't worth it anyways...... That being said, you gotta take care of your life you know, you are what matters right now!
  4. Inloveandwaiting, yep thats what I'm saying.... god only knows for sure... but I'd say ... and I'm going through lots of stuff myself.... that if my ex wants to call me, (and I still love him) I'd rather it would be a week from now....
  5. Inloveandwaiting, I know what you mean, and yeah the best thing you can do is stand by basically, cause she may just get angry being pressured... maybe not, but prolly you should just try to keep occupied right now... Take care of you, and time will tell, if she really cares, you will hear about it.... I really do believe that.....
  6. Inloveandwaiting, I don't wanna bother with my ex or really anyone right now either romantically bc I'm very overwhelmed with other problems, finances, my kid... the list goes on and on.... so I can relate to her pretty much... doesn't mean she doesn't care....
  7. Inloveandwaiting, sounds kinda like my ex, and he DOES have emotional issues, so thats totally possible, but all you can do right now is wait, as hard as that is.... and see what happens.. Leave her to decide to call you, or else you just may be pushing her further away.... she needs to decide, you can't do that for her.... be patient...
  8. Hey Inloveandwaiting, there for sure is a possibility that depression is a factor in her behaviour, but then again I think you've got to consider all angles here...... Don't make excuses for her.... she has got to face reality, that doesn't mean she doesn't love you.... as a single mom myself I know how difficult finances and also having a relationship can be.... My ex bf had ADD and also had some depression issues, he didn't know what he wanted, it causes a major case of confusion for some people with this affliction for sure... but then again, you gotta take care of yourself as well...... I can tell you are a very kind and considerate person.... but don't be a doormat either.... I think you gotta give things a bit or time to see things in their true prospective.... Lotsa hugs.... Sandy
  9. Hey Ramsicle, Shoes and Boston, I understand all of your points of view totally ...... I've been reading but not posting alot here, but just had to state my point of view of whats been said.... its totally true what relationships can do to us... we lose ourselves, with dreams of what is happening with the SO, and its really hard to find one self, when you've put so much of yourself into that person.... But having said that, with a little time you realize, how you've lost someone important to you, and that is yourself... sad but true... I'm still getting me back... and I'm feeling just a little bit better as days go bye..... Sandy
  10. Bubbles.... welcome and you can DO IT!!! If Sandy can you can for sure God, but I am sad and a mess tonight, but no one said It would be easy did they? Aww well, life goes on and on.............................. Hey SD Inspire Sandy OK? Please toss me a Twinkie or somethin.... ok?
  11. Well thnx for clarifying that Avman, I understand.. No I was trying to explain to Harley how I can relate to how she feels, I'm more or less in the same boat, or prolly in a worse situation since my son is older... its tough stuff to deal with, thats for sure ....
  12. Yeah Avman, sounds easy, but prolly would be hard to get kids at this age to agree to counselling.... but it is an idea.... I'm personally at the end of my rope (as is Harley) with my personal problems, and to deal with this kid... is soo difficult and heartbreaking as well.....
  13. Hey Harley, I'm in the same boat, only my son is older than that.... and now he lays the guilt trip on me... well I bc I never had a dad that loved me etc. etc... good lord, I've done my best, but apparently that just isn't enough.... I don't have money to buy myself anything, everything is Michael, Michael *my son* and I don't know how to fix things.... I love him so very much, but am losing my mind and my patience both right now.... I can relate.... it totally sucks to be a mother sometimes..... My prayers are with you, pray for me too ok? I guess we both need alot of prayers right now.....
  14. Awww... your all wonderful, Hope, Longhaircats, Drum, Kevin....everyone.... yeah the only healer is time you are all soo right about that I'm not very religious, but I do believe having a heart to heart with god is truly helpful and just hearing from everyone here... helps sooo much..... and we are ALL GOOD people and deserve better, right? (((((((((((HUGZ))))))))))))))))) for everyone
  15. Hey Captain, I've followed you from way, way back.... and its all so obvious I think... (no disrepect intended) you do LOVE this girl... but... one more thing... she doesn't give a rats bum..... I know, I'm in the same kinda situation, and yeah it hurts, but maybe say "bye love" (doesn't mean you have to stop loving her) but just go.... go.... go... You deserve better, you have a whole life ahead of you Love Sandy
  16. Hi Victory, I myself went through a pretty similar situation, he said he was finished with her.... and stupid me I believed him too.... Guess what?? Much to my surprize he went back to her after almost a year with me... broke my heart totally.... and he said he loved me... what a joke... I'm still hurt over all that stuff.... Sandy
  17. Hi... how is everyone, better than me I hope, have been away from the ex for more than 4 months now, (I don't count the days anymore) bc it just depresses me somehow...... Still lonely.. although I have many friends, prospective bf's, but still lonely .... so where do I go from here...? Stupid question. feeling a little sorry for myself tonight.....
  18. Eileen, Hi, I got outta of a relationship with a guy with similar problems about 4 months ago, he was making me crazy..... I loved him very much, so I can understand how you get that overpowering feeling of loss too, but its just so hard to let go..... but you have to... I still love him, as you do your ex, (and probably always will)... there is no on and off switch... but it will get easier with time to let him go, as you must for your kids sake, and your own too. Sandy
  19. Hey thnx SD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv, Thanks so much, I appreciate your support!!! No he hasn't moved in yet, but apparently he will be the end of the month, I will take it by the day. The strange thing is I'm starting to feel annoyed with him, annoyed that he isn't moving the other way......](*,)
  20. Hi SuperDave: I'm feeling way stronger that I was a week ago, but gotta admit I do have those weak moments still..... but every time I think about the ex now, I also think of you... crazy I know, but somehow its all related in my head.... I feel more focused now on things (well most of the time anyways) and there is NO DOUBT at all that this thread has been a MAJOR inspiration for me. Thanx so much..... I'm not about to let go of what I've learnt at this point Sandy
  21. That would do it to me too, so you wouldn't be the only sucker, I'd cave in too....
  22. Good girl!!! Hey Luv, going to bed, hope you'll be around tomorrow, I will be at work but also will log in here to enotalone Don't know where you are, but here its time for us old girls to get some beauty rest lol Take care, and I'll be thinking about you all...............
  23. Luv, its true.... guys have a hard time admitting that kinda stuff.....
  24. Luv, thats smart thinking.... good, I'm glad, no one needs this broken heart crap.... sucks the big one... doesn't it
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