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Everything posted by sandyv

  1. Luv, I don't know what he wants..... i know he was really hurting over losing his kids, and things went downhill with us, and now all the crazyness..... he moving accross the road, he trying to be my son's buddy.... how strange is all of this?
  2. Meantime: I hurt so much too, and he keeps coming around ..... I'm as lost as you girl.... trying to find my way, lets just keep helping each other here... ok? hugzzzz
  3. Yeah Meantime its sad, but oh so true...... and Luv: You deserve the best, the guy better give you that too.....
  4. Luv, hope not, but you know, you did what you had to do, and you just have to hope for the best, I hope it works of for you. But even if it doesn't you'll be ok..... we will always have this place....
  5. Yeah, my son was here, he was passing by......
  6. No, Luv doesn't seem crazy, but it is..... CRAZY... I love him....I hate him, I don't know how to feel anymore... and I've got that waiting for another shoe to drop kinda feeling as well... do you know what I mean?
  7. I was out for lunch today, apparently he stopped in, actually glad I missed him..... too much.... too soon
  8. I'm ok, missing the ex, soo like, what else is new eh?
  9. Meantime... holy moly girl the nerve of this guy, holy jeez, thats crazy.... and thank god that you realize that too. Don't let him, *and I know you won't* bring you down..... lots of NC needed here, what a stupid man..... wow.....
  10. Yeah Alltornup: You will be ok, just hold onto that for now ok.... take care of you, and post here, I will always be around... well most of the time except when I'm at work I won't forget about you, bc I've been there too.... and kinda still am....
  11. Hey Shaker, from my experience a guy that does this is usually just trying to keep you in his sights..... just in case... don't fall for it ok? hugz
  12. Hey Sweet, don't be so down on yourself, me I do understand, bc I've been there, maybe like you, maybe a little more than most people on this board. When someone hurts us like that, we can go ballistic, I know I have done similar stuff.... its like being possessed basically, bc your in love and you've been hurt, its sucks...... But that being said, take care of yourself, it will work out ok I'm sure Sandy
  13. Nitey, nite, Parsley, take care of yourself..
  14. Yep probably too funny.... hope no one heard... been laughing so hard.... almost crying
  15. Hey guys, better to have a mouse in the house, then a spouse in the house LOL
  16. Yeah I remember the boys, when I was about 10, saying Sandy doesn't even wear a bra, "A pirates treasure a sunken chest"
  17. Hey TJones no laughing matter, OMG I HATE MICE, they are awful, had one in here last winter, just terrible stuff.... he wouldn't leave. Finally caught him in a sticky trap, that was disgusting too, he bit off his leg trying to get free.... Yikes.... Glad your going to have fun... you go Guy!!!!
  18. Hey Parsley, don't EVEN try to stop loving him, you won't...... doesn't work that way. What will happen is that it will hurt a little less in time, and you will be yourself again... and life will continue... and you are beautiful.. the world is your oyster (so cliché, I know) but also true.....
  19. Hey ahh, I guess its unanimous then, SUNDAYS SUCK
  20. Parsley: Aww thats so terrible, anyone could hurt you so..... Some people just don't care about anothers feelings, obviously my ex was the same kinda rat.... he always had a reason to blow me off... this and that and the other thing.... well you know how it goes right....... You ok today though?
  21. Good for you TJones, you really are doing well, and I gotta say, you must have a good friend, to not let you drink and drive...... Sundays are the worst for me too, Sundays used to be the days I would do my watercolours and he would be doing his pastels..... aww well, better days ahead I hope It can only get better I think?
  22. OMG scary stuff, but Sweet Jade don't feel too bad, I too,have done some extreme stuff, (to embarrassed to even talk about) It will pass, and you will be ok..... you'll laugh about this later on down the line I bet...... And btw this doesn't make you a terrible person, believe me, when we are hurt, humiliated, heartbroken these things do happen, you'll be ok, believe me.... Hugzz Sandy
  23. Hey LLmmas and Baha and everyone else, how y'all doing today? Yep there is something to be said for just hanging with yourself, I need the ME time too, i can relate to that for sure
  24. Hey Jeff, not just Saturdays, but any day sounds good to me, so you are a musician, I've always been intrigued by those types, and I've always wound up with them too, my last bf was and Actor/Artist type.... maybe I should just give up though while I'm ahead
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