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Everything posted by flower99

  1. Yes I think this is great advice. wow what a mess, I am so sorry. But if things don't get better, keep in mind..if you marry him, you marry his step mom...do you want to be attached to her for life?
  2. Wow, I'm sorry. My heart & prayers go out to her friends & family
  3. If you want her to know what she's missing.. Than show her as a friend, not an immature boy trying to make her jealous. If you're friends with her, she will be around you & see all she is missing out on. She will see what a good man, strong & mature man you are for being frineds with her..regardless of if she has a boyfriend that isn't you.
  4. I second this!!! Wow! I am so amazed by your strength & courage. I truly believe this is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. And you're right, you will survive. You will do more than survive, you will grow so much, become stronger & wise because of this. And in turn you will be a comfort & an inspiration to others. ((hugs)) I'm now smiling CHEERS! here are some words of encouragement if needed link removed
  5. Wow....that is so wrong. But to answer your question. I'd break it off with her. She cheated & told you & is receiveing phone call still. Maybe she wants out & just isn't sure how to get out of the relationship. I wouldn't know how to either if you were serious about the comment above. But if you do love her, let her go. if it's meant to be it will be
  6. Really she's a couselor? that's convient why is she ready to give up so easily? doesn't she think this can be fixed & learn & grow from this as well Also maybe you do need to really think "what were my intentions"? why was I on there? would you ever do this again?
  7. Question what do you mean "I am blinded by my intentions" what were your intentions? Because spending more time on the net looking at other naked women to satisfy yourself. Was taking from your relationship. Time that could be used in better ways. Such as strengthening the relationship. You had mentioned that the marriage had been rocky...and focusing your attention on other women rather than your wife was a giant step in the wrong direction. Use your time to more wisely. Use it to appreciating her & work with her to satisfy both of you. Find a way to grow closer together to strengthen the relationship. You’re married now. That takes work & dedication. Mun gives great advice (:
  8. Hey cryingeyez, I'm doing great...thank you for asking Yes I am in love. My true love this time. I've felt love & I've felt true love. There is such a difference a realness & commitment...the bible description is the only way to explain it and a great guide to live it. PM me anytime hun
  9. Awesome! as long as you know that still Yeah he's not the brightest smarty in the box..mexico trip would be awesome, but timeing is everything. I'm glad your letting him show you the changes.
  10. honestly, I believe your actions were bad. "I took it upon myself to keep myself satisfied. I started to spend more time looking at porn sites and browsing the net. " Taking it upon yourself to keep YOURSELF satisfied won't benefit the marriage, especially if that is with porn & profiles on adult sites. How did you think she would feel when she found out? If you didn't think that through than maybe that is where you could start to fix this. Working to keep the other satisfied beneifits the marriage! You were married in April..that's only 5 months before you posted a profile on an adult site. Whether you intended to go back or not, doesn't change that you posted the profile. which is cause for questions. I don't think she should leave you, I believe this will need work to fix though. I'm guessing she feels as though you emotionally cheated. I know you didn't intend for this to happen...hopefully good can come of this. Maybe this will help you two to communicate your needs & feelings with eachother.I wish you the best in working this out.
  11. Well that's awesome you guys are working well together. But sweetie, remember what he was..because he is STILL that man.Careful when you say you NEED him. There are single mothers everyday that do this. Right now things are going well (which is awesome, but I'm skeptical to towards his change being permanent..mainly the anger & abuse, unless he has sought professional help) but prepare yourself for everything. Don't ever forget You Can do this on your own if you need to. You are a strong, good women. I wish you the best & I pray your ex continues to improve. I think you'll do good with the situation between the daughter & new baby (:
  12. Yep no better description than the bible (: It's got answers to every question
  13. Congratulations ! that's wonderful to hear God lead you to your perfect women...he does work in mysterious ways (: oh, don't be bothered by the work question, sometimes it's just for conversation!
  14. Sweetie, drop him & forget him. Being put second isn't something to settle for & definietly chasing after. Don't waste your time & emotions on him. Go for a pregnancy test, ease your mind.
  15. I totally agree with Dilly. Plant the seed in her head...This is a great thing for her. She will be a big sister, help take care of her little brother be his hero, she plays a big part in the family. The trip, Well I dont' see a problem with father daughter trip for her birthday..how long is the trip? You & him are still broken up right? why can't you be left alone with the baby?
  16. Yeah if you just want to stay online friends & he's keen on meeting you & it's bothering you, than be upfront. Get it out now, not point in waiting dogheadma advice sounds perfect.
  17. do you want to stay friends over the computer or meet & be friends?
  18. I agree with this. totally... But to prevent thing from getting worse, because obviously there is a pattern when fights occur get Counseling and or anger management. You both are hurting. You can't change what happened...But you can learn from it & Fix it so it never happens again.
  19. how long have you been dating? cause approaching a topic like that to soon is pointless...cause it's basically asking him to change his behavior. And we all know you can't change someone. (sure temporarily he may stop, or just stop doing it in your presense) Like I'm That Girl (love that name) said, It's is typical of SOME men. So if it makes you unconfortable, I suggest find a man who's typical behavior isn't That! (they are out there, dont' settle)
  20. I love your 2 cents Drum4God
  21. So happy to hear things are going good & your doing some searching. You've been on my mind & in my prayers...
  22. hummm...yah! that would be a red flag for me for sure...just doesn't quite sound like marriage material. and if he's not marriage material...what's the point? it will only end in pain
  23. Totally agree with Hazlcha...Great words of advice....especially when he addresses what you said when you were drunk
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