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Everything posted by flower99

  1. Yeah I'm agree with Michelleith! Maybe she's just not the one for you. I dont' think you can change her & I don't think you should have to accept settleing for less than what you want. So Maybe there is someone more suited for you. A women that will make you feel special & loved & appreciate the little things such as kisses in public & a walk to class & phone calls. You feel she's acting cold, but she's not comfortable doing anything else. There isn't really a middle ground here. Maybe just a different person who feels the same way as you do. wish you happiness
  2. Awww....AWESOME!!! So glad you talked & worked it out!
  3. ((hugs)) Good luck astano! Stay strong.. come talk anytime.
  4. Oh I totally know that feeling. Sacrifice is a part of any relationship (both ways,not just one person). As long as you don't compromise yourself, your needs & especially your morals....that's when it's too far. But something to think about- when it comes to different lifestyles, depending on the issue it WILL affect the possibility to furthering the relationship to marriage.
  5. No it's never okay to look at someones emails with out there knowledge of it. You either trust or you don't. She didn't. I had that done to me...wow!
  6. I think writing a letter is good...SENDING IT IS TERRIBLE getting it out & letting go is the way to go. But getting your feelings out doesn't mean to him. Get on paper it helps sort out you mind, sending it to him won't help either of you .I think is a bad Idea mainly because I dont' see any good comeing of it.
  7. was this a fantasy before you found out she did it? If you found out she took it up the {mod edit} would you want to too? (: You both have had experiences the other hasn't. And she did it to explore her sexuality and those aren't the same reasons you would be doing it. So really darling, don't worry or dwell on it. Don't let this grow into something bigger than it is. She is falling for you as you are (don't doubt that) this is a great things for you.....Enjoy yourself.
  8. I fully support "single by choice"...Till my finacee that was me & I loved it....I think it's Great. sure some will say it's a fear of commitment, but it can go both ways. Always in a relationship, could be a fear of being alone. So "single by choice" seems healthy & wise to me. Gives yourself time to focus on you! hobbies, rediscover yourself, get to know & love yourself again...after a 6 year relationship, we can lose sight of ourselves. And there is no need to commit yourself now. Timing is everything. The right women at the right time will come & I'm sure you'll be ready to commit than. Till than..Enjoy your "single my choice" time! wish you happiness(:
  9. I agree with Ellie & Bella. They make great points. (: just my thoughts on your questions Does this ever work out? - I've heard of it working for a short time, but never long. You will get hurt in the end. You may have fun & yes hurt is a part of risk. But you usually take a risk when there is something for you at the end. What is there for you? Cause she made it clear it won't be her. Since her husband comes first (which is the way a marriage should be, unless your hopeing that won't last?) 2. What to do next- Do nothing. Ignore it like she is, because this isn't something she wants...and This isn't healthy for you, You can't ever move on from her when you're still hopeing for more & trying for more. 3. husbands view- I've talked to my finacee about threeseomes when I was interested in them. He couldn't & wouldn't. He wasn't willing to share me & didn't think it was worth the problems that could come of it. But really darling, you sounds sweet & loving. Find yourself someone who will give you 100% of themselves & puts you first. You deserve that. wish you happiness.
  10. Yes I think we need to know why you say she's wild? does she always sleep with men on dares? or was that just her way of making your first time fun -what I'm thinking is she wanted to sleep with you, why else would she dare you but really why do you say she's wild?
  11. How are you doing? Any progress? have things improved? how did the talk with the boyfriend go?
  12. It comes down to how they are raised. Which is why i really believe a parents job is the most important EVER. It determines our future & can't be taken lightly. Discipline, Love & morals instilled in a child from a young age to adult, can save us. I do believe that if they commit adult crimes they should receive adult punishments. No protection for them. Although I don't think changing the law will change kids (they will only work harder not to get caught) if no one in thier home is instilling respect for others & the law & morality into them. Prayer is all we can do & the most powerful thing we can do for them.
  13. no I don't think you're over reacting, I think your plan sounds good! You're right, he should care enough to call, to confirm, to make plans..all these things are things you want. And deserve, you need a man that can communicate with you & make you feel cherished. And you sitting there wondering, waiting, pondering...why? what could it be?? is consuming your energy...and Well not necessary. cut it off and trust there is something more
  14. Wow, first I want to mention that is awesome that you are learning from the past. And it's great that you now see the warning signs you had. After my break up with my abusive ex, I was also able to look back & see how I should have paid attention to certain red flags. But that's how we learn! The fact that you can see those signs now, is all you really need. You know what to look for & as long as you are aware of those & keep your eyes open, you'll be okay & you won't repeat the mistakes. I think Yes your mom did plant the seed out doubt that's now growing & your period is probably adding to it. Talk to your boyfriend. Just like Agent said "if he is worth his salt he will give you the support" Keep the communication strong..let him know what's going on in your head (: wish you happiness
  15. If you read further in the article, you'll find it wasn't 3 mindless thugs..It was 10.......Only the 3 are getting charged. the others seem to be free.....how sad....how scarey
  16. yeah under the age of 18, there is little to no punishment for thier actions...they are protected & they shouldn't be, they commit adult crimes, they should receive adults punshiments.....it is sad.
  17. You will NEVER know 100% cause everyday of the year he could be making a new account! So I'm with the others...You dont trust him! Trust is the foundation for any relationship. And that's okay you don't trust him ...I wouldn't trust him either (especially since he won't tell you the new ones he's admitting to making) So get out of the relationship, find a man that hasn't betrayed you & that you can trust
  18. if you're a hugger, than you're a hugger (: don't change I am too...I hug my ex.....my finacee doesn't mind, cause he knows I hug EVERYONE
  19. are you allergic to acohol? have you ever been tested for it? my friend is & that happens to her every time she drinks, gets drunk fast & does remember anything...so she doesnt' EVER drink anymore.
  20. you were drinking with your niece & her friends outside your house...and you left the drink with your niece. So are you suggesting your niece did it? or her friends? and why? do you mean the date rape drug?
  21. ((hugs)) what a mess...all because of gossip....I wish you luck & happiness...keep us posted
  22. Yeah I understand that. She doesn't sound like someone easy to talk to & sounds stubborn & close minded. Your right the damage is done, but I believe that this is a warning sign of what the rest of your life with him will be like. If he feels indebted to his parents now, he always will...And if he can't talk to is step mom right now when *&^% flies involving you......when will things change?
  23. Yes it would be a hit to your pride to apologize when you don't feel she deserves it. It would be insincere...I totally understand that. Maybe your apology doesn't have to be apologizing for what you said, but rather for handling it poorly. Apologize for not going to her first with this, and letting her know how you were feeling & that you felt she has some misconceptions of you. Where does your bf stand with all of this? Why isn't he clearing these issues & standing up for you? how long have you been together? Personally at this point..I think he should be stepping in
  24. well I normally say trust your gut. But sometimes, your head plays games. it's hard to say if you should be conerned or not, talking to him would be the best thing. Ask him if he's losing interest. Tell him you were just concerned because the sweet things have stopped. But do keep in mind that after awhile in relationships, you just get comfortable & stop saying all the little sweet things...not sure if it's because we don't feel there isn't a need anymore. Or if the "I love you" just covers everything...I don't really know why. But I think to ease your mind, talk to him.
  25. wow, congrats on the progress. I believe that will help a great deal. now you can admit where your mistake was & work to fix things. Tell her where you went wrong & how you should have handled things. Show her with little things how much she means to you. cook her a meal, make dates, write her note, rub her feet, support her, reassure her, thank her..Love her like she means the world to you..... RE Discover her body & feelings. I really wish you the best & a life time of happiness
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