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Everything posted by tmp0620

  1. I'm with Hoping on this one. "what to do??" Just laugh it up man, I understand what you're saying, but you're right it's petty sixth grade jealousy (nothing wrong with it), but it's funny, just make it a joke and don't take it seriously. Enjoy what you have.
  2. There is definitely a difference between love and obsession. I know what obsession is, I've been crazy about the same girl for 8 years, but I know that to say I'm in love with her wouldn't be right. I think that the only way to become obsessed with someone is if you aren't close the them, and in my opinion love requires proximity. Could it turn into love? I think it could, but as long as you're obsessed you're not in love. If you wanna be in love then get to know that girl better.
  3. Man, I feel exactly the same way sometimes. Other times I think there is no one that is that grotesquely ugly in the entire world.
  4. Is it normal? Yeah I'd say so, but if you trust her then you should try your best to get over it.
  5. Hmmm...all that and I've never had a girlfriend...
  6. if you know she's going to be busy today than perhaps you should wait until tomorrow...
  7. Creep - Radiohead Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead Another lonely day - Ben Harper You know you're right - Nirvana Angel - Jimi Hendrix All of these songs remind me of the same girl and they all drive me completely crazy
  8. Come on don't be embaressed now...
  9. I'm no expert, but I would reccomend that you stand firm in moving forward with the relationship at a pace you're comfortable with. If he comes on too strong just let him know (keep it light if you can). Aggierocker might have a point too.
  10. "You have a pretty 'nonchalent, whatever, noncaring' attitude about your reputation as well dumping people" Yes... could this attitude maybe be a cover up? Maybe something to hide behind? You feel like you have to be in control or someone might take advantage of you? Like Mystik, I don't want to bash you but being insecure with yourself, having low self esteem, being afraid of commitment or whatever other issues you may have, they are never an excuse to treat other people like "toys". Take a step back and be willing to criticize yourself. I have a sneaky suspicion that you may have posted this for a laugh, but I have a feeling some of these things may hit home.
  11. I get the feeling that you may not actually be over him, judging by your reaction to this video he sent you. "i would understand him begging me to take him back or saying something remotely related to the relationship but he completely ignored it and sent me a video like he would over christmas break when we couldn't be together." Seems like maybe he wasn't as upset as you would have liked him to be? You dumped him and he seems to be taking it very well, is that kinda making you feel like you were the one that was dumped? If you don't really want to be in contact with him then either don't respond OR send him a text message back laughing and with a friendly comment, but don't give any indication that you want a response.
  12. I don't think your ability to orgasm would go down to zero, but I think changing it up can make it a lot easier... and then you can go back to the original picture later and it will regain some of its appeal. Just out of curiosity why are you asking?
  13. I reckon you're 14 and you've got a lot to learn. Things will change with you guaranteed. A lot of people go through b/f's or g/f's quickly because they are afraid of being dumped or rejected and are protecting themselves from that pain. Is that what you're doing? I have no idea. What did you expect us to think about this?
  14. Alright, I have no dating experience at all, but I'm going to take a stab at this anyway.... Answer for question #1 I think guys change after a few months because they feel comfortable and no longer feel like they have to try super hard to keep you around. By that time there's usually a pretty strong bond between two people, so neither person tries as hard to please the other. They're super nice at first because, like tyler said, they're trying to attract you. Answer for question #2 This is a tougher one for me to answer... but I think the best thing to do is to try your best to remain independent. The important thing is (like you mentioned) probably to not get too "attached". Don't be clingy. Don't act like you couldn't survive without him. Don't make yourself inferior, if the feelings are mutual between you then you should both be acting the same we toward each other. Don't be clingy and don't be distant. Give in... but just not TOO much. Answer to question #3 That one's just too foreign to me, I have no good answer to that one.
  15. Don't get involved with guys who play those games often (or at all). Nothing good comes of getting way into video games. Imagine the awesome things that can be done with the time that that guy wastes on that game. I know this from first hand experience (luckily I was able to get away from it).
  16. Good luck being "friends" with guys who are attracted to you. Everyone is different, but I don't think I could just be close friends with a girl that I was the least bit attracted to. I think that's just human nature, I'd want to take it to the next level. Let me put it another way... I COULD be friends with girls. But if we ever became close, I'd want it to be a romantic relationship unless I wasn't attracted to her at all. So if either of these guys are attacted to you (and one obviously is), then to them, it probably seems like you're teasing them, and they probably feel like they're being taken advantage of ("she likes me enough to get close, but not enough to go out?"). I could be wrong of course...
  17. Why can't you tell us how you know she isn't into you? Anyway... the best way not to weird her out is to explain to her that you don't want to weird her out and that you don't expect her to return the feelings, and that you just needed to get it off your chest. There's no guarantee she won't feel weird after you tell her that though, but I think that's your best chance.
  18. I like long, wavy hair the best, but I think there's lots of different opinions about what kind of hair is sexy.
  19. I don't think he'd think it's weird for you to call him at all. All you have to do is tell him exactly what you told us: you have his number because you work with him and he gave it to you. Go for it for sure.
  20. Yeah, he's into you. Go for it. Sorry but I have to respond to this... "I usually don't ask guys out cause I figure if they like me enough, they'll ask me" That's a horrible philosophy, you've said that you are a little intimidating. I've seen lots of intimidating girls that I liked very much but was pretty sure I'd get rejected by if I asked them out. YOU should try asking someone out.
  21. Life's a journey. There's ups and downs. You kill yourself and you'll never know what you missed. Cutting yourself is the only thing that makes you feel better because that's the only thing that you want to make yourself feel better. There are other things that can help you release your depression. Go out and find them. Change your lifestyle.
  22. I don't think it's anything mystical, just someone you click with... Someone you get along with really well. You compliment each other...very well.
  23. I have read a lot about this, but that obviously doesn't make me an expert. If you have the time and money the BEST thing you could do is talk to a therapist. If you're not sure that the molestation happened, then there's no way for me to know if it happened. That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. From what I've read, people often repress their memories of molestation, so that fits with your situation, but that still doesn't mean 100% that it took place. Whether it happened or not though, the best thing you can do, in my opinion, is be aware of the things that you think are negatively effecting your relationships and concsiouly try to overcome them. Try to open up to your friends. Get close to your boyfriend. It's easy to open up to people on a message board because there's no risk here. You aren't going to see these people in real life, and if you don't want to hear what they have to say you can just log off. I'm just gonna throw this advice out there: tell your close friends about the molestation. Friends are there for emotional support, put trust in them and they won't burn you. Victims of molestation are overly afraid of being taken advantage of, so we have our guards up. Be brave and put them down for people who are trying to be close to you.
  24. What are you doing this for exactly? Olympics? Baseball?
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