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Everything posted by tmp0620

  1. "Try as much as you like, but if no one likes you, then no one likes you. As trite as that may sound, it's true. Trying when you have no chance of success is foolishness, I think." Once again I feel like an idiot giving someone advice when I am in the same situation, but someone does like you. You aren't unlikable (some people are unlikable, but you're obviously not one of them). If you ask out 10 girls in a week at LEAST one of them will say yes. You're ego might take a knock the first few times you ask girls out, but you'll forget all about it when one of them says yes. Saying that no one will like you and that you have no chance of success is unrealistic and delusional by the way. Even I don't think that about myself.
  2. So does that mean you don't talk to any of the girls you see? Do you ever go to bars or anything like that (that's what I plan on trying as soon as I turn 21 - stupid American drinking age...)? Do you feel lonely because you feel like you're too shy to meet anybody? Cause that's why I feel lonely.
  3. I'm of the belief that nearly everyone can find someone if they're REALLY looking. Do you talk to any of the girls that you see all the time everywhere?
  4. Do you talk to all these girls that you see on a daily basis wherever you go?
  5. In response to Renaissance woman: I think it may be different for everyone. I know if I had a bunch of friends (which I don't) and didn't have a girlfriend (which I don't) I would still be extremely lonely.
  6. Kevin, I feel weird giving anyone advice on ending loneliness but... if you can go out and meet new people (as you said you do) you'll find someone for sure. What makes you think you wouldn't?
  7. I think everyone's nervous on their first day at a new job. It'll pass, just breathe
  8. Motley Crue, when you say "Iron Maidon White Lion" I'm guessing you're talking to me, heh. I'm gonna try to get a hold of her still, but I'll try not to bother her too much with it. I won't stop though until I get her to talk to me, even if it's just to say "I don't want to talk to you anymore". I would just like to hear her reasoning before we stop talking completely. I completely agree, I'd rather have someone tell me to F*** off then for them to ignore me. It's just such an all around cruel thing to do to someone.
  9. I absolutely consider myself unworthy. I have some issues
  10. I'm afraid to think 5 years ahead. I have nothing in the works right now... sorta scary.
  11. It doesn't seem to me like you took advantage of her. Your other friend is just upset I think that you weren't giving her attention and is trying to make you feel guilty.
  12. I wasn't trying to get on you for doing that to people in highschool or anything, most people do grow up... but it always hurts to be on the receiving end of that kind of stuff. Hurts doesn't it galrok?
  13. I bet she didn't think it was very fair that you were always prettier and smarter than she was... I think that's the kind of thing you just have to force yourself to get over. Try to concentrate on yourself.
  14. I really don't think it usually works that way (I guess I could see it working in highschool between two people who are not overly serious about relationships). If they were seriously into you they might be really mad at you for ignoring them but they wouldn't start hating you and have their feelings for you completely reversed. It's a very cruel, immature thing to do to someone.
  15. That is not "easing the let down", it's being a coward and treating them like something less than human.
  16. I think some people just don't have the "nuts" to be upfront and honest and would rather just pretend like they dealt with the situation nicely even if they didn't create any kind of closure at all for the other person. They don't want to feel bad.
  17. Going through something sorta like that right now, and it's making me feel horrible. I'm in a weird situation with this girl, but she just won't respond to me anymore. We've known eachother for eight years, and we're not going out or anything so she's not "dumping me" per se. I even texted her something like "okay I get it goodbye" and she won't even say goodbye to me. I'm hoping she's just not getting my texts for some reason. I don't think dumping someone by phone is as bad as dumping someone over the internet and I don't think dumping someone over the internet is nearly as bad a simply ignoring them. That is a horrible thing to do to somebody.
  18. I love it when girls make physical contact with me, kinda tells me for sure that they wouldn't mind talking to me. Hasn't happened nearly as much as I'd like it to though (pretty much not AT ALL). Seriously, a punch in the face from a girl would be better than what I get now. To the OP: Those girls definitely want to talk to you, but I don't blame you for not, I'd probably do the same thing (unless I was pretty wasted).
  19. It's definitely a self confidence thing. You are very pretty though, so they are probably attracted to you and feel awkward about it. Ever heard the Radiohead song "creep"? "When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel"... Sorta like that. I cannot make eye contact with girls that I'm interested in. I have super low self esteem and feel completely unworthy of looking them in the eyes. For example, I was talking to this girl I've been into for WAYYY too long a couple years back. She was obviously not nervous at all and trying to have a conversation with me, but I couldn't look her in the eye at all, so instead I kinda looked down at the floor. She probably thought I was looking at her chest. Another girl wanted to have a staring contest with me... that about killed me... I just wanted to melt away.
  20. I look at porn all the time (sorta hate that I do though), but if I were in a serious relationship with someone I would definitely stop. I don't consider it "cheating" per se, but I just wouldn't feel right looking at naked women other than my girlfriend or wife to get off. I might not stop masturbating if we didn't have a lot of sex, but I would stop looking at porn. BTW, if you need porn to flog the dolphin you have no imagination.
  21. Personally I'm not into girls that like motocross but a sporty girl is very attractive to me. I think everyone's preferences are different.
  22. "and guy's are mostly dog's and users for themselves and don't give a crap as to who they hurt in their own quest for comfort or validation." A couple bad experiences don't give you the right to make sweeping generalizations about people.
  23. Go out with someone closer to your own age that doesn't have children...
  24. I've heard about the Landmark forum, and from what I've heard it's not "cultish" at all. It has a lot to do with psychology and is sorta supposed to help you realize how to move forward in life etc.
  25. I think that's still cheating. You're loyalty ought to lie with the original.
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