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  1. I just got back from the Netherlands a month ago, as being an exchange student. Me and an old friend, had gotten pretty close and had "made out" a couple of times in the last week. Then on Friday, me and a couple of my friends, went to her house. We were about to go to a party when her host sister, who was already drunk, decided to come with. I had already liked her host sister since the first time we had ever hung out. At the party, her host sister kept locking eyes with me, and giving me other strange singles. Then we danced a bit. When people started to play a stupid game of "spin the cell phone", we joined, and among others, we ended up making out a little bit. After the game was to become more heated, with nudity involved, I decided to suggest that she wasn't able to continue the game, as she was almost passing out. After making it downstairs, I got her some water, and we talked. Shortly after the party ended. THe next day, I was talking to my friend, who was hosting this girl, and I told her I felt a bit guilty for hitting a bit on her host sister, because she has a boyfriend. My friend didn't care much about that, but she asked if i felt guilty on her sake. Apparently she thought we had something, and she was now jealous. Later while talking to her I asked her if her host sister always acted this way when she was drunk. She responded "only if she is provoked", and eventually accused me of taking advantage of her. Did I really take advantage of her just by dancing with her a bit, playing the same game as she was, and talking with her downstairs?
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