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Everything posted by tmp0620

  1. Serious topics aren't fun to talk about... and arguing isn't the best way to make a good impression on someone. Try flirting... sometimes the most fun, entertaining thing to talk about is nothing.
  2. Hmmmm.... I think I may be missing something... is this your girlfriend or someone you know and are in to?
  3. I'm just gonna point out something I've noticed: the majority of girls would be considered good looking... less true for guys I think. Let me know if I'm wrong on that...
  4. "Of course, now he has shown his true colors" He showed his true colors when he cheated on his wife. Why did you think it was okay to allow someone to do that?
  5. "Fashion hype and marketing have to wear on a young woman's self-image" It's starting to wear on young mens' self image too.
  6. No I wouldn't want to be with someone that was shallow. But I grew up believing that looks don't matter much, and now that I realize they do to a lot of people... well I'm sorta bitter. I really hate injustice. No one deserves to be beautiful or ugly. Everyone deserves love, and if someone's looks prevent them or even hinder them in finding love... well I just hate that. That why I'm sorta mad at Ladybugg. If you were ugly I guarantee you you would have a different opinion.
  7. I shouldn't have used the word "love". Attracting people is much simpler for attractive people... and the more people you can get interested in you JUST by looking at you... the more people you can find who you might fall in love with. But I don't think that love itself has anything to do with physical attraction. I think that's all personality.
  8. Well I feel that kind of pressure too, except that there's nothing I can do about it.
  9. Difference is that with women... makeup and some exercise with a nice hair doo can usually make a huge difference in your appearance, whereas men can't grow larger, squarer jaws or broader shoulders, or grow in height. To be honest... I can't even think of a healthy girl that is unattractive to me.
  10. I'd say that's shallow. Reason being is that it's not fair. An ugly girl that's into an attractive guy is less likely to succeed then you, just like an ugly guy is less likely to succeed with an attractive girl than an attractive guy. What if everybody felt the way you did? There woud be so many lonely people in this world (and there already are). You don't deserve what you want anymore than anyone else deserves what they want. You got lucky, that's all. What if an ugly guy felt the same way that you do... that attractiveness is really important. He'll have trouble finding someone, and he'll be forced to "settle"(which is horrible for him and whoever he settles for) or just remain alone for the rest of his life. If you're attractive you don't have to worry about it, you'll find someone that's attractive that is attracted to you too. If you have preferences like: "I wouldn't give a guy that looks like *fill in the blank* a chance" then you are shallow. If you would rule someone out before you met them than you are shallow. All that being said... I think most people are at least a LITTLE bit like that. My only CLEARCUT preference is that a girl be healthy, and even then I don't rule anybody out right off the bat. Love is a lot simpler for good looking people. I think a lot of them take that fact for granted. It hurts to be ruled out because of something that is completely out of your control. Yeah, that's sometimes how it seems to me too.
  11. "Why do guys just think that they can disappear, without saying why? If you start something shouldn't you finish it? So I have made up my mind that he is too much of a coward to dump me, so "I will just let it burn." I will just wait until he calls me and if he never calls me again then it is his loss!" definitely not just a guy thing.
  12. I'd say talk to him. 100% sure about it.
  13. "(thats a don hertzfeld smily if you know what i'm referring to)" I do now.
  14. No, dude, I'm totally messing around, I'd do the same thing if I were you. Congratz on having a great girl in your life.
  15. Oh don't worry... you're not rubbing it in at all
  16. I think there is a VERY good chance that they were interested in you. Everyone's different, maybe the last two guys wanted you to make a move, or maybe they weren't sure if you wanted them to make a move etc. Lemme ax you this though: If a girl invites you over to her house when she gets her wisdom teeth out and it's just me and her watching a movie does that mean she's into me?
  17. I hate you... (In a jealous kind of way if it wasn't obvious)
  18. I'm definitely not an expert in this area (or even a beginner) but.... I've thought about this a lot. Maybe try doing other things besides penetration. Try oral stimulation and fingers before penetration... get her close before going in. See how that works out.
  19. I didn't need stitches when I got mine out, and it only hurt for a few hours afterwards... they were tender for like 3 days though of course. I actually had a really good experience. The dentists office had about 5 nice looking girls around my age interning or something so they were all around me while I was going under... I thought I was in heaven. Although I think I might have reason to be embarressed because I'm not sure... but I think I might have said something like "I love all of you" while I was slightly sedated.
  20. Perfect! I've always liked the word "boink"... I'm actually a virgin, but I imagine myself not talking very much at all during sex, I'd be too busy enjoying myself and making sure she's enjoying herself.
  21. Don't you ever watch porn? I hope that wasn't gross I was only kidding.
  22. You said yourself that your mom's a dental hygenist, wouldn't she know this stuff?
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